SIROP combine exile/refugee Program

SIROP combine exile/refugee Program
When will the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugees get Justice

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The Death of former Judge Sauzier - Court of Appeal Judge

There is a a beautiful "Jamalac tree" in the background - In the USA and elsewhere some  or two incident of great importance.  there were some interesting personalities in Sechelles Seychelles 1970's -over the past 36 years have contributed in term of Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary workings a number of challenging global issues their outcome - the Water Gate scandal trigger issues. Then USAF Base in Seychelles, those from East Africa - this was a mega Judiciary bust up to be involved at a young age the terminology of Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary science only a few would have tired to understand - they preferred to use other Terminology. Those who judge you can use young person gift - oh it was some silly nonsense. That young person would become adult one day if allowed to live. Then we get a Mr DSK asking how we know these things.  When you start work in any trade very young you get to learn a great deal, As you grow older you then begin to review the things you learnt in your youth and those who taught you what. We also mentioned the death of Sir John Thorpe and Mr Boulle among some of the incidents. The need to  inform himself of our abilities,  Sir George Souyave was one of those prominent personality from Sechelles Seychelles had to be informed of the issues - important Judiciary implications/Justice working. Beside other very leading personalities in Europe, the USA, the Vatican and other parts of the World - South Africa, USSR, then functioning COMECON - Warsaw Pact. 

In as much as Sir James Mancham have been vested with many International responsibilities in global Judiciary - where it has failed humanity  and the beings it is there to represent. Those who ask of our person accountability. 
We have decided to address a number of very important if not burning issues - that of MP Kenneth Clarke QC., who he was in then Lady Thatcher Government  and the last Labour Government - our highly important Sechelles Seychelles Judiciary/Justice issues

This is a real treasure however bad the picture is

Among the issues of our nation fate/suffering we would like to add a link to the Grands Moulins de Paris  (Scolarite ) in respect and honor of those who have helped our cause these past 100 years or more.

We have added a few recent pictures - it would have been good to get hold of some old pictures - or Mauritius even

The Seychelles Affair

Chapter 44 - Seychelles 1979-1981


The coup d’etat

Then Minister Ogilvie Berlouis was well aware what was going on in London, Paris, the USA, Australia, Canada, Italy, South Africa  and Germany - the momentum for changes in former COMECON, USSR then, the Gorbachev and Yeltsin issues - beside events in Africa - the linkage with our issues we keep writing about, the dynamic and synergy impacting and driving his decisions - President FA Rene and his Intelligence Advisers and foreign Armies were equally aware.  Those in London from the exile who saw in him a possibility to change Seychelles in  a different way - the dogged position of then President FA Rene - and global Associates, global business partners and the reality in Seychelles.  The issues of Minister Ogilvie Berlouis attempted coup got us into serious trouble with the exile, then UKSCA - there were fights and divisions.       (Please refer to this thread)          Having said we knew some of the important associates and connection of then Minister Berlouis - equally important the Tanzania equation - the important need to influence, bring about an important change in Tanzania - Seychelles equation, beside other then friendly countries to Seychelles. As the many issues were being implemented  the COMECON, USSR development how this influenced and brought about a historic changes in President Julius Nyerere political view and his cherished Marxist/socialist - one party political system - including Zanzibar. This was not a small achievements, those who know Africa History - hence we write very many important issues about that SIROP program have not been addressed in public - had their been a proper Review it would have been.  We can provide a great deal of details and info. President Julius Nyerere respected what we had achieved and his other political colleagues/associates. We shared a great deal of info and issues too.  The future of Africa - hence what took place abut the OAU becoming African Union. He knew of the WWW Project/CERN - He also knew of the issues of then Nelson Mandela  in Prison - Vienna and later many of the changing issues of South Africa, the decision to choose then Nelson Mandela as future President - ANC/Pan African Congress, London  and Seychelles.
Two items, forget the International and regional community ignorance - the Opposition  and government fail to acknowledge Issues and events surrounding the coup attempt August of 1986, those involved in Seychelles, South Africa, Europe and USA, Italy - it was this failed more concrete possibility with catalyzed the writing and conception of that SIROP program that Autumn and Spring 1987,  amounting to some $500 - $800 millions, It had been smaller President FA Rene and his Associated demanded we review the Sum involved, We recruited his support and those involved with him in getting that SIROP program accepted in Seychelles/ pressure on President FA Rene, the SPPF, the Army,  among the many other high parties. . The second Item - beside our connection with the Pan African Congress - the exile faction who worked with the South Africa Intelligence to kidnap the ANC Leader. Beside what we have addressed - opposing this. We had known it was another front/motives -it would lend to a mess up. We had formulated the SIROP program among/in a circle - had not yet approach/presented it to President FA Rene and his Officials/associates. We were not interested in any Military action hence forth. 

