Düsterer Ausblick: Die EU hat die heurige Wachstumsprognose für Österreich mehr als halbiert. Mit 0,7 Prozent liegt es unter dem Schnitt der Eurozone - und das wird wohl noch bis 2016 so bleiben.
04.11.2014 | 12:34 | (DiePresse.com)
Zuerst die gute Nachricht: Die EU-Kommission korrigiert ihre heurige Arbeitslosenprognose für die Eurozone nach unten. Statt 11,8 Prozent erwartet sie heuer "nur" eine Arbeitslosenquote von 11,6 Prozent. Für Österreich war man im Frühjahr allerdings zu optimistisch: 5,3 Prozent soll die Rate nach Eurostat-Berechnung heuer betragen, im Frühjahr war noch von 4,8 Prozent die Rede. Für kommendes Jahr sagt die Herbstprognose sogar eine weitere Steigerung auf 5,4 Prozent voraus, ehe in zwei Jahren ein Rückgang auf fünf Prozent zu erwarten ist. Die Entwicklung am Arbeitsmarkt führte zuletzt auch dazu, dass Österreich seinen Spitzenplatz mit der niedrigsten EU-Arbeitslosenquote an Deutschland abgeben musste.
http://diepresse.com/home/wirtschaft/ec ... e/index.do
EU-Kommission malt düsteres Wirtschaftsbild
Had that SIROP program worked as it should have - we would not only have got a Tanker Fleet from Germany as thank you and some scholarship - we would have had a part/block of that Wall as Monument in that Victoria Capital and it is a shame personality like Mr Philippe Boulle with the vast wealth and Sir James Mancham could not assist - Google have today publish a list of countries around the world where they have a part of that Berlin Wall as monument. 9/11/2014
Chute du mur de Berlin : Google célèbre aussi les 25 ans
Notice - This year will be 25 years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall and Mega Historic sarrounding events. The Jewish nation, People and heritage were brought by and taught respect the great events and moments that their God and meanwhile the Christian God/Lord have done for you and hold it sacred, respect it, bring your children a your Servants to respect it - as is written in the Holy books of Tora and the Holy Scripture and the Holy Koran.
In the first place - Vatican have an enormous responsibility, given the Christian aspect of then Europe and World, later Christianity returning to the former COMECON and East Europe and Orthodox belief/christian and other christian belief. Including Judaism. The phenomena which sarrounded, drove and synergized many of the important developments and events were not Man control or directed - the person of Pope John Paul ll testify to this and those who are really serious about what took place. Most important Vatican Archives and their own unpublished documents.
The world ought not wait for Britain, the USA or the UN or NATO to help them decided what to make of this yearly anniversary - those same entity of the Church ought to insist that it in put in our Calender as an International Day - the process it brought to change former Yugoslavia, USSR, China, Latin America, Asia., Africa, the Oceans and Gulf Regions. The working relation of International diplomacy and mankind. Yet there is no special Day and their are special yearly Day for all kinds of issues.
For the Jewish people - had there not been a Berlin Wall those 300,000 Jews in Russia, East Europe and Ethiopia would not have been liberated - most important the $8 billion Holocaust Fund would never have been progressed to this Day. The Looted Treasures and properties returned - every body choose to forget, their government and Communities across the world, the great Jewish Nation and their God teaching.
We want to address something which many will not like - then Illuminati, Templars, then Masonic entities and others - the real role of then former president James Mancham he was a nobody, very lucky to have been there to benefit and ride the waves - for what he had done in then COMECON, Yugoslavia he would have been tried and that would have been the end of him. Yet the highly corrupted benchmark which got put into place, those from Rev Moon entity/Church and WANGO, their media, propaganda and respective Corporate interests and those Illuminati, Templar and masonic entities ho started giving him credits and praise him. I/we want to ask mall of you very bluntly how many Grand masters and Heads of Lodges has former president Mancham helped put into place and the same a number of Christian churches - to have this capacity requires special disciplines, training, years of experience in the field and participation - where was president Mancham when the Pan European Masonic entity was put into place by then President F Mitterrand and Chancellor Koln and other. These two high personalities and many other knew of our important involvement and contributions ability to help put in place individuals who could take decision and impact.
