SIROP combine exile/refugee Program

SIROP combine exile/refugee Program
When will the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugees get Justice

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Référendum en Catalogne: la tension monte entre la police nationale et les indépendantistes, 38 personnes blessées A coup against Spanish democracy is a coup against Europe

Référendum en Catalogne: la tension monte entre la police nationale et les indépendantistes, 38 personnes blessées

A coup against Spanish democracy is a coup against Europe

Référendum en Catalogne: la tension monte entre la police nationale et les indépendantistes, 38 personnes blessées

Image result for Catalan referendum: Clashes as voters defy Madrid

We have been trying to get our head together to formulate an acceptable article for that SIROP program linked, impacting  a range of economic and political issues from 1986/7 onward and since 2012 the Hosting for our portal in Santandar and prior to that the debacle of Santandar coming to London our role and impute using that SIROP program and other associated issues of the Indian Ocean European Fishing accord and Seychelles /Spain. 

We have been given a pair of glass and they are not as good as the one we lost in Vienna - the prescription and how they affect ones ability to read, typing and editing and even thinking of the issues one should write.  Still we thank the person  who have gifted us this pair of glass/spectacle.

Please everybody refer to that SIROP thread titled the past 20 years and Mr Ralph Volcer ex lady friend/partner. We have en devoured to be brief within the lines written or unwritten the USA Clinton politic then, the Bush politic then  and that SIROP program those who judge we ought  not to write and inform the world about that program and its function and workings and connectivity.  The linking USA Spain politic then and the media. 

In Europe, the EU institutions, the Commission and Council of Europe high officials who have know of those issues and how they choose to work them and then what the media would write. Those Spanish officials who got elected on the Commission and the why. 

In Paris the Mitterrand people and he himself knew almost everything and the their Masonic entities and President Chirac and later President Sarkozy his Med Basin Program and politic extracted from that SIROP program workings what we posted using our blog instead that portal and our Forums. Very many will say give us more details - we do not have the head for details this morning and anyway most of the issues we have covered we need a group of person to rewrite them properly covering the many specificity, details and statistics and other relevant information and references. 

Back in 1987 when that program was written, those alive and around we had looked at Spain economy, regional nations very important the Catalan debacles then - unlike the USSR, the COMECON , Yugoslavia, Spain was a democratic nation not a Communist and the battle/war was against the Communist nation and the length those who go to put together ideas and workings to impact and influence their economy politic and military and media. In the case of Spain they had been one of those leading nation and their respective personalities who had supported and as such the dynamic and leverage system mechanism we developed to benefit and gear the Spanish economy  and Finance, Market - at this state we ask those who can remember refer back to pre Spain 1987, the state of its economy  and that of Catalan  and what ensued over the next 10/15 years the role of that SIROP program driving and synergizing a very good deal of Spain Europe and International politic and economy and yet what the media would write and here, we equally need to refer to the many article we have addressed on Benchmark workings of those Nation and their political institutions.  For this Spain have suffered too with the Financial corruption and construction Industry -

There is the need to study President Sarkozy Med Basin Program /project, study the detail of how Spain benefited and would have benefited and how /what was linked to that SIROP program. The Mistakes President Sarkozy made and our reactions and those of Europe and Britain in particular how they were and interpreted it. 

This would take us to the Blair era the impact and affecting issues of the Blair government and Spain be they are European parliament, monetary and greater politic and Spain national politic and it s regional role and the government officials. The positiveness of those issues and era - much more important the attempt endeavor to formulate the Spain - Morocco Tunnel project/European Transport politic by the the Channel Tunnel project/Market and media coverage. How this impacted and benefited Spain Catalan issue and economic workings, media.  Blair politic on migration and refugees.  and those of the European Union then. 

To this day nobody want to listen and take into account - in spite of what we have written here the abuse of that program mechanism, management political and economically links and we were making no progress in Seychelles and the region those real refugees from Seychelles  all those just filing their coffers and building their position on that back of that program including the very big bankers, including those from the US and we wrote,  we warned that this program had built in regulatory mechanism and just as it could help build it could help to dismantle/break,  cause and bring about major negativeness in politic, economic and Finance workings . Those who refused to listen and the meltdown of 2007/8 Spain suffered terribly too  and again what we wrote and Catalan involved. 