Addressing  of linkage, the complex science of high management/interdisciplinary working - how in instance our issues synergized and drove other issues and vise versa - the issues of Namibia was linked to our exile process and Sechelles Seychelles, then South Africa President aware and his many issues, other Ministers, Intelligence, Defence - the drafting of Namibia Constitution - JUDGE VICTOR HIEMSTRA, Chairman of the Constitutional Council. _  how those of use in exile studied this process to implement them in  Seychelles.  Again the linkage when we presented President FA Rene, his Officials and Associates in July 1987 with the concept of that SIROP program,  in Namibia the presentation of the Draft Constitution July 1987. Along with a host of other world issues.  How the discipline and science work. Judge Sauzier important role in our Constitution issues.  There are many leading research Institutions be they in London, Paris, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Vienna and the USA what they write and their motives and arguments - thank you WWW for the many, many,  many articles on the Mr Mario Giovanni Ricci and South Africa, the USA, Vatican, others debacles. We trust in time those who publish and edit their work clarity of what was really taking place become more apparent. Including the many leading Personalities of the USA and then how they treat our person. Example one in particularly provide good enough detail - then come 1987 goes so to say completely bank until 1991 - their utter refusal to discus and mention that SIROP program and yet, the same many intelligence Service be they France, South Africa, Russia, USA, Britain, Israel, Australia, India - either indicating their utter displeasure/option one was Military, the massive resources, money and experts over the years. Their views of how that Sechelles Seychelles should change. {Hence we had many from them, their Intelligence, Illuminati and Military who warned our person bluntly - you muck up/do not deliver - we will take your life. The daft and blasted nerds and morons in that Seychelles, political associates and others - who have no respect and refuse to understand such high important issues and outcomes} We had requested Wikileak founder to help us and his refusal to make public some of those burning issues. 

              Little intelligence at Longreach



The local Legal Community is in mourning following the passing away of former Justice of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal of Seychelles, André Sauzier. 

Mr. Sauzier died on Monday. He was 90 years old. 

He served the Seychelles courts between 1970 and 1987. 

Our photo shows him attending the launch of the Civil Code revision workshop in June last year. 

Comment: We have searched Seychelles Nation 13/5/14 for the news - We have been posting some pictures of ongoing work next to the Family place and those using this as excuse to push their respective agenda and the so call noise - the proper scientific wording - is excess rage/rave/crack vibe by the workers/engineers when using their equipment. We hope the White House and the USA policing authority and the EU will get to red this comment - 

Judge and acting Chief Justice Sauzier was a well known and respected personality in Seychelles Colonial Judiciary, after Independence, the changes in 1991 - his contribution and impute to that SIROP program - diverse issues just as did Sir Geroge Souyave. When those builders in the process of working/building or maintenance use excessive rage/rave those who die and get killed need to be accountable and the abuse with it. "Then the so call experts and media their explanation and lies". When any stupid fool by now know ans is aware excessive application of that satanic/rage/rave - crack vibe cause death and kills. 

In this case it is a former Judge and acting chief Justice - Court of Appeal Judge. 

We convey our condolence and sympathy to his Family, Associates the Judiciary of Sechelles Seychelles Mauritius and Reunion - beside the Seychelles Nation for his many important contributions in our Judiciary workings, progress and development. 

