SIROP combine exile/refugee Program

SIROP combine exile/refugee Program
When will the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugees get Justice

Friday, 29 June 2007

Gondwanaland - antropology issues of the SIROP/CDU/Alliance/SNM/DP/SNP program

We had wanted to write this article last night before midnight - the Republic 31st independence anniversary - or use the forum to publish the article, the forum is down for important work.

In spite of being a small nation from the Indian Ocean exile in Europe - rather scattered, also Canada, South Africa, Australia, USA way back in Seychelles 1973 power of the media. The way the world was presented the issues of East Africa - the Zanzibar Revolution, the issues of Soviet and Chinese influence and expansion. For that matter the small nation of the Indian Ocean. With the explosion of media availability the significant changes in those region.

The Seychelles over the past 15 years have had a very great deal of exposure in issues of environment , a very great deal of material have come to exist.

Amid these development, what very many refuse to see, high light the state of world media, stand towards Seychelles until 1991 - they got a very fair dose of negative publicity, exposure.

Equally our community in Britain and EU the media exposure. The few of us who tried to explain anything half serious about the Indian Ocean was cut off, we were gag, we were intimidated our life was made very difficult. Only what was written by so called experts be they from Britain, France, Germany, Italy etc was relevant.

Since the implementation of the SIROP etc exile program we have taken extra time to study, soak in vast many issues which have occurred, or occurred about the same time as we were implementing this Historic project. The amount of time, resource, scientific resource and money to record many of those events, issues, incidents, discoveries, constructions, achievements and inventions. By contrast very little have been said about the Seychelles side of this unique historic development in any serious form. There is a great danger - was that those who want to sell/put their version of things and events with massive resource get to do so and the world never really find out what happened.

For this reason we refer to the anthropological side of the SIROP exile return program. For this very good reason we had refused to put a written concept and hand it to the UN or World Bank or a specific government. We had learnt so much between 1976 to 1986 the way the big nation function, those with all the power, wealth and resource. The way the media works and very many institutions.

Because of our French , British and other European ancestral heritage we had been brought by to take into consideration very many important aspect of life, issues, history which our Indian, African and Arab brothers and sisters had not. In spite of all the crap that was thrown at them by life and those that control their existence, life, history and country these very important European implant could not be destroy or remove - suppress yes.
" To give a simple example, we have live in East Africa - we know both the African and Asian approach to agriculture - in Seychelles way back in the days of our grand parents - there were certain approach they used to conserve the environment, toil the land, harvest the timber which would astound many very leading scientist, great academicians, and experts. they had not gone to University or undertaken learned studies".

That same kind of wisdom we applied in very many important aspect - issues relating to our existence in Britain and Europe, the many things we had to sort out. This is were the clash started - those who had lived all their lives in Britain or France could not imagine that those "people meaning white Seychellois had anything in them - we were better because we live all our life in the develop world. " This was not a clash about Muslin or Arab or African they were plainly we as the great grand children of those white/European colonist what we had learnt/ what made us tick - they did not like this, the uneducated arrogance. Where they had used their media to quasi educate them our European ancestors in Seychelles were equally educated - they did not have the media. Nature - life educated them.

What must not be forgotten, ignored the fact that in the Seychelles of pre independence 1973 - 1976 Seychelles possessed a number of individuals and personality who were well educated in the sense of European education and values. Again this situation led to massive confrontation in Britain and France, Europe - those of us in exile who was doing the grinding, the toiling, the dirty work had to, were confronted all the time who are you - where were you educated to talk to us . We had to remind them time and time again though the elite of the Seychelles community exile in Australia, Canada, France - continental EU, the USA and South Africa did not specific come forward and negotiate. We were ask/requested to negotiate on their behalf.