He did not state this in his Seychelles Nation Itenary for his forthcoming Travel to Europe - part of it is to do with the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall - then he "write he helped change Sechelles Seychelles by sending Fax." It is this gross/grobe and massive dishonesty which have landed the world in the mega mess we are in Europe and Russia and on the verge of War upon this forthcoming 25th Anniversary. Those who were there and no more those entrusted with such issues and legacy their comportment and Benchmarks/ total corrupted practices and writings.
This great Mankind/World event would not/never have happened if men and personalities like Sir James Mancham and his highly/utterly corrupted lot had been in control and in Power. How those/they steal information, identity and purport they are trying to save mankind and society then use it for their personal enrichment and process to grab Power and total control. Destroy, assassinate, trample , exclude those who refuse to work with them, bow to them and play their highly corrupted games.
Had that SIROP program worked as it should have - we would not only have got a Tanker Fleet from Germany as thank you and some scholarship - we would have had a part/block of that Wall as Monument in that Victoria Capital and it is a shame personality like Mr Philippe Boulle with the vast wealth and Sir James Mancham could not assist - Google have today publish a list of countries around the world where they have a part of that Berlin Wall as monument. 9/11/2014
Chute du mur de Berlin : Google célèbre aussi les 25 ans
Sprachlos und ergriffen und mit Gänsehaut
We will be adding the Wikipedia version and they are not accurate either
Gorbachev warns of new cold war threat as Berlin marks fall of wall
We have noted former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev statement/comment over President R Reagan, when he called for the Wall to be torn down "President Ronald Reagan was an actor/film Star and we did not pay much attention". Given this candid statement and his hand imprint on a block of the Wall from Check Point Charlie - believe it right/correct to remind everybody and the World, President Gorbachev is not the person they think/have come to know he is - Lady Thatcher and those like President Ronald Reagan, Chancellor Koln, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, President F Mitterrand , PM Andretti, Lech Walesa, General Juruzleski, President Vaclav Havel among others, Dr Otto von Hapsburg, the Vatican, Prof Dr Micheal Hofmann, Chancellor Dr Bruno Kreisky, then UN Secretary General, Kurt Waldheim (Austria)President Boris Yeltsin, former President Shevardnadze, then 1987/88, China People Republic Communist Party Chairman current President Vladimir Putin knew our/my capacity to help such high personality take/office/come to power. The very very many issues which do not get mentioned in Public in term of high interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary. Equally important the highly importance, role/part President Gorbachev played in that SIROP program implementation - Sechelles Seychelles unwritten and untold. 9/11/2014
The Bibles/Holy Scriptures we had at 87a Victoris Rd, Kilburn - Brent as we approach the 25th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall - between 1986 to 1991 we had a French, English Bible given by the Family - very important. Very important Judge EJ Stiven belief and he argued intellectually about the Christian concept, God and Divinity - one Bible he had/allowed on the shelve in the Anse aux Pins House was a Dunbar Bible. when we started to acquire books at Kilburn, Brent- we decided to hunt for a Dunbar bible and keep it at the Place in Kilburn - We had also acquired a German Bible from the German Speaking church in London. We had a copy of the Tora/Jewish Bible compliment of some acquaintance - most important the French Bibles with commentary of my Mauritian lady Friend and the Hampstead Church. Before we went to Angers - Loire 1989 Christmas, we were given another Bible the Readers Disgest Illustrated by Mr Nolan the CEO of the Private Hotel she worked. We took it to Angers - Loire and returned it back in 1990 with the baby HA. All these Bible and Holy Books were stolen along very many private, personal items and documents in 1991. {"We have added the picture of Strasbourg Synagogue not the SDA Church - then President F Mitterrand government 1881, events in Sechelles Seychelles, the Indian Ocean and those from Vienna/supported by Strasbourg who firmly stated I/we ought to got to London to seek political Asylum instead of Strasbourg - the world and very many events would have been vastly different today"}
"The USA/American official during the Cold War later the British in London/Britain attitude. It is not right to beat one breast and say I did this and that- having said had we stayed in France, Europe/the world would have been very different today - the WWW for one, what we were up to in France before the Berlin Wall. We had been building important bridges, connections and friendship with the Pied Noir in Strasbourg, Lyon, Marseilles, Bordeaux and Paris. Those with a great deal of military experience, colonial experience and France politic knowledge to help us.(Mr Gerard Hoareau had been aware) After the Berlin Wall the decision to maintain contact and enhance our greater Sechelles Seychelles/Franco exile/diaspora workings, encompassing very many issues, France, Europe and North Africa - the Indian Ocean. To the disapproval/dismay of the British/many in London. Our Solidarity stand today in spite of most of the older generation gone and the new generation. Like them our pain/horror is very far from over. The vast majority opposed Communism and One Party System."