We have added a picture of the cause/related. 

There are other builders around who know what we are talking about neighbors for and against and cars passing by who hears and pick up the issues. 

If we our generation do/cannot/refuse to look after our elderly and Senior Citizens as we do our Children who will do it then.  - one thing about our exile/political 

We may add/like to add - we have worked, contributed to Sechelles Seychelles policing for well over 30 years, one thing about our exile/political view and another our respective High Responsibilities. 

Given this awful and terrible development - we know Seychelles police, Intelligence service, Army and other policing bits and pieces of the nation monitor our correspondence,  beside the International communities - we sent to Seychelles/posted three pictures knowing that they the Police in Seychelles Mauritius, the African Union and France/Reunion - would be on the/their alert - we wanted them to be on the alert. . 

This is when were compelled to say thing - Judge Sauzier belonged to a very Old French Family in the Indian Ocean Mauritius Reunion and Seychelles - as such our ancestral values and benchmark - Illuminati, fraternal, Templar, Masonic and the rest.  In Old Seychelles when someone say he lives a simple life - just as a very quiet stream flows, brook and iceberg - there are many other overtone associated. 

When History is written - to say some lunatic of builders/water works people/engineers in Kent/England used their tools and created so call excessive noise and that caused the death of Judge Sauzier or they will con and crap future generation- this is what happened. Beside we have staff, engineers and what have you trained in England they know what goes on. 

We will be blunt - given the linkage, the modern interpretation of penal procedure and laws this infernal satanic rage/vibe/rave, CJD madness and antisocial and its communication is integrated is Seychelles Judiciary workings - how will the learned ladies and Gentleman of the Bar react/behave. Accept it over a Whiskey or glass of Wine or milk or juice or Water. 

Update and note - 

We have stated form the/and SDA prospective - the Sauzier Family was around the corner of the Old SDA Victoria church as children on Saturday/Sabbath, Wednesday Evening prayer and Friday Evening prayer - the issues and as children from Bel Aux School, the Calais, the Collie, the Celtel and Chetty who accompanied us to the church and singing practice.  What about the time my/our parents had left us in Boarding events. When I was given a Visa to go back to Uganda/east Africa for Study and the wrong Visa was stamped in my Passport and had to return to Seychelles and my East Africa further Study busted - he was the Attorney General/worked there. 

As children had to accompany older Cousins who worked at Government House - we as children when there were late function we would sleep at Government House waiting and the to go Home by the Residence of the Sauzier Family. 

Shortly after my unofficial adoption - Guardianship by Judge EJ Stiven,  was called to his Office and those responsible,  the process and whatever report was/were made - this report did not stay in Seychelles had to be shared with the Colonial Office. . 

As such those from Sechelles Seychelles Judiciary, Attorney General Office and the Police who knew of my/our person as unofficial adopted by then Judge EJ Stiven - there were not written documentation. The manner such/these issues were handled until we decided to get married/those involved. 

Having addressed - those who had wanted/wished a unilateral break form Britain the Planters Association - given his in-depth friendship  and contacts with the many leading Families he must have known and been aware or informed. He was very informed about the Political issues of East Africa, Rhodesia, North of Kenya Britain Colonial longer views and strategy - including the important and burning dossier of BIOT and Diago Gracia. 

He knew and was aware of all the details and issues of my divorce and all those involved, lawyers and motives  - given he was a leading personality form the Mauritian white community in Seychelles, he knew my grandparents were Catholic and very Conservative - We/I went to see him shortly after the announcement of our Independence and my Austrian Wife had return to Seychelles. The issues of Judge Stiven Estate, the Police and others requesting his help and intervention. 