PM Blair paid for his position and attitude towards that SIROP program friendship with Seychelles SPPF to our determent and we almost landed in Guantanamo Bay and the Terrorist legislation to gag and shut us not to protest and demand action on behalf of those 25,000 exiles refugees from Seychelles and those who promoted the facts they just did not exist. 

PM Blair government lost the election  and the manner the Conservative who had known a good deal about that program choose to do their election and the mechanism.manner and methods they chose to win. They used and abused their knowledge of that program working to cause and dismantle the economic process of North Africa and the Muslim and destroy some 20 years work to build a Europe African Link just the very nature of Conservative politic -  the reaction and fall outs - like some many small nations they get garbage by their national TV and the Catalan Independence movements. The Fiasco of the European exile/refugees politic because they refused to listen what we had written about the so call North African Spring, those who knew the capacity of that SIROP program and yet - they have chose to abuse and manipulate it to the maximum to their benefits  and the end results the Brexite politic. Britain played a very less important role in the original formulation of that program - it benefited and became influential  because we were not able to export that program to Europe. 

This said Britain European politic it is a politic of fiasco. As such this impacting Spain and the Catalan debacle and politic  - finally the onus is on the Spanish government we have spend a good deal of time trying to encourage and get the Spanish government to become more involved in that SIROP program from a European and African Union prospective and this would have benefited its national and regional workings it chose to refuse  - yet had we to get to Bruxelles or Germany and put together those resource and they start impacting and including Spain politic and economy and Catalan what they those would have said - the terrible bench mark, politic and international bilateral workings is melting down and all the positive aspects of that SIROP program is being undermined and destroyed. 

Just as that SIROP program developed and created new economic dynamic between Britain and France and those who have studied them and other much earlier project how the Sarkozy Med Basin program linked to the Africa Spain European Transport project would have helped to create a different Catalan politic and economic model  the onus is on the European Union, in promoting the European  Union Transport project  the major benefits if they had supported is funding and implementation and in turn its impact on the African Transport politic and the major benefits to the exile and refugees economic workings. 

The Spanish is not the only government being taken to task because of that SIROP program those former government of of former East Europe,  the manner they have used and abused that program and the unholy mess of their politic, Germany, Britain and France - it had to declare a national state of emergency because of that SIROP program and the government of president Holland management /manner he approached that program and now the situation in Spain- the media lies about the coming to office of President Macron  and the meltdown of Europe if intervention  had not been made using mechanism from that program - those at the Council of Europe, Commission and Parliament well aware and their attitude and the mad barking of the European media and the clever commentators. 

French President Pulls Out Stops Ahead of Mediterranean Summit ...

The Frozen Union for the Mediterranean

Union for the Mediterranean - Wikipedia

Coat of Arms of Catalonia.svg

Union for the Mediterranean - Wikipedia

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Wednesday, 27 September 2017

20 years ago - 1997, we were joined in then London by a reasonably important combatant young mother and Daughter Ex Point Larue

Had our community in London/Britain had the resources as is the norm with many exile/ethnic communities this historic thread would have been written very different with 3/4 person imputing , discussion and the finally writing.  Our reason for writing  this Blog the state of our Seychelles exile Community in 1997 and our older and main stream communities across Britain. Much more important the very nature of that Voluntary Repatriation Program titled SIROP part of the version available online and those who attributed their version of how Seychelles changed form a one Party system to Multi party in 1991 - how it changed Europe, Germany Reunification, the USSR, the COMECON,  this very Britain, Africa, the Indian Ocean China Asia, the Arab world , North Africa and Latin America and yet. It almost made NATO none existent. 

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Point Larue then Constitutional debate, then D'offay Family, Nageon, Roullion, Hoareau, Gabriel, Edmond , Sovage, Jubb, Scott, Louange, Cundell, Benson,  Francois, Appassamy, Aglae, Wong, Balthide, then Chez Nous Club the old Chinese Shop where the SDF Board stands. 

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The firs two cows then Mogador the pure breed Jersey Dolly ( Mrs Dolly Bailey) and Timoo ex Boule Frisian. Next door to the cow shed Mr Charles Olivier residence.  and the Bus stop on the other side of the road.

Very important then Mogador ex Judge Clement Nageon QC Bungalow  and Judge E J Stiven first Resident in exile from Zanzibar, where he was visited by  Lady Oxford, leading Haiti super Spy  and others  from the Colonial Service, former Zanzibar,  next door Notary Raoul Nageon Residence. the plan and boat house construction to build a boat big enough to escape Sechelles Seychelles in case a Revolution came about - the first Mark 7 Jaguar had been shipped form Zanzibar and rthe second one shipped from Mombasa by Mr Lautee and Company after the accident with the 3/4 Ton Cinnamon lorry. Across the Island of South East Dr Tony D'offay and Wife and his elegant Land rover.

