SIROP combine exile/refugee Program

SIROP combine exile/refugee Program
When will the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugees get Justice

Friday 4 April 2008

L’énergie propre : un projet ambitieux de la COI - Clean energy

L’énergie propre : un projet ambitieux de la COI - Clean energy

There is a copy of the Nation article on the above issues at FECAS-ECSVS forum.

We would like to take the opportunity to remind those who are involved with the COI, we were the original promoter of that concept and did the original research to set it up – under Indian Ocean Industrial Investment Promotion Center.

Mr Paul Verger underlined the fact that Seychelles posses the political will to implement energy project with the sun and Sea as source. The projects in discussions by the COI member state.

We are now in the year 2008 – way back in 1984/5 with Lady Tacther very much in Office, her government, the politic of France, South Africa, the OAU, India, Pakistan, Israel. Those who remember the issues of the Vietnamese Refugee, Sir Lankan – the idea we communicated to Lady Tacther that one of the Island of BIOT be taken and turned into a refugee Colony/place, that would have included Seychelles refugees/exiles and the Illois. Under an International control the UN/UNHCR.

There was the issues of energy, at the time lady Tacther government was promoting the North Seas Oil exploration issues. OPEC politic then.

We had, given the science – technology available then proposed to run the Island on Solar energy/Power, those from South Africa who were in the know. Countries like Germany, Austria and Spain, Australia, South Africa, Israel who have had the technology then.

We had look at the cost of providing energy for 10 – 15,000 person. Had the other communities, joined the project none exile, developers,, business man and those supporting the project we envisaged complete solar energy. Including the water treatment and desalinization plant.

{On the back of these issues, the for and against nuclear energy, the vast NGO network we were involved – the decision to put together that mega energy reactor under the Swiss mountain – CERN}

The issues raised was the impact of the Solar catchment on the environment, on habitat, on people lives and the econ system. (Meanwhile a very great deal can be researched, studied online from very many leading sources – unlike 1984/5 when these information was/were available only to specialist, those only allowed to get at the information and the lobby they supported)

In region, countries where there are vast land space though the environmental/ecological impact can still be measured. In small countries like Seychelles, BIOT Islands there would be a high amount of ecological/environmental impact. The evaluation/monitoring of such impact must be maticulously monitored recorded. Preferable some of the impact known before hands and counter measures put in place or other technology brought in to suppress the environmental impact.

We ask the question to Seychelles Government and those in the Indian ocean. We had planned if one is truthful enough to ask President FA Rene under that SIROP/Alliance/DP/MPR/SNM exile program to put in place a high percentage of Seychelles/ the nation energy need on solar. Again the environmental and ecological impact. It would have required a different politic and set of political rules – again those large companies, none Seychellois who would have wanted to control the industry.

Twenty years have gone since that exile program was implemented – the energy situation in Seychelles and the region.

Some of the important factors which prevented the Government and politicians from implementing such energy project – the politic of control through oil/fossil generated electricity in the homes and rural areas. The issues and mechanism used to influence political power and manipulate people daily lives. Then we have the issues of the politic of the oil industry, those who make their lucrative business in the oil industry, with the government getting revenue on Tax and the electricity it generate. Another most important factor the cuts of the political parties or the politicians. In itself the management of the power station and power grid – the politic behind it. To which party those appointed to what post belonged to.

Then we have the generators themselves – those doner nations or institutions, they would not have loaned money for solar energy – but for fossil fuel/oil based generated energy. Their politic, their control or propaganda. The financing of such power/energy project. The politicians getting their cut, those involved in the many line from planning to running the power plant.

We have the politic of diplomatic exchange – those sent by Seychelles government to study or extended study in generation energy/power, the politic involved, the nation who accorded what academic slot to study what subject. The bilateral political equation.

The given result the situation we are in for energy in Seychelles and the region.

This thread is not aimed at look at the many failed attempt to extract/find oil/gas in the Indian ocean Seychelles region. The terrible, corrupted politic and practice. Those who have taken Seychelles government, the nation and politicians fro a very long ride. Not to exclude those who would just hate Seychelles to discover oil/gas. The USA, Britain – even France among others.

In the SIROP/alliance/DP/SNP/SNM/MPR exile return program we had look briefly at what it would take to put in place adequate/X percent of Seychelles energy from solar. Not just president FA Rene involvement, individual like Mr Guy Morel then the GMR syndicate. What happens we are set to work, research, promote and ;lobby to get anywhere – whilst we are doing that suddenly you hear that in Britain, the US, France or Germany some great idea have been developed for energy, or politic or such great energy issues have been presented at major energy summit. The multinational and the big business then join in and pillage our ideas and efforts, like sharks when they have seen blood and pray.

We could have done a great deal to influence the energy politic of not just Seychelles, the EU and African Union. Because of the many instance we have been involved those who have turned round in the name of certain pseudo institutions take our initiatives, ideas and in the end we get an assassination or termination contract on our head and our Seychelles EU community is kicked in its butt. Which have become pretty sore.

Instead those, the many politicians and scientist who cannot think, they promote the Nuclear energy as alternative energy and the dirty politic with it. This source of energy only for Western White Nation, not Arabs or African or Asians.

L’énergie propre : un projet ambitieux de la COI -

La question de nouvelles sources d’énergie a été largement évoquée lors du récent Conseil de la COI. A un moment où tous les pays de la zone souffrent beaucoup du coût du pétrole, les décideurs politiques des pays de la COI sont déterminés à chercher des solutions alternatives.

L’Ile de la Réunion accueillera prochainement une réunion consacrée à ce sujet. D’ailleurs vendredi dernier, le Président du Conseil Régional de La Réunion, M. Paul Vergès a discuté du sujet avec le Président James Michel lors d’une visite à State House.

Selon M. Vergès, dans cette ère nouvelle qui commence avec la prise de positions internationales contre l’effet de serre et de son aggravation et le problème de l’énergie avec le prix du pétrole qui s’enflamme, les pays membres de la COI découvrent que nos îles ont des ressources insoupçonnées. « Nous sommes dans la zone équatoriale et tropicale où nous avons le soleil qui peut devenir une principale source d’énergie ; nous avons la mer qui nous donne des possibilités très grandes.

Nous sommes aujourd’hui les seules îles au monde à avoir une possibilité de faire valoir une volonté politique de se donner un objectif visant à éliminer le pétrole comme source d’énergie à terme. Nous avons de possibilités réelles d’une autonomie énergétique réelle avec autant sinon plus d’énergie qu’aujourd’hui mais avec des ressources propres. Je suis très heureux que le Président Michel y croit fermement et nous comptons sur son soutien pour faire avancer ce grand projet d’énergie propre ».

M. James Burty David, Ministre mauricien des Affaires étrangères par intérim y croit aussi car pour lui le pétrole, le carburant fossile, est devenu prohibitif en terme de prix et nous avons dans les pays de la COI suffisamment de ressources et de sources d’énergie : le soleil, la mer et le vent. « L’énergie à partir de ces éléments n’est plus un rêve, ça peut être traduit dans les faits. Des réunions sont prévues pour en discuter, à Maurice et à l’île de la Réunion très prochainement. Cela nous donne beaucoup d’espoir pour l’avenir.

Les Seychelles et l’Ile Maurice peuvent faire avancer ces projets d’une façon significative. D’ailleurs le Président James Michel en est très convaincu », a-t-il confié à ‘Seychelles Nation’.

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