Events moved Fast after 1977 in Austria, those exile in London and France -  to bring about any effective changes in Seychelles those who had to be in contact with the Judiciary, Police and Army.  He was very aware of the many attempts and later Trials of the failed coup - against as such the knowledge and information from a Judiciary prospective. Then former chief Justice Sir George Souyave  and others. He must have know we I was in contact with leading former Colonial Officials , Expats one of those the Earl of Oxford - his devotion to our cause and that crazy mad bunch of people call Seychellois. He must have been aware that former Seychelles Police Officers, Lawyers were involved and shared those information working towards an eventual change. If a Military change had come what this would have entailed,  the bringing to Justice of those involved and Judiciary working in that/an eventual Seychelles change. 

He was/must have been very aware that the USA, Britain, Kenya, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and a few other had wished that Seychelles be change by use of force. Again the working of the Judiciary. 

Our person had to be in contact with most if not many in Sechelles Seychelles after Mr Gerard Hoareau Assassination and those in London, USA who asked/requested we take this bitter responsibility to help find a solution - as a devout Catholic he must have known and be aware a very great deal of issues relating to the Vatican and then Pope John Paul ll Office. Our important Italian workings and Illuminati. 

He must/had to be in the position to get adequate information from European, France, British, USA, South Africa police authority, Judiciary about my person and activities - support and ability to bring about an effective change - adequately manage such a program and eventual issues. .  He had to know in greater details the untold personalities who would have formed a government had that SIROP progrm been properly implemented, the hijack, torpedoed and harassment for Britain, the USA, Australia and others - the Why's. 

He must have know of the issue of that unique research I/we made in Vienna by UNIDO/world Bank - events and the setting up in Mauritius of the Secretariat and many much more untold and unwritten issues from Mauritius and Indian Ocean prospective - France. 

In the process of clearing/working out, trashing the issues if President FA Rene, his Cabinet, the SPPF, those who supported him in Africa, Latin America, Gulf Region, Asia, Europe, China and Russia - had to be aware of the issues negotiations and developments. The nuts and bolts of that SIROP Program and our many leading and prominent exile/refugee Families across the world their respective view and Wish. He must have been very aware my person was/had to be con contact and being advised by very many leading personalities in Europe, France, the USA, royal Families and the Illuminati and those from the Judiciary in Europe, Britain, France, the USA, Canad, the commonwealth, the Francophone.  He must have know a very great deal of the information/knowledge we were working and responsible its source and those involved too.

Very important - those who know our old Sechelles Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion - Indian Ocean, South Africa, France, Canada and Francophone workings - the debacle that Mauritius as a none Republic was hampered - handicap and could not become involved properly in that SIROP program - greater issues - what we presented and issues we put into place to bring the changes and drive them  - leading to Mauritius becoming a Republic  as to what the media have written and so call history. The High Judiciary of Mauritius and the Region. President FA Rene involvement , his associates and many others. 

He must have know the view of the Catholic church in Sechelles Seychelles when we/I decided to present President FA Rene and his Ministers,  those Minister who supported such a Program/Idea/concept. 

Given his role in the constitution issues - after the announcement and change in 1991, those exile/refugee who were able to return, the person of Mr Philippe Boulle and Mrs Kathleen Pillay.  The vast many untold and unwritten issues. 

 For one to work effectively in a Constitutions Chair and the such you/one had to have very good and serious information - where did he obtain those information and knowledge - yet what really took place and was taking place in Seychelles. The merging and fusion of the political parties - which he was very aware  and had to be very aware, the undercurrent and issues driving/synergizing and catapulting them.   The Big question why did the Exile/refugee return politicians failed so badly. The final decision of the Constitutions and the Vote for the 3rd Republic - all those high parties involved from our exile /refugee communities across the world. 

Yet what the media have written, the archive, the Reports and what those who have written as History - forget the Commonwealth, the Francophone and the UN and EU or the Vatican. 

After 1995 - the global meltdown the decision on my part to drive and contribute, that we put into place a greater Indian Ocean workings,  the RIM Association and the Secretariat In Mauritius - the mountains of untold issues and information. 

The changing of South Africa the Mandela issues untold and unwritten - what really took place as what the world have been told, those involved. His counterpart in South Africa Judiciary. 

