Obama’s approval rating drops below 50, and is unlikely to rise soon
Upon the advice of some body very prominent in the Russian politic, the relevancy of those who know and are aware of how Seychelles International politic works, the past 30 years, the mega debacle surrounding the last Closure, the opening of the New High Commission at Hanover Street, London where we are threading this article.
The personality urge us to note and address on our Sechelles - Seychelles EU Community Forums, certain relevancies. At a later date we will add a picture of the New High Commission premise.
Some/one of those issues is the relation, comparison of President Obama Presidency development, progress in comparison to Tony Blair. We are pressed to write this thread. Was it 6 months or more, that awful and dreadful development surrounding Princess Diana and the Al Fayad. We had hinted to Mr Blair of the problematic prior – because we had been dumped at the Hibury Hotel, Islington – all those who knew what was going – then the so called accident/ death.
For those who were at Richmond Crescent when the news fell he had been elected, the party at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Those who had and played a crucial role that Blair be elected and the media “puke after wards, sleaze, lies and the spins” from Mr Blair. Given other very important EU and world issues those who know and are involved – that the death, accident of Princess Diana was a terrible “omen” on the Blair future and government. “Because those who knew the state of things around the Princess and had hoped, expected that Blair would play his role/part, responsibility as had been expected. His Premiership was marred – a big cloud hung over him. Many of the important issues which ensued how he handled it. The mess in the end.
President Obama knew why, how and those involved to get him elected under all the challenges and massive opposition. He was given a duty – mission like Tony Blair. Some of these issues have been presented to him off the diplomatic, government platform – approach.
To cut matter short and brief. The Seychelles have been given and opened a new National Assembly by the Chinese, all those who oppose this. The mega politic of AU, the Gulf Region, Asia, the Indian ocean – President Obama directive, the many so called USA friendly visit to Seychelles since and other issues. The Seychelles is a Francophone and system very much like Haiti. We have been writing and explaining how we work right across the world and what make us the 2nd and Mauritius 1st best governance in AU.
We have addressed the EU many relevant institutions, the USA on the fact that that so call “Anti terrorist Unit Department in EU” ought should not have been named so. The important use and abuse of abnormal dynamic and such practice in the world and high corporate affairs – those who study and monitor such issues.
That mega Earthquake and Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, 250,000 lives lost and the economic destruction. Beside numerous other such incidents.
We had addressed the same issues to Tony Blair. Why he choose to oppose our request and plea – so that Politicians, their mechanism could go on wantonly use and abuse many abnormal mechanism, dynamics, pass heavy handed laws – control the populace and any thing they came across. To the issues of the WDM, their blatant lies and cover up and the current questioning. Others are Terrorist and they are not – just because they are politician and elected elites. Instead – he compelled, forced, demanded, used his political clout that right across the board they implement and begin using that infernal “CJD/Rave/rage/Satanic vibe” and the consequences today. Hence our call for the EU to look deeply into the issues. He even went to war, killing thousands of innocent people because of it.
The cause and so called scientific reason, mechanism which trigerred that total destruction of Haiti in “as bad and a mega warning” to President Obama – given the Climate Summit and the outcome. He may argue the USA interest come first. We and very many other know how world politic works. He had been given a mission – agenda to work. Those issues related will impact his Presidency importantly. Sadness for the great mass, the millions who will be conned, lied too and in the end the terrible mess. The media filth.
To give another sample of things – those who have been saying and telling the world the dreadful corporate practice which existed, how others are working hard, what they do and the media lies, con. The real issues which led to the mega USA financial, housing and economic – with it the world.
Again to cut details. The media this morning going for him – saying that because of his statement. He has caused the world and global Market to fall. Under Bush, Reagen, Blair, Major and Tacther – those phenomena were there and applied.
The problem is the so call media – the so call expert their more and more consistent lies, cover up and the real dynamic, synergy which impact and can impact and used to impact such issues not discussed. The multinational Finance house they go along it is fine as long as they make massive profits – whatever methods and means.
Excuse us the thread is full of errors we are threading next to the new Seychelles High Commission at Hanover Street. Those from the Fraternal, Illuminati, Archaic, Christian and others who know what really took place 20 years ago there. Why and what they are there for. The mega SIROP/CDU/DP/SNM etc exile return program $500 – $800 millions, ( We have come to edit this thread at the French Institute at South Kensington – two days ago we were here what and those who use the infamous satanic rave/rage, crack vibe and CJD – the mega bust up in France, the cars burnt etc and the heavy police involvement) the Big branch of Barclay round the corner we met and discussed with their top executive about the Barclay situation in Seychelles, Africa and the Indian Ocean, their respond. Equally the very large Building housing the HSBC, the merger debacle we were involved Mr Purves, the Italian connections. Also the St George church those from the Fraternal establishment at the time of the SIROP program who judge they control the church and every tings and made life hell for everybody. The Austrian tourist not far, the Mauritius Airline, the imposing hotel, the Irish Consulate, – the USA Embassy down the road and so very many other people, business we knew and were in contact for that SIROP etc exile return program,. The old Bond Street, the issues of the Readers Digest colour bible, the Philippine airline, The changes in the COMCON, the USSR issues, the German Reunification, German Treuhand process, the total French crap - anger of President Mitterrand on going issues. The issues of our connection in Monaco and Italian P2 Lodge. The Mauritian community grabbing their share of the loot/kill, those who were driving around London 20 years ago only interested in making the big kill, big buck on the back of our work and political situation wahtever cost. Spinning, using and abusing people to manipulate and push things in certain direction. Their agenda.