20 years ago - 1997, we were joined in then  London by a reasonably important  combatant young mother  and Daughter  Ex Point Larue , the Family, Families Gabriel/Edmond and others where the current Seychelles Defense Force have its Head Quarter/Base. The above Point Larue showing the Airport , Village and part of Anse aux Pins and Ile Soleil today. This Reclamation project was just a project and talked about then 1997 - this is where, the Village of the then young Mother ancestral Families had lived with the coming of the Air port Land Acquisitions  and the Reclamation with the disappearance of the Fishing Village and Village life and the joining of South East Island and the main land of Point Larue with the blasting by Richard Costain and the Reclamation by Constain Blankervoort. Dutch.

Over the past 20 years have blogged several article about that part and the special people who lived there and their Families, history and heritages.

Where SPUP started one other business entity to generate  money Brick making/production and on Saturday nights the Chez Nous Club, its rich history and many events. Beside other Small business in the Village.

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Image result for president FA Rene 1997 seychelles

Image result for president FA Rene 1997 seychelles

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Image result for nageon Estate pointlarue

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20 years ago, then President FA Rene, then USA President Bill Clinton ( Irish ancestry at the White House with her decision to return to Sechelle Seychelles,  the FIU mega debacle/Scandal being investigated by the National Assembly, the Opposition in Seychelles and then Exile Returning Families and community in Seychelles.

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President Bill Clinton - Second Inaugural Address - YouTube

Second inauguration of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

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Image result for tony blair 1997 victory

On this day: Tony Blair wins 1997 general election landslide for ...

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We have other images saved/stored to select them hence this image then  Opposition upon Sir James Mancham return and the first rally and events and the Opposition in 1997 at the time of President Bill Clinton election and PM Tony Blair.  We wrote to then them MNA Including Mr Christopher Gill about our plight in Britain that SIROP program, Mr Lewis Betsey, the UN, UNHCR, the European Institutions the Vatican and others. stating our advice and warning to the Seychelles exile community the manner thy had planed their return , the defeat they encountered and the disarray of the exile left behind  in Britain and Europe  and that SIROP program all the many ethnic and other former East European communities in London laughing their heads of and insulting them for the utter mess and fiasco they had done with that SIROP program , We had meanwhile lost 87a Victoria Rd, the Two units in Caple Le Fern in Between Dover and Folkestone and was living destitute in London. The Army/Seychelles Defense Force had know and been very aware of those issues and then Seychelles Police

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Image result for princess diana death date

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In London/Britain  those who had know what about that SIROP program - how the world and the media wrote and explained Princess Diana Death - we visited the Families and acquaintance and our community and how they grieved and each their respective views and our own plight and ongoing situations. Either we had jut been rehoused or the following year the Funeral we had to addend for a young Seychellois  and my help and support to this Family and Mr Peter Pierre Louis important help to that Family It was after the funeral ceremony that we were introduced standing next, /close by a very old standing Piano with a glass of red wine in one hand to the family member, combatant mother and Mr Ralph Volcer ex partner and mother of his daughter  - since we have not been given the permission to state her Name will leave it out. 

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Events of the past 20 years - first had to be explained to my person by the Community who she was and why she was in Britain/London it took some while for it to sink in. For the past 20 years her many very important support to my person  and our communities and individual and families. Very many events and developments in Seychelles  and the young daughter is now 25 years old. Below the Church across where we have been living and the Polish Church on the other side of Hermitage House. The Home of FECAS- ECSVS  and SIROP in London among other. 

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St John the Evangelist - Islington

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Caledonia Rd where she has been living form the past near 20 years other Families form our Communities in Islington , events. Much more important the decision form NCVO to rebuild their Center just off the Caladania  Rd the Canal and at the other end Holloway Rd and the Jones Building Resource Center ex LVSC, the Blair family before PM Blair was elected lived at the Cresent some of the important issues we/I have addressed. 

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Again the issues have addressed about hat SIROP program and the your family Ms Tulla Besley and friends then first PM Blair Development project/Program and the Great British Library . 