Why that SIROP Program, the Phase Reclamation - the Russian, Chinese issues and former East European issues and the Arab issues. Those who would have funded that Program - most important from Seychelles, Indian Ocean, Africa,  Europe, the Cold War - Seychelles very unique role in changing that Cold War, USSR, COMECON, Warsaw Pact and OAU and Latin america.  His competence just as many high competence in USA, Europe, Australia and Canada. He must have had access to a great deal of UN information on Judiciary workings  and my/our respective role and contribution to the Cold War and events in Seychelles, the Indian Ocean, Africa, Asia and the Gulf Region. 

Events after 1993 to date. The call and demand for a National and International Review of that SIROP Program. 

He must have known and know that events and situation went terrible wrong and why it went wrong and those involved - that Minister JA Michel was not meant to Head Seychelles, as President.  The very brief issues and info we have addressed can be researched and studied and a proper readable documentation published as they do in Judiciary due process. Given his workings experience and knowledge of Commonwealth and British, Seychelles , Mauritius - he must have known who were those in Britain who refused that my person return to Seychelles and take such responsibilities/become involved. Including the issues of the £21 millions Damage/compensation case, Canterbury, Caple Court Country Club and the International Court of Justice and the UN - equally the issues of my helping/driving the issues that the ICC get set up and numerous contributions in legislation at Europe and UN level - the why's. 

In every nation workings those with the capacity and knowledge to safeguard wast among of untold and unwritten issues - he would have been a vital link from the Judiciary prospective to shed light, explain and discuss what really took place with that SIROP program and much unexplained issues.  We just trust hat Seychelles government, President JA Michel and State House do not start a campaign of disinformation and like wise former President FA Rene - then we will have to break the rules. 

What about the workings of our greater International exile/refugee and European issues - his respective knowledge and views. 

Beside - the issues of that SIROP program form high Judiciary prospective my/our personal contributions to judiciary, Policing Management discipline, democracy, new laws and Regulations  - our contributions from the prospective of Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Management workings. Yet what others state and write today. The important relevancy when any person have the ability and capacity to contribute to such important process. 

# - Once again we  say do not have access to Seychelles media, be it that horrible TV and those who moderate on the program, radio - when we use it the impacts then what is written. Beside the Nation -  the four main printed media, respective comments, article and view on Judge Sauzier life, contribution to the Judiciary and time. Have to rely what is shared to us. 

Taking/making proper note that he was a staunch /conservative Catholic - we know reasonably well what this mean and imply - over the past 30 years in Europe and across the world our contributions and involvements in Interfaith - very important that duplicate of St Peter Basilica in Africa - in the process of implementing that SIROP program then Africa/OAU involvement and past - to stress/underline and drive Home - as against the main stream media and Africa politician view/conclusion that SIROP program was not a Masonic concepted project - the manner those in Africa interpret this burning issues, workings benchmarks and the mega corrupted practice associated - to drive this him we developed and deployed the synergy/dynamic that the duplicate of St Peter was build in Africa - to drive/hammer home the highly important factor and benchmark   that was a Faith - Interfaith Christian, Africa past Christian values, my/our own education in Africa, it needed to build upon it  - unique concept to change the Communist/One party political system. Beside the very unique role of Vatican. We are not stating this to flatter nobody or praise nobody this is not our nature.  Events in the history of our churches in Seychelles, refurbishing and building new Church. How this works and co relate from a Judiciary, Citizen, Society and Nation  building in our part of the world. 

Judge Sauzier had lived/worked in the Colonial era, the Cold War, the high possibility that humanity would have been destroyed, the manner and process this was  avoided/prevented and as such current/future workings and interpretation of Judiciary in Europe, Africa, the Indian Ocean and the America - Russia. 

