Some of the Reactions this Sunday 31/10/10 about the above Oil//energy announcement
Beside those highly sensitive issues about "CJD/ Mad Cow - Vache Folle" we addressed last night. The very unpleasant rebuke we received from the direction of Austria - Vienna as we entered the Nation article about the significant development in "the Energy/Oil debacles - exploration" in Sechelles - Seychelles.
The reason those who know and are aware of some of the highly complex issues we/I have been involved over the past 27 years relating to the Oil Organisation in Vienna - OPEC, again the Interdisciplinary Management issues related. We also have important corporate experience in the Oil Industry. The good Lord will have it that among others my ex brother in Law Headed one of Austria Private leading Oil company - Exploration, production, not distribution as is the case in Seychelles until we start drilling - bringing Gas and Oil to the surface. The complex issues over the past 27 years my half Family in Austria - Vienna. They have been monitoring our progress in the Oil/energy debacles.
We would have preferred that - this new development "get chewed over - like chewing the cud" properly by our respective EU Families, those in responsible position or experience in this field - their feedback, views and ideas.
Early this morning for the record - one of the most prominent High parties in the Oil/energy exploration in Sechelles Seychelles, made it a point to underline certain important developments over the past 39 years - leading up to recent announcement. { for the record, the Office of the White House and the USA relevant agencies, that of OPEC and EU oil and energy Bodies. In the Family position - working as a Custom, clearing agent, acquantance like Jack Custon/his partner the early indication and those from Sir James Mancham party, then SPUP, that of Mrs/Dr Stevenson Delhomme party - Mr Finlay Roseli and others. Mr Corrado Corrias Company - Blue Safari and the combined construction company, Mr Yvon Savy, the Big Danish partner and others - the contract to handle the imported equipments for those involved in sounding out the possibilities of Oil/gas - energy in Seychelles - the USAF Communities in then Seychelles. What we and were discussed}
From the insight then - Shell Seychelles, later in Austria - Vienna, across Europe, the Middle east we learnt that the Oil and Energy industry is a highly secretive Group of business - until of course the WWW came along in 1987. Like Armament, Steel, Diamonds other precious metal - the important Groups interests. Not to exclude our equally important Interdisciplinary Management - military knowledge, experience of those who will engage in Wars, political destabilisation, assassination just for the sake of the Oil/Energy control.
For this good reason - the debacle of the mega earthquake/tsunami of 2004 and the relation with the Sechelles Seychelles Oil/energy exploration - the debacles, the human loss and mess. Have taken to "listening to the issues quietly". Also reacting with cautious.
Like the debacle of the Dover Port we hinted last evening. Suddenly - the major statement/announcement that a great deal of money was being/going to be spent to redevelop British North Sea Oil/energy industry - will add the news link. Because we had added that picture to the Ning. Com Plat platform and restructured joined the Ning Creator - the Synergy/dynamic in terms of Interdisciplinary the Oil/energy Industry and the Market. We do expect that by now when we make such major input as they term it - those involve in our community affairs will monitor and take action they deem positive for the furthering of our Community and national interests. "Not just go to some crazy place and get totally drunk for frustration" as was the past.
How come as they say among others we were importantly involved in the first issues of Lady Tacther statement/policy to develop British North Sea Oil/Energy resource, the Indian Ocean - BIOT then, Sechelles Seychelles and the Gulf Region. We have continued to maintain responsibilities and managed the issues as they come up.
Having said that we go back to the prominent High parties in Sechelles Seychelles. It is on all records whether the world media and the Fraternal/Masonic establishment like it or not and the Leading world politicians on the agenda by the USA/CIA - Pentagon, the French their Services, the British, the South African, the Israeli the Agenda wa Oil/Energy - the lenght those involved wold be prepared to go to reach their objectives and to defend it.
Apart from lampooning, throwing insults at each other the core politic/policy on Oil/Energy by the Opposition parties, SNP, New DP, Mr Philippe Boulle, and Mr Christopher Gill - Movement Seychellois Racine. Equally the position and core policy of the NGO is little defined. They have been content to challenge the under handed - approach by the party in power this in the name of the nation, for lack of knowledge selling their hands very cheap to Rich and highly resourced Arab/Gulf nation consortium with very long experience and expertise in the Oil/energy production, politic, market, military and mediatic.
{We have time and time again reminded everybody in Seychelles given our former politic association with the USSR, the combined SIROP etc exile return program with encompassed the mega changes in former USSR and the COMECON. The privatisation process in Germany and the Privatisation process of State Energy Oil/gas Resources in Russia our important involvement and due input in term of Interdisciplinary related discipline. Those very very rich Russian who have come to invest in Seychelles forgetting who helped then and how they acquired their wealth and why in the first instances - now they are no longer friends they are becoming occupiers, exploiters, they want to dictate to us.}
Equally their respective position on the National Oil Tanker Fleet. Agreed, the need as written above to take due note of the Industry practise, politic - the strategic issues related.