Important to note that in concepting the SIROP exile return program we took into very strong consideration those issues, the quality, of the issues we introduced, substance - the way we pursued those issues, battled/fought for them just like they would have done or more. We entertained their spirit at all time. Again this did not go down well with the higher parties the USA, Britain, and many others. Including the government of FA Rene, the OAU, the Russian, Chinese, former COMECON friends and our Mauritius friends. The South African and some Australian understood what we were all about. As a matter of facts our own communities executives in Britain.

Given the many terrible retribution, so called killing which have happned – those involved with our SIROP program killed in odd manner. From Australia we had very important support.Being one person who have underlined the importance of giving credit where it is due. The personality in Australia who lent us personaly his strong and important support to make the SIROP program what it became. The party had knoweldge to very many issues of military, political and finance nature. Had been important in the Mancham government formation- the return of the Island to Seychelles before independence. Very important constitutional isues – military arrangement between Britain and Seychelles. Other important regional issues of various nature. Very important issues realting our National Development Plan1973 – 1976 . Well informed of very many aspects of the BIOT concept and events which took place have been taking place. When they stop the wantom killing of our senior national we will print his name. He had been put forward as a strong candidate for President of the Republic on a number of occasions – indeed had our support.

What is tragic about this all is that after so much commitments and sacrifices those very important Seychellois families we had fought so much for, they never appreciated what was involved or forgot it very easily.

For this good reason we concept that portal of our Seychelles EU community such - to underline to those we had fought for, history in France ancient time, in the Indian Ocean ancient time all those who fought , their history and their purpose. Very little recognition - they have and were just forgotten and drowned in time and history. Seychelles could have avoided the tragic situation of the Revolution - they refused to learn. We trust however inappropriate it may be judge and seen the issues we have introduce here will jog the intellect of many, the children and posterity of our old French, British and other European families in Seychelles before the Independence - who knows something positive may come of it.

For this reason when the exile returned in 1991 all the hard work wasted and things collapsed- the exile refused to recall- remember the mistakes of their parents. Think hard way beyond the horizon not just where they stood. Not that we had not discussed and for warned about such possibilities.

Upon our only two visit to Seychelles 2000 and 2004 we tried to underline to the few we met and discussed other aspect of the SIROP exile return program which they were not aware of/had been made aware. To discuss issues intelligently done not make you a capitalist or conservative. You can equally present issues in such a light a still be a Socialist, Liberal or just plain intellectual challenge with out being any of the above. This we have failed.

In a way fro all the terrible sufferings, expelled from France, Britain and other parts of Europe - where today billions is use to study a specific phenomena under observation - the Seychellois French, other European decent were in the lab experimenting with nature - very little recorded, no degree given out.

Among the many reason for opposition to our approach, concept of the SIROP exile return exile program was not so much about who would lead it, the sums involved, the logistic. We had studied a number of such project from Latin America, Vietnam, and the region. We had not travelled there. We tried to meet and discuss with the refugee and exile ever we could meet them aspect of their lives, issues the media and great world institutions refused to let out when putting together such program.

We concluded that it was vital to retain and include a number of what we have come to term archaic aspect of our ancestral/fraternal heritage.

When one get around a table with fellow exile/refugees you just talk about the aspect of the project and program - you never talk about the archaic/fraternal side of it, the very complex side of it.

We had to take into consideration very many important aspect of Colonial life and such issues, the way things were done in colonial days - French and British/other wise.

We had to tick/make a list of positive aspect of one camp or group of nationalistic heritage. In many instances when it came to light - in public, then there was war, retribution, there was a price to pay to favor one against the other.

Because we are talking about anthropology - archaeological science - related issues we found our self on very dangerous grounds. Very little have been properly research about the scientific complexities of Gondwanaland - we would have like to see the face of some of the more important exile leaders, British and French politicians, the UN, world bank and indeed SPPF and President FA Rene when we would have told him- them by then most had learn of the issues of linking/linkage of Seychelles Exile Return program with Gondwanaland, with issues of ancient Phoenicians, with ancient Irish , Scott, Welsh and English issues. Or Roman issues -African ancient issues or Egyptology. Because of such complex links and involvement we were labelled as Talibans or the such by so called educated Western politicians. A reasonable amount of work have been done in the mapping of the region ocean, fossil exploration and energy - that is purely for finance and money reason. We repeat yet they spent millions in the field of anthropology in relation with their daily lives and problems. This is when we began asking them do we come from planet Mars or Jupiter and other European ancestors originated from.