We have addressed - the challenges Lady Thatcher and those in Britain, France encountered with our person, exile/refugee communities form the Indian Ocean of French and British origin and European. They had not lived there and yet from Europe developed control/management system/benchmark to rule and impose their will and views, the outcome and results. We the children of those Founders - the heritage of our ancestors embedded in us our children, culture and values have acquired due experience, knowledge, and special abilities to live, work interact and react with Africa, the Indian ocean, the Arabs, the Indians/Pakistani, the Far East Nation after some 350 years our ancestors started this experiment.  Those who refused and could not understand what made us tick, instead of respecting and appreciating those highly valuable experience and knowledge we were sharing with them having live some 5/6 generation there and they going there just for holiday and working visit. 

To help USSR and the COMECON change, it required an in depth knowledge of not just Communist workings in Europe or East Europe - but our part of the world. Those who were involved  and know the degree of those experience knowledge and mechanism we used to help/contribute to the changing of the USSR and the COMECON - particularly the issues of our Heraldic/Heraldry, archaic, fraternal, christian, Masonic/Templar - the media and the many debates shy to discuss and mention these in public - what it takes for a nation or any nation to make such contribution and this from the due Judiciary prospective of the cold War Judiciary leading to  today's Europe, Russia and East Europe Judiciary - the Seychelles and its exiles/refugees. The need to note we addressed the Christian/faith issues foremost. 

What caused use to address this is those who judge we are inventing. Over the past 35 years of the USA many high Institutions, that of Canada and Europe  dealing with us in exile, the Cold War - the dog headedness of the Seychellois people, the Indian Ocean small nations as against the West Indian or Pacific Island nations - why so. 

Over the past 36 years the many important contributions when have made which have impacted Africa - instead what the many TV, radio media writes they cannot fathom . understand a small nation can impact other greater mass/nation workings. To maintain this belief they have had to develop  and put into place highly corrupted benchmarks and workings modules and the outcome of the global workings - which should have been very much other wise - we are addressing this from a Judiciary prospective. 

After 1991, Seychelles and its exile/refugees communities and Diaspora embraces a new human/society Communication system or discipline as against that wish existed in the communist and One Party system. It enable a freer and complex-or ways to share issues, knowledge and information. We are not talking of the Web here - beside the Web impacts. 

This combined knowledge, assets gave us the ability to contribute, engage and participate in greater world issues and workings. Including the workings of the EU, expansion issues, Legislation, Economy, other issues. In turn how they affected, impacts the Region of the Indian Ocean workings. 

There was a growing disparity between the highly complex capabilities of our exile/refugee workings from an Indian ocean prospective and that of Africa. We did not have Africa resources, riches and human assets - we had developed other assets, among them the WWW issues. When writing and communication to others regarding that SIROP program 1987 - stated/view that the world would change and the highly important role of the Indian Ocean and the balance of world workings/power structure.  Africa is part of our world and part of the grater Indian Ocean entity. 

Those who came/approach our person - given and having state the above,  highlighting the very important disparity which was become more and more apparent as EU progressed and developed its institutions and regulations. The OAU and Africa felt very much  and those in Eu who let Africa and the OAU know the disparity between EU and Africa/OAU institutions, benchmarks, Judiciary, Police, Scientific, Education, Health, Banking, Transport, Communication, Trade and the long list. 

We the exile/refugee Communities from Seychelles as collective took the decision - given our knowledge of the contributions we had provided and help in the changing of the COMECON, the USSR, the very Europe itself, the Arab Nations Asia and Latin America - judge we had sufficient capacity to help drive/put into place issues, dynamic and synergy which would led/enable Africa/OAU to acquire a high percentage of the same structures and benchmarks as EU. The due process and events/history. 

In Sechelles Seychelles - those who knew and made a great deal of money and mileage - the very highly corrupted politicians of That Seychelles, those in Africa, North Africa, Europe, the UN, the commonwealth who noted and appreciated how they came back and worked, encourage or discouraged the issues as they progressed.  Given Judge Sauzier respect, in depth experience and expertise, knowledge of so much regarding the Indian Ocean Judiciary workings - the significant importance and relevancy for our Nation and future generation and working to come. He equally understood importantly the Judiciary of some African countries/had to, the Commonwealth, Francophone, France and Britain. 