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She gave us this piano which I/we had transported to Kent with the help of the Ethiopian community next to her house. 20 year on she is returning Home to Sechelles Seychelles 

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Barack Obama leaves a mixed legacy: impressive handling of the US economy but terrible missteps in foreign policy

This is Saturday 30/7/17 - the first Saturday after we have turned 69 years old  - thinking of the past 20 years since that relative and former lady friend of Mr Ralph Volcer came to Britain  and his own aspiration, ambitions and contributions in Seychelles politic , aspects of our exiles politics - In particular all those Children born in Europe, East Europe, former USSR, Africa and parts of the world boys and girls today in their 27 years old,  questioning about our own goal, achievements - for the past 30 years much of what we have undertaken have been influenced by Spiritual values and during the Blair era use to think aloud "why is it that politicians believe in prayers and they dare not stand in the Commons and or Lords and attribute some of their works to their respective faith and belief." This Saturday thinking of that Seychelles the African Union context and current development and state of our politic in the future,  the untold issues of President Obama Empowerment of Blacks in the world  and this include Seychelles,  individual like former President Mancham who have know other issues, aspects and yet not publish, likewise former President FA Rene, the like of Dr Navin Ramgoolam  - the like of Hon Pat PiIlay  and  Leader of Opposition Hon Wavel Wankalawan who know and yet what they tell the mass.  Part of belief is you do good things on this earth you may/will eventually get rewarded by Mankind/humanity or God one Day. We have looked up a few article on this subject given that all of them do not know/lack more knowledge of the Obama Presidency what they have written  and what the world have come to accept and believe. 

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We have written several threads and emails stating had then President Gorbachev had a proper economic concept for the changing COMECON, Warsaw Pact  and  USSR the World and its economy would have been very different and its impacts on that SIROP Program  - the last time we went Home to Seychelles was in 2009 and that was when the first gatherings of BRICS took place 

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Image result for seychelles national assembly

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We overlooked to address the issues of all the  very many piano we have come across visiting Societe Emmaus and the variety and quality - this said as she prepares to return Home, the state of things with our 25,000 exiles/refugees families  and their fate. In Mauritius they have began the construction implementation of the Metro Express project, again the concept of this project within that SIROP program some 30 years ago  and the new Port Development and residential South of Mahe and the oppositions and those involved in the Development and in Mauritius the Societe Beau Vallon with their equally impressive Development project at Grand Bay. Today's young generation demand more accountability and yet they lack the in-depth and greater understanding of Economic Development  and as such what they can cause  - Beside the Seychelles Stock Exchange has failed and is failing this was not the Project we had planned 30 years ago. 

Sunday, 24 September 2017

German elections 2017: Angela Merkel wins fourth term but AfD makes gains, exit poll says –

German elections 2017: Angela Merkel wins fourth term but AfD makes gains, exit poll says – 

Angela Merkel gives a statement on the parliament election at the headquarters of the Christian Democratic Union CDU in Berlin

Social Democrat (SPD) and chancellor candidate Martin Schulz speaks after initial results gave the party 20.4% of the vote, giving it a second place finish, in German federal elections in Berlin.

Among the many post on Britexit the many media  and political personalities viewing their concern the fate of Briexit and Europe depended upon the French Election and German election - two days ago PM May out lining her Britexit options. Beside the facts of Italy significant role over the past 40 years in European affairs - those Italian who knew and have known a very great deal about that SIROP program even if we have presented it badly at our portal. How it influenced and impacted their country and Economy

We have addressed the debacle of President F Holland and that SIROP program his government  and at the last French election the terrible outcome for the French Socialist and yet they had supported played crucial roles in those debacle of SIROP. The untold issues of President Macron presidential .

In Germany, Mr Martin Schultz as former EU Commissioner  have known and got to know a very good deal about those linking issues and that SIROP program - he was still Commissioner when then Seychelles Presidential took place and those in Germany who supported and helped the process.