Privately we have mentioned that a number of very important discoveries, find, issues is linked and related to the SIROP exile return program.

Like our French, British and other ancestors in Seychelles there were set of issues, criterias before something could happen or take place . The same applied on the greater scale. They had to be understood and observed other wise things could go very wrong. We are being very scant/brief here.

Very many may have wandered about the Late President Francois Mitterrand concept to build the glass pyramid in front of the Grand Louvre. We were not allowed/supposed to mention or talk about these issues then. They were linked to aspects of our SIROP exile return program anthropology scientific issues. They haver their own language and science. What may look a plain construction have more in depth and complexor implications.

We address the British and commonwealth Archaic/Fraternal institution - they may greatly have wandered why did he bother to address some of the terrible issues to us - the relevancy. We had our very good reason.

The politic, existence of Seychelles its people is not about blood, bone and skin or a roof. It is about the totality of their environment. When you begin to explore, link, correlate a given issue with such complex science you are inevitably walking into a different universe - it is not for the mass and the media mass. Yet they are of great significance, importance and relevancy. When a given aspect is mis managed, mis linked or mis interpreted then the problematic which arise can be very challenging.

We had included many aspect of Jean Jacques Cousteau in our SIROP exile program, this was an irritation to those who represent this field in Britain. We had linked our program to ancient Chinese discovery of the region, history and exploration - why had we done this, those politicians, modern strategist who think the can reinvent the world - the European world. They can dictate with the help and assistance of media how the discovery were made and why. At the SIROP program we had to do battle with a number of leading individuals in the world who entertain this belief. They believed that Seychelles was an object that you have under a glass bowl. We had to prove them other wise.

There are mechanism, science involved - we learnt to understand them, work with them and contribute where we could - very many important "discovery in this field have been made"

A very great amount of ancient synergy is still there waiting to be activated or used take Christian belief. The manner one use it is more important.

Let us take the argument/possibility - had we not gone to Angers in the Loire - France and left those three suitcase , one with the details of the SIROP exile return program. A very major aspect of events which have occures in the Indian Ocean, EU, France would not have taken place. Similarly had we returned to Seychelles with the Group who returned with Sir James Mancham Seychelles would have been different today. Equally many aspect of France, EU complexor issues.

We were refused to return to Seychelles, instead we tried to make our way to Belgium or France and taking into consideration some of the above topic we have presented. Their science, societies and scientist. Many may have come across those individuals with a little book who go about making observation and not them down.

We had developed a unique concept - that the system manages its own information. They use scientific unique language, code and signatures. There by those knowledgeable, trained in this field - in spite of all the criminality, distortion and abuses. Given issues can be tracked, reactivated, studied and analyzed.

In anthropology one of them being the issue of the French discovery, what led to the discovery of the lost City of Alexandria by Franck Goddio.

We had been involved - had to be involved with very many other important aspect of the above topic before this /such a phenomena took place. You will all not the link to Moses we have at the bottom of our Portal - In very many instance we had written bluntly that for the Seychellois living in exile in Britain we were like/comparable to the children of Israel in exile in Egypt - this have very far reaching implication. The Protestant Church who interpret things otherwise and the clash which have arisen.
The main draw our energy, inspiration for this important concept from our French archaic/ancestral - belief, history, politic and practices. As such we have we have explained and maintained.

It is also important to note a number of very important issues which took place in the region - how these are related some of then and function. Again not every body cup of tea.