In Europe, the America, Australia, indeed South Africa, Russia and former East Europe -  when any Nation takes part and have lend to contribute to such dimensional issues of nation and regional workings - they/it is required that the continue to be engage and in corporatism  and corroborative manner share, exchange and work out these issues - given that the world and society is not stagnant.  We had wanted not to mention/include this in the public address relating to Judge Sauzier. Now that we have - its effects and relevancy. 

There have been a very great deal of protests, debate of the high percentage of leading judges of none Seychellois origin working and involved in the Judiciary of our Nation - they know very little or have no knowledge of our archaic issues beside odd legal case and media - this requires individual who have/for part of our ancestral workings. knowledge base and what is shared, transmitted and communicated - none of these will be be communicated and transmitted to a Sri Lanks, African or Mauritian Indian Ethnic Judge.  Given Society today's workings, accountability and the functionality of NGO's in modern government and world workings, policing and Judiciary - the significance and important challenges/impacts. Only individuals and personality like a Judge Sauzier would be in the best position and have the light to illuminate such issues.

From Mauritius to Seychelles – André Sauzier's lifelong dedication to Justice

The Death of former Judge Sauzier

Update 14/5/14#

Millions have died, lost their life, very many important Court, Justice and Police including the International Courts and European Courts,  associated issues because/on account of that SIROP program since 1987/8 - the politic of those learned Judges in their respective country/home land. Wars have been started, NATO have been involved, the many Nations of Europe and Commonwealth - still from our Judiciary System not one brave person or Lawyer dares ask/call for a Review of events and challenge what we have been writing/protesting  for the past 24 years. We trust and hope that one Day beyond the Rainbow/his resting place Judge Sauzier will share/tell the world what and how much he knew. Rainbows have very strange and powerful powers.


We have addressed the issues of those who had wished we contribute/make then same impute  with helped/changed the COEMECON, East Europe it change China along the online of East Europe, the COMECON  and the USSR – what this entailed and imply. That was late 1989 and 1997/8 – the Officials in the USA, Britain making this  request/call – we explained and have written about it we refused to become involved and apply the due mechanism, discipline  which  could/would have brought this about – the objective. 

Events is China, economic , Cultural and political.
Given events which drove/catapulted the so call North Africans Spring and those involved – the mega mess this have caused and brought about  -economic destruction, political instability – again what we have written and now asking is this the kind of changes those had wished in China in 1989 and we had objected and said no. 

It was not an easy decision for China to build that Palais de Justice – China Justice System – having stated the above our greater exile/refugee workings the capacity to contribute/lend to the changes of this  dimension in China which other would require force, death  and chaos to achieve them – those in China who have worked with our exile/refugee Cold War and monitored the changes of the COMECON, the USSR and OAU and elsewhere. 

Given the death of Judge Sauzier  having said he knew and was aware of a very great deal, the manner those called upon to express their appreciation,  thanks and working relations/Association.

The Officials of China Embassy in Seychelles, the New Chair Person of China People Republic those who know what he know about our exile/refugee workings.  To add/make the matter very complicated the current panel of Judges making the Palais de Justice Judges.  Today/state something is very wrong somewhere is plain not right – take the decision for it to sentence to death one of its Minister and officials involved in major crime.  What have been written about Seychelles and yet our high Judiciary.

Many for the political class, the Army, the Defence Institutions and diplomacy judge we ought not to have added this issues to Judge Sauzier death.  We ask/pray to everybody to think very hard including those from the USA and Russia – the manner our Justice and Judiciary works in Seychelles regarding our exile/refugee and Diaspora. It s not amusing by any standard and Benchmarks to have to write what we have here.

Foot Note -

Given the complete muck-up of Europe - Russia relation, a few more mistakes we will have a war. Those involved in managing this new/modern Europe and where it is leading to.  The project of German Reunification - was not a people decision as historian have written and many others - it was a cold blooded decision to avert a nuclear war - whatever the terminology break up the workings of East Germany and its role and joining it to Germany - what this implied - those in the USA who worked and handled the untold and unwritten issues. The view in Britain and the USA Germany should not be reunited. 