“ A very nice story – the Austrian old Restaurant round the corner – we decided to invite and take a then young Mauritian lady, after dinner decided to be naughty and treat her to a cigar from a selection, she puffed away, the fun and got so violently sick – they had to close the Restaurant” that night.
This is to the former USSR boss, current Leaders of Russia – this is where everything when wrong. We en devoured to discuss with the Russian Embassy in London, what was taking place. Had we been allowed to Develop and built that SIROP etc exile program in France or Germany, those who had used Dr Ferrari in the process, what they did and equally Sir James Mancham, they had refused to listen, involvement in hijacking that SIROP exile return program, if anything given their past political experience and knowledge of diplomacy ought to have been wise, they were not. The Seychelles Exile and the Seychelles nation got ripped off, robbed, taken to the laundry properly – the USSR, COMCON system change would have been different – the global economy, financial mess and the state of the world. The Russian Secret Service, the Military and many other is Russia getting very angry – mad.
We have been given a second chance so to say by the opening of the Seychelles High commission at Hanover Street, the royal Hanover family and Hanover in Germany. The state of the world economy, the mega economic and financial melt down, The situation in Africa and Small nation. We address Mr Oscar Lafontaine and those around him in Germany, he was there then – Sechelles – Seychelles have opened their High commission in Hanover Street, his efforts to bring some balance and sanity in the corrupted economic, financial and corporate practice in Germany and the world – EU. We still have a chance, given a second chance.
I trust President James Michel who were not aware of the process, not intended to lead Seychelles, the New national Assembly, the forthcoming general election, what has been said at home and debate, what ever percentage of the old SIROP etc exile return program implemented, Reclamation project etc and others do not get the bright idea to do like Dr Ferrari and others did and the terrible mess to date. The world is in a terrible mess as a result. ( just now I have ticked off a French woman on what took place two days ago in the library – yet she is going on, these are the issues the utter madness that have engulfed the wold – the mind programming process.)
The world is not 1983 – 1991, We now have a very important process and actually several process until we arrived at “the Treaty of Lisbon” and the vast many in London and Britain who treat things as usual – just like they treated things in the past, including that Channel Tunnel project the important impact on France and Britain relation ship it was supposed to bring. There have been so many terrible things happened the past 19 years in the world and Britain - the depraved mentality as if nothing had ever happened – except their little craps.
Beside the big banks there Barclay, HSBC, Lloyd and Halifax – that stock Market company Singer across them, they are going to cream, take them to the laundry properly and thy will be left empty handed, the very large Property developer Lang across the Square and several. Most significant Qatar Airline they were in Conduit Street – the reason the moved to their current address – had they known they would have stayed and join the thieves and creaming process. While out land country get taken over and we the real Seychellois become poorer or live in exile. What about our children and future generations. Mr/President Obama we the Seychellois nation we took a vow never again to let another nation control our destiny how whever big, powerful and rich – we trust the youth of Seychelles , the children will take this vow/pledge too.
There are many very important other issues which have been left out from that thread on Sechelles - Seychelles new High Commission at Hanover Street.
Because of the political brutalities, dishonesty, lies, cover-up, arms twisting, bullying, intimidation in that SIROP - Alliance, DP, CDU, SNM/MPR etc exile return program of 1986/1991 in relating to Diego Garcia - BIOT had wanted not to write about the "Kraft - Cadbury takeover, Aldabra Atoll Group issues".
Before we go further we had mentioned of the Russian high Parties who had advised us to write that thread, they reminded us yet again this morning. We purposely omitted the the issues of the "Kraft USA -Cadbury take over for some $12 billions". Certain important implications for the Seychelles Sovereignty, the Indian Ocean regional politic, Strategic balance, diplomacy and economy. Equally affecting the Gulf Region, African Union and our Asian Strategic issues. The takeover ofCadbury by Kraft also implies that they acquire the relevant interest of Aldabra Group of Islands formerly controlled by the Cadbury family - the Lease of 99 years. The media and politicians in Seychelles, the NGO - Civic Society in Seychelles need to be on their toe. This is not a development to be taken lightly. " We want to quote one of the most piercing remark by those who really know certain issues - the famousCadbury Eggs with the yellow in side - the statement to the "American - Kraft that you do not and cannot put cheese in that special egg"
Three other important issues we had omitted.