We have stated time and time again that this was an important aspect of the SIROP etc Exile return program $500 - $800 millions. Given my personal knowledge in this field - Oil/ Energy those that had been involved and prepared, contributed to the concept we had - had their been a major political/government change in Seychelles after events of 1991. This is where they all if not mostly failed. Those who duped them/conned them and let them rip each other apart. We had aimed for Bunkering/refining and processing - Storage - gradually use the revenue/expertise to pursue the Oil/gas exploration. hence the reason for those involved to support/back such a very large and unwarranted Economic program for such a small nation. It was first time then and the Reclamation Project phase lll. By the was the Russian like the Italians were importantly involved.
The difference between that SIROP etc Exile return program and the all opted Military plans - we had the capacity to engage a very large of resources, expertise, leading individuals, experts because it was an open and people oriented program. We could openly lobby the UN relevant bodies, the EU forest of institutions, the Churches and the gutter press. The NGO's, armies of other organisations. We did not care/bother or gave a crap who overheard us. We got the global Market, the big financial institutions to support us. As against a Military program which just a very few will have the details, the Intelligence Services, Leading Western or European politicians and financiers, advisors - they dare not and cannot lobby the greater public for support and develop due network. They need secrecy, discretion and the element of surprise. Once they have overcome, defeated, removed those in power and taken control then they - deploy and set their agenda. For the people, nation the process is Military control until such time there is stability and some kind of election can take place and some form of democracy transferred to the people. { We state it very clearly once again - the reasons/why those from the USA - White House, London - Westminister and the UN decided to removed me from Leading that SIROP etc Exile return program $500 - $800 millions, the discord and significant division they created - their accusation against our person that we were to Nationalist Oriented - in Simple English we would put up with only so much and beyond that very much like Madagascar today have said no to what were in excess. We would have stated and made it very plain to our supporters and Government Officials. We were entrusted in the first Instance because of our abilility efforts over some of the most dreadful situation and national crises to see clearly/stay Focus. It must not be forgotten and overlook Sir James Mancham many unwarrented, nasty remarks about the Opposition Leader Mr Gerrard Houreau - even after his Assasination. Likewise the very many unwarrented statements, nasty coments about our person that we are/were "not educated enough" to Lead the Sechelles - Seychelles people and nation. To put it plainly not corrupted enough. There after waht really ensued and to this day all the Opposition parties have refused to debate, discuss and address the people/nation. The position the SPPF and FA Rene Officials decided to take}
We equally had some buzz for former USA - former White House High parties/occupants who knew the details of all what we are writing about here. The Iran - Iraq war was about Oil/energy. The Lebanese wars was about Oil/energy/big money. The Afghanistan War was about Oil too and the region control. The last evil and most terrible in term of lives and destruction was the Gulf War, first the Iraqi against Kuwait. Then the combine Allied Invasion, butchering, mega destruction to gain control of the Oil/Energy resource of Iraq and control the world market/politic. It must not be forgotten the earlier wars fought by the French, USA, British in Colonial Africa and Far East and Gulf Region - those sent to forced to Sechelles Seychelles in Exile it was about Oil/energy of their country.
We have check and followed Facebook reaction from Seychellois about the statement of the USA helping the Sechelles - Seychelles to debate and understand their position and implication in the grave and highly dangerous topic. Indeed they have very adequate knowledge, expertise and resources. We the Seychellois are not African - like they that have done what they have in Africa and those in the West Indies. We are one of the few countries in Africa with a very strong and good working European system if/should one call it that. We have a strong French, British Colonial experiences what ever that means again. It was not the USA, or British, Commonwealth that saw the back and removal of Communist system in Seychelles - the Power Block involved. They were the work of our European ancestrage, their networks - they make up the EU institutions and the world Institutions, its working. There is the need for the people and nation to be on their guards. If it is anything like the Offshore Industry - then it will be a calamity for Seychelles with a few controlling everything. Like that mega earthquake of 2004 and the Tsunami with it associated with Oil/energy exploration in Seychelles - trust the USA authorities, the EU, the African Union will take due note. Nobody can ignore those important working - for the past 30 years each time they have been ignored, mismanaged, overly manipulated the backlash, disaster and the awful price.
Those important European heritage of our nations belong to the same mechanism/system - discipline as in the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Europe - when things get completely out of hands and control - if they have to revert to very draconian measures and methods they will grab it/take it - decision they will take.
We equally trust the/some very important lesson would have been learnt by the Seychelles and regional politicians why the Solami Pirates/debacles - Crises started, what really took place and the state of things currently. It could have all be avoided and can be managed others wise. Former President FA Rene one of the most experience politician in the Region and Oil/energy high party know exactly what we are talking bout and the armies of advisors he has surrounded himself.
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