Mancham on multiple European mission - Sechelles Seychelles Nation
Comment - We had wanted to use the comment box it would not accept excess words so we will add it here.
Having addressed the above Berlin Wall historic issues - Sechelles Seychelles and Germany used to enjoy a much better workings/economic /diplomatic relation driven by the SIROP program issues, the Unification, the Treuhand/Privatization.
The reason we had advocated that that initial Exile/refugee conference was/were made somewhere in Germany because of the working approach of the German people then Opposition Leader Mr Gerard Hoareau as against Britain the situation. They also held a very different overall view of our issues and situation in the Indian Ocean and regional workings.
Between 1981/2 when we became entangle/embroiled in the EU Project those leading personalities in Germany who were involved and knew the issues the style and benchmark we had to develop and this caused/led to confrontation with then Conservative government and lady Thatcher's people and other British entities. More so when we had decided to put into place that SIROP program - the very many economic, business, Europe and African, Gulf Region issues we worked with those high personalities and politicians we have build some working connections and it was a very important factor behind that SIROP program and the process, be they with South Africa, Seychelles issues, Mauritius - BIOT issues, our Russian, East Europe Connections, Yugoslavia and China their point of view and approach.
From a European prospective the very many highly important issues we have taken part in and contributed to/lend a helping hand. For instance Chancellor Schroder many help - the building of those Tanker Fleet and other issues in return. Our communities in Germany is best place to address them yet. What about the highly political issues of that Berlin Wall - Germany Reunification and France position in Europe and the world - then President F Mitterrand, we had to work very hard given we had put our head in the noose as they say - the political/diplomatic issues we worked and high corporate and European issues among then the Seat of the European Central Bank - Then German High Authorities and France is best place to address them - however what their respective media write. The Goodwill we the exile/refugees and diaspora have build with Germany and Europe cannot be underestimated - they are very very important.
We had expected from a European prospective, our contribution in the redevelopment of the Berlin Main Train Station - to make/commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall - the Ice Train Project would have arrived at St Pancreas/Kings cross and those form the Conservative Coalition who prevented and blocked this. - Yet.
We had in several instance addressed Chancellor Merkle for help to enable us to locate part of our Exile/that SIROP program in East Germany and the FECAS-ECSVS workings had this been done/achieved - the Seychelles German relation would have been vastly different today and their Economic situation very different; those who know our capacity to drive very big entities and business using modestly small amount of energy/synergy.
We have noted the Agreement for the Bundestag to build special relation with the Seychelles National Assembly some two weeks ago and we addressed them on our Forum - when it come to the rock bottom the German prefer serious Working relation not politic. Meaning what can we contribute and what they can help/give us in return.
We were reminded bluntly by President F Mitterrand of many challenging and problematic French /German issues and specially our Alsace/Lorraine important connection - it took many very bold and challenging initiative to build the current Indian Ocean workings, be they the COI, those in Germany who helped with the COI core issues as against the British and he USA, the RIM Association and the future BRICS workings alternative IMF/World Bank. In Sechelles Seychelles we need and require new dynamic and set of working discipline - this is best available from the German, their political and economic position in EU and the world/Russia and China - not the Arab world.