We have been involved in very many Royal regional issues of the Arab world too as far as our SIROP program was concerned - again you just do not jump in and get involved. Had this program had a different engine/motor it would have caused brought about that other nation of equal importance and relevancy get involved and it has. We have a situation where by Franck Goddio as he put it get the idea of searching that region of the Arab world for the lost city - it does not work that way. These dynamic are correlated and interlinked.

Like we mentioned the French had the lead on the Mini tel - President Mitterrand and officials refused to see the relevancy - importance to heed us little Seychellois and they lost out to the British in a very big way Tim Brenner Lee.

We kept and have kept such issues in note and many others. Like wise the issue of the discovery of Egypt lost/sunken city. We have kept abreast, informed of the many progress and development such it should be. To the great exhibition in Germany - events. It must noted some of the important Egyptian government debacle related to Seychelles and France too which have come about as a result.

Beside the important find - the reason for the destruction of that great civilization and city. The mega Earthquake and Tsunami which destroyed it. We have addressed many issues on the Earth quake of the Indian Ocean and the Tsunami of 2004/5

We have not edited this blog properly

1 comment: said...


Over the past 25 years we have presented briefly the issues and reasons why those that had formed Planters Association – Grand Blanc had wanted to charter, plan a different course of history for Seychelles then under British Colonial Rule.

They involved the elite of Seychelles of French decent, in the many British government Colonial Administration, the Police, the Public Work Department, Treasurery, the Local Bank, Cable and Wireless, the Hospital, the Harbour and Agriculture Department.

These personality had been in contact with the wider world, the families and relatives, friends in Europe among others.

They had seen and watch the French departure in Vietnam, the politicians respond. The Invasion and the War. The important involvement of France Military – the involvement of the USA, the total mess that became Vietnam.

We believe that for Seychelles Planters Association – the Grand Blanc one of the most important historic and political event was the Algeria debacle. They had long been betrayed by France, under the Monarchy, the French Revolution, then the 1st Republic of Emperor Bonaparte. Algeria proximity to Seychelles the Indian ocean, the Suez Canal issues. The First and Second World War epoch, the ensuing economic and political development.

We would and have listen to discussions, debate over this burning issue and no dough because of the British colonial influence, they dared not discuss the issues intensively in public. France and the Algerian Colon – known as the Pied Noire were loosing out. The politic of the oil - To Britain joy. How much of this influance their political thinking – it is a great shame that none of them have left written material – nor their children brave enough to come forward, share and shed light what happened.

The main factor is that they knew that big trouble was ahead. Because of the way politicians handled things. Be they Paris, Rome or Westminster.

In Seychelles, what was termed emancipation of the workers who was learning to live with the situation under the Victoria District Council- the Planters Association. The Coming on the scene of James Mancham, David Joubert forming the Democratic Party on the one hand and Finlay Roselie, Philibert Louiseau, the old man Adam, Guy Sinon and France Albert Rene to form SPUP radically change this situation. The call for closer British Integration supported by some of the Planters – Grand Blanc with the view that this would safe guard the future would not go down with the vast majority of the Planters. They were Planters, sons of Planters the French colon who have registered events from the days of the King of France, the Revolution and France 1st Republic – the fate they had been left to in the Indian Ocean.

What amaze one is the way and history repeat itself. They were well educated, they could have run a government with little ease and build a good system. They control the economy, yet they choose not to allowing events to unfold and loose everything and revert to building from scratch. Wise nation are those who forsee events, their course and make due correction. This did not happen in Seychelles.