We had envisaged that Mr Martin Schultz as former EU Commissioner and the many linking issues of that SIROP program and Europe and enlargement other politic, coming to main stream German politic he would have taken the leed in Europe and help reformulate that Program with is many very links and workings South of Europe, the Arab world, Africa, Asia. He did not or rather we did not understand or quite appreciate them.  The outcome of Germany Election results -  and the facts that the Extreme Right for the first time in modern German History are back in the Bundestag.
Given that all these European nation contribute to Seychelles government and National Budget if anybody followed and monitored the Financial Commission debacles if they did their respective views. Beside the Commission and the Council of Europe.  For the past 30 years Germany impute in Seychelles Democratic development as well as France and other European Nations. They must be very concern about the intellectual capacity and intelligence of our Politicians and their notion of world and regional politic .;

Beside the facts that the world is moving very rapidly towards aggressive politic  and confrontational  which that SIROP program was the opposite. In spite of major environmental catastrophe and lose of lives and economic destruction and a small group expanding their control over the rest of the world economy again that was not the concept and vision of that SIROP program - the question to ask had we not done that program in then 1987 what would have been the fate of the world today. There would not have been humanity and the world as we know it more likely Deserts and ruins and ashes.

We also saw the election to the White House of President Donald Trump and his German Family and his two wives of former COMECON origin and his Children - beside the departure of Chancellor Helmut Josef Michael Kohl;




It is still Sabbath as such not focus/energized to think of utter complex criminal and political scandal - A video was posted by Tele Sesel which is  Phillippe Boule part initiative  and the brief contents of that Financial Committee - there are issues which involve the USA government Bush administration then , PM  Blair, the European Union, South Africa and the African Union, Israel  and Australia . They relate to IMF/World Bank Dominique Strauss Khan then workings  and the UN - do you have/know somebody on the Police Force who can help.  Uncle MJE

Subsequently when President Obama took Office beside trying to meet with his former Law firm Lovell they have and office in London  wrote to him on this topic. How world policing works they would have copies of my emails.

The Mauritius government of Dr N Ramgoolam was involved the FIU and other Mauritius anti Terrorist and Money Laundering national Police were involved.
Included then French government Sarkozy, the Italian government -

In Ireland, Martin Mc Guinness, Adams and the government of Republic of Ireland then. 

Then Lord Oxford and my contacts, then Mr Guy Horner Seychelles Community in Exile other prominent Seychellois alive then - those ripping off the workings of that SIROP program, methods being uses and apply, leveraging their economy, market and development and politic then throw the freeking book at my person - they almost had me kidnapped and taken to Guantanamo Bay Prison. 

Sir James Mancham knew some of the site, his associates, Reverend Moon then and others his Clubs and Friends. Including Mr Robert Frichot as Lawyer. Then Attorney General Seychelles. 

My letters of protest to the European court, the UNHCR, Vatican, European Court of Human Rights and my Lawyers in London 2006/7

For too long the Justice system of Sechelles Seychelles, the Bar Association and the Government have taken us those representing and working the issues and interests of that 25,000 exiles and refugees for utter fools - yet they watch TV and Read International News papers. We did not acquire our workings and understanding of Intelligence and Policing in London we had been educated and those high and older personalities representing that SIROP program knowledge of how the Police and Intelligence Communities work in this case the Irish. Later events of 1978 onward./ 

What matters is that , that SIROP Program was supposed to be clean, quasi Official and as such when one works international clean Refugee/Exile Program the Benchmarks and what this imply as such the Irish entities, politicians , Police and Intelligence Services and their Illuminati involved and involvements 

A very great deal of water have flown under  that SIROP Bridge sufficient to say the Irish Peace accord and the Good Friday agreement related was driven and synergized by that SIROP program whatever name other choose to use - the manner SNP have handled the whole of their Opposition workings  either they were being dictated by somebody or they just had no clue what real politic and world politic was all about - the poor Seychellois who bitches of Freedoms and Democracy and what have you, they have no clue of what took place and was taking place,  they did not have a mind/brain of their own. 

In Britain this said the very manner we chose the firm Hopkin, Murrrey and Besking based in North London then and the large Irtish Communities how communities work and who knows what and who watches whom and etc. Along with several very serious Law firms we have used and addressed a one time or other some of the issues. 

Nobody in that National Assembly finance Commission mentions that then British government /politicians opposed that the Irish become involved in our Seychelles policing and Regulatory  - because of the manner of that SIROP program,  had insisted/stressed they be given a role. In Ireland all those who knew, the Police, the Intelligence Services and the Political factions, those in London, the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe - those who understand the Italian high corporate and Family workings the Irish are not different.  The European Union Institutions knew about these, the UN Knew about these and those in /France the government,
Intelligence knew and equally South African, Israel. 

Should a bit of the truth be told it  was not the Russian who messed up the last USA election  and the very important why the US establishments, media and Illuminati refuse to take note. 

Serious Fraud Office (United Kingdom)

Arthur Andersen

Enron scandal

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