President F Mitterrand and France media made their view very plain to those  involved in this issues, in Europe and International reaction those who may understand what this means and imply - the diminishing role of France in Europe and the world political and economic stage -  To reinforce the unique role of France in building this Europe, future of Europe,  history in the face of Germany Reunification - those same group of individuals not voted - they drove/bulldoze the decision of EU debate that Strassbourg should be the Seat of the European Parliament. Lady Thatcher and her people protested vehemently - a compromise was made to have a moving Parliament/alternative seating in Bruxelles. 

Given the issues of Seychelles Judiciary/EU Judiciary relevancy, Individual like Sir George Souyave and Judge Sauzier who were pulled in.  There was  another important agenda on the Table to change just Sechelles Seychelles - the same group/people which had worked to stop/avert a Nuclear war, decided to contribute/help change Seychelles and the Indian Ocean in a different way/not as the Military had planned and wanted. This making a high percentage of that SIROP program.  The relevancy of the Judiciary - International implications, we have a Europe and world devastated by a nuclear war - those who know and work this issues know you do not wait - then to write about it. The judiciary and justice system of the world rendered useless/none existence or implement some of the greater issues of that SIROP program - including the WWW. Including European Treaties, Legislation's, Institutions - which will and have impacted the world and future of mankind - hence our call and reminder for the past 5 years in the face of that global meltdown - those who did not know to find out what the issues were/foundation and the need to maintain these foundation otherwise things will go very wrong. President FA Rene and a few of his Ministers, and Judiciary Circles were well aware and to turn round and comport the way he did and those involved - he should have met the fate of those Leaders of former COMECON again those who know the issues. 

Many of us knew that one day President F Mitterrand,   Lady Thatcher those in Italy, Germany, Holland and Belgium - beside Austria would not be there - those who would follow the unseriousness - what would inevitably follow - meaning close down the Strassbourg Parliament. 

The question - given that that SIROP program is half completed and the Strassbourg/Lyon, Mulhouse, Swiss and German, Italy boarder issues dispatched to the dustbin - the need to reactivate those issues and connections. Seychelles have develop/deploy an impressive army of Consul, Tourist and Trade ambassadors - what we have been writing the past 10 years those who wait for our initiative,  then they muscle in/elbow us out and hijack the issues and agenda,  then - call for international involvement in the form of Somali Pirate - involving NATO, the Allies, UN, Russia, China, India.  If reactivated the impacts on Seychelles Judiciary workings and that new Palais de Justice - the Institutions being develop. 

The agendas of the Indian Ocean have changed greatly the COI, the RIM Association the African Union - the world Power have shifted, in Economic term  and the proposed creation of a separate IMF and World Bank body, Russian own Economic alliance and the new World currency to replace the US dollar. In France and across France - the many politicians and their forces how have completely forgotten these issues existed. There have been a far too strong emphasis on the Pas/Nord Pas de Calais Economic development and this in turn driving Bruxelles agendas and Europe issues. To set in motion this agenda unlike the University, the Stock Market , the Undersea Fiber Optic connection, the Oil and Gas exploration and that Seychelles Senate - Registering that SIROP program in Seychelles and National Review,  we do not have to wait and await the whims of President JA Michel, the National Assembly  and the PL/SPPF - their many Committee and Advisers.  We do not have to wait and await the whims of Bruxelles or UN neither. 

Location of European Union institutions   - very inaccurate one sided information

A final issues - given Judge Sauzier strong christian belief - Catholic, we/ I had explained had wanted to attend the SDA Church in Portsmouth got there late last Saturday- after visiting the Library, Queen Victoria Monument and the old City Hall,  as is my custom decided to spend some time in St John’s Cathedral - Portsmouth, some quiet time and Pray my question to all our/my christian Friends - the SDA in many instance share Church Buildings in Britain - meaning not like Seychelles where they have their own Building, have been doing this for the past 30 years and on Monday this very mad and abnormal development and the announcement of Judge Sauzier death.