Now that "Kraft has taken over Cadbury" what is meant about the egg. Country life - the mega 123 Regent Str where they switch the Christmas light every year, the mega debacle all the facilities of that place. The terrible politic of the daypractice in London and the fast food, terrible food politic which existed in London until well into 2000 those in London who they they have the elite cuisine in the world or Europe - this translated to everyday politic. They were an important Christian project in London, Europe and the USA. When all the young exile,Mancham , Dr Ferrari and other were calling for the "total elimination of the Seychelles government and their leadership" our involvement and association with Country life influenced that we look at alternative solution to Seychelles, Indian Ocean and regional politic - we endeavoured to address the USA intelligence these issues upon our visit there. Mr TerrySandapin , Mr Paul Chow did visit their premise and mega building. The important Christian involvement, support, network involved - participation. They are just down the road. At the back, the famousSaville Row, the most expensive and elite tailors of the world. Round the corner equally most important - Tomas De La Rue Building - where they printed money for Seychelles, some of the many debacle of vast amount vanishing and other countries. Our personal and national involvements in instance - those who know/knew.
We have mentioned the issues of HSBC merger take over, the darn lies and take over. Mr Purves the Italian who led the takeover from HSBC side - our P2 lodge connections, other archaic/fraternal connection at play and involved. Why - just round the corner was the Bank Mr JoJo Horner had helped/contributed Mr Gerrard Houreau to open the MPR/SNM Bank account. Those who recall the difficulties of opening Bank account in Britain then. That Bank was situated on the corner of the entrance to Country Life Restaurant, the post office and Gerrard Jewellers across the street. The Midland Bank with their Yellow Logo - lettering.
Off Regent Street, as you take the first road right is Conduit Street. Who and how many Real Seychellois Exile/refugee do not know, recall or forgotten that famous/infamous Building - the Ambassador Delpech and our Tourist office, next door the police station, the Australian tourist office, we have mentioned Air Mauritius, Kenya Airline, Rolls Royce Car Dealer. The very many bitter, angry, desperate, frustrating and explosive protest we held at Conduit Street - the Exile Oppositions in the bitter Cold. the Mason Arm Pub across the road the elite and leadership would go after for a Beer. What must not be forgotten are thoseSechelles - Seychelles mothers, woman who supported and encouraged their men on. The instance of not just the skirt lifting to the Embassy showing their "arrière, derrière, postérieur" to the Embassy officials and staff. Conduit Street is two streets parallel. Those like Mr Andre Rasool who had been Seychelles 1st Ambassador. Mr Ali Parkar and Mrs Soona Oliajee corporate office and that of Mr Ramnijk Valabjhi not very far either. Across on the other side of Regen Street - Brewer Street, the SITA Office and Shop of former Minister Phillipe Jumeau - later our efforts, to taken over the Centre, club Mr Gerrard Houreau had started involving Mr Terry Sandapin and other UKSCA executive, near by. Mrs Kathleen Pillay visited the premise. The uncle of the current Ambassador. Much further at the end of Oxford Street, the Cumberland Hotel where Mr RobertFrichot, former ambassador would go for a drink. Our favourite was the French Meridian Hotel off Regent Street, St James at the back of Mason retail store, the Intercontinental Hotel, Hilton near Hyde Park. We almost forget something very important - the Group Sachi and Sachi, the role in some of these dabacles, why at the back of Old Bond Street. The Sir Robert Maxwell debacles involving the SIROP etc and our Exile/refugee conmmunity - why he was killed/died .Only those with inside knowledge what when on and took place. The many/some of our very important British Jewish corporate and other connections. ( then they tell us of Heinz and Lehman Brothers - next time I will bring my other to Sechelles - Seychelles children/families of Jewish blood)
Most important to all this the Court Case we endeavoured to introduce/get started at the Royal Court of Justice, some of London, South England best legal firms, leading names, for damage and compensation of £21 millions against several High parties in London over the destruction, theft,cover up of that SIROP, Alliance, DP, CDU, SNM/MPR etc exile return program. The paper works are still there. The three leading law firms we had recruited in the vicinity of the USA Embassy to advice, negotiate and discuss some of the complex issues - one of this Firm is today based next to the Knight of St John of Jerusalem in Islington - the Kight Templar Castle, the very many issues we have written about so far. The Hellish time we went through in London - whilst most of the exile/refugee community and their families had returned to Sechelles - Seychelles.
Meanwhile, since 1991 the cost overrun, those, anybody who undertand, familiar with the issues of such economic program, exile/Refigee program, management, diplomacy and politic. From the original $500 - $800 millions. we are now in the 20th year of that equally infamous SIROP etc exile/refugee return program only half and above completed the need to add some 30% - 50% for escalation of cost - price climb since. Making the program cost $240 - $400 millions ertra. These are issues which those who judge taking over the governemnt, setting up a government was/would be easy. How and where to find the finance and money to persue such program - concept.
Note: Sombody be kind and point this thread to the Russian in Seychelles
Origine of Hanover Square
Hanover Street
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