Once again we have to note the complexity, of event in Algeria – the building of Algeria after the French Revolution, throughout the 1st War and the political – economic reason. The political process to Departmentalize Algeria with France, like Reunion and other overseas land today. The very complex political issues the percentage of France population in Algeria unlike Seychelles, be they Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Maltese, German, Swiss and other white nations. The politicians approach – Paris, De Gaul coming to power they had hope to be saved – a solution had been found, instead their betrayal. The birth of FLN the French Army role, the birth of AOS, the third force, the Harkis what followed, the very many terrible massacres, civil war, the attempt to topple the Government in France itself, and the repatriation of the Pied Noire to Paris – France and what followed the terrible political let down in France and their bitter sufferings in France having lost everything and given everything to France. The politic which ensued from 1962 on ward. About the same time the Revolution in Zanzibar 30 - 40,000 killed. Seychelles was different, the black populace – workers could not claim moral rights over the land – Seychelles was un inhabited, eventually those that were there killed by pirates. They had a different moral argument. What would have really happened had they taken unilateral independence – Seychelles today, our history and the region. Those historians, politicians who paint white and we the Seychellois, our nation , posterity get lumped into what they have painted. When one listen to debate on the many forums of Seychelles – beside the Grand Blanc castigation, what would we call those who have amassed great wealth under FA Rene Government who are black and of mix decent Be they Chinese, British, France etc it is the wealth which provoke the anger of the under class and the have not. Given the fight at hand today to build a modern nation, which requires education, history – it also requires tradition, values, and other more important substance which make nation building possible, those son of the Grand Blanc, the Planters would have had bit of it – Seychelles today. We have seen how from our own side in EU the modest contribution we have been making the past 15 years since the 3rd Republic what this have contributed to. The Republic and nation could have cope with a bit more of it. We now have a situation that those very people the nation chased out they are coming back to invest in millions, buy our lands, lord it over children and heads – would it have not been wiser if it had been the son' of our soil doing this, even if they are call Grand Blanc or ex Planters.

For this reason given that we have tried to explain what led to putting FECAS- ECSVS, why we believed it essential that we build grass root structures in EU at the time Mr Gerrard Houreau was alive and leading the MPR/SNM. We too took into important consideration the vast political betrayal of those in power, the politicians and others. For this good reason since our early years in France keep our eyes and ears open about the issues of those three very important historic issues which have marked the French nation, the France Vietnam people, those that had experience the Congo Revolution and most important those that had live in Algeria, the Pied Noire lost everything, those who had suffered and come to France to start from scratch – we met a few of their leaders, took their advice, seek their council, support, expertise and resource to build the Seychelles Network in EU. Most important their contribution which led to the quality of the SIROP – CDU/Alliance/SNM/DP/SNP exile return program of 1986 – 1991.

They must have witnessed and noted what took place in Ethiopia which was a strong bastion of Italy in Africa – the political process in play.

They must have had and indeed told details of the Mau Mau War in Kenya – one of the leading of British colonial protectorate, where the road was pointing.

In the case of Congo where the Belge ruled – those that had believed they were building a nation, they and their children would be there for ever. The composition of the populace French Speaking, the massacres, the riots, killing – civil war and the exodus of the French speaking people from Congo and what ensued.

Most important the Rhodesia debacle – political process, call for independence, the plight and concern of the White – a bit like the Seychelles. The decision by Ian Smith to take Unilateral independence to preempt the country falling in to the hand of the Black. Again the politicians at Westminster and the UN, what ensued. The plight of the White settlers.

We do not think it normal that generals when they plot revolution they try to remember all those historic issues – in our discussion with Mr Gerrard Houreau, Sir James Mancham and the odd moment we have met with FA Rene and others have attempted to lead Seychelles overheard then discuss such issues in the greater aspect of things and history.

On the other hand we had made is a point to study, become aware, note what had taken place and transpired – what led to what process and decision making events year before the SIROP program when those who wanted to change Seychelles by Force – for this reason we were informed we would not be a very good candidate by a number of Western because we were doing the thinking instead of just acting on command. They wanted individuals they could control and command.

We and indeed those who went through the Vietnam era, the Congo Revolution and most important the Algerian Colony why those Planters in Seychelles to this day have kept quiet, specially their son's and daughters. Surely is it not their ultimate duty to share the toil, blood and sweat with the greater world or the great French world heritage they once came from and have departed to. Why and what is it that is keeping them silence.

(We will try an come back to this contribution as we get some feed back)21/7/07