We have not had the opportunity to talk/discuss directly with some of the personalities we have had contacts and working relation - if/when we ask the question their respective view of then 1987 and today, instead of those Seychelles exile/refugee Families returning to build their country we have near 25,000 foreigners, nationalities, with the Arab/Gulf Nations - world, controlling the Economic important aspect of the nation - we had envisage such development but not the high percentage. Beside a unique Exile/refugee and Diaspora community from the Indian ocean our French roots and British quite distinct from the Seychelles government working sand their diplomatic representatives, how we have worked with past German Heads of State and their political entities and Corporate. The Treaties of Rome and Maastricht issues and debacles. The need to redefined these. Unless a serious program is put into place to encourage some of the exile/refugee to return this is not about to happen. Hence we have to plan and develop new set of strategy, objective in the future.
The best working experience and relation was acquired under then President F Mitterrand/era - he knew a very great deal and most of our highly important workings and contributions we shared and requested is views and impute. There was no going behind anybody's back. When he did not like, he let us/it be know very bluntly and with every consequences.
Gorbachev warns of new cold war threat as Berlin marks fall of wall
Gorbachev gets hero’s welcome, leaves hand prints at Checkpoint Charlie as Berlin celebrates fall of Wall - RT.TV
We have noted former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev statement/comment over President R Reagan, when he called for the Wall to be torn down "President Ronald Reagan was an actor/film Star and we did not pay much attention". Given this candid statement and his hand imprint on a block of the Wall from Check Point Charlie - believe it right/correct to remind everybody and the World, President Gorbachev is not the person they think/have come to know he is - Lady Thatcher and those like President Ronald Reagan, Chancellor Koln, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, President F Mitterrand , PM Andretti, Lech Walesa, General Juruzleski, President Vaclav Havel among others, Dr Otto von Hapsburg, the Vatican, Prof Dr Micheal Hofmann, Chancellor Dr Bruno Kreisky, then UN Secretary General, Kurt Waldheim (Austria)President Boris Yeltsin, former President Shevardnadze, then 1987/88, China People Republic Communist Party Chairman current President Vladimir Putin knew our/my capacity to help such high personality take/office/come to power. The very very many issues which do not get mentioned in Public in term of high interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary. Equally important the highly importance, role/part President Gorbachev played in that SIROP program implementation - Sechelles Seychelles unwritten and untold. 9/11/2014
The above Illuminati/archaic/fraternal and heraldry - heraldic, high heritage workings, issues played a very important role in the development, workings and management of that SIROP program, involvement/contributions to the changes/events of the COMECON, Yugoslavia and USSR, Ireland yes Ireland - the Indian Ocean, Africa, Asia, Gulf Region then 1987 onward. (Safe those three caravans and Caple Court Country Club was not there - unknown entity) Most of Europe Royal Families, Household knew of the issues, were aware/actively involved - their Institutions, the Illuminati, Templars, Fraternal, Masonic entities and others, NATO, EU high Institutions, most Heads of States in EU, Prime Ministers, Opposition Leader, Senior Ministers, the many Governments across the world who knew of that SIROP program, their high Officials and politicians, their Corporate entities, Civil institutions - the armies of NGO's, the UN, the Commonwealth, the Francophone, the none aligned the OAU. Beside the Church
In the USA, Canada, Quebec, South Africa, Australia, Latin America their respective interests and institutions - workings.
We want to ask you human beings the question does the king/queen/of a nation cook their own food they have armies of trained staff to do this - the same with very many High Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary working of Europe and the world some daft person does the dirt work and they eat/feast and take the credit - the Head cook may lend us jobless afterward. The many untold/unpublish workings/issues including the Berlin Wall and our person - the person of the Austrian Archduke. "The USA/American official during the Cold War later the British in London/Britain attitude. It is not right to beat one breast and say I did this and that- having said had we stayed in France, Europe/the world would have been very different today - the WWW for one, what we were up to in France before the Berlin Wall. We had been building important bridges, connections and friendship with the Pied Noir in Strasbourg, Lyon, Marseilles, Bordeaux and Paris. Those with a great deal of military experience, colonial experience and France politic knowledge to help us.(Mr Gerard Hoareau had been aware) After the Berlin Wall the decision to maintain contact and enhance our greater Sechelles Seychelles/Franco exile/diaspora workings, encompassing very many issues, France, Europe and North Africa - the Indian Ocean. To the disapproval/dismay of the British/many in London. Our Solidarity stand today in spite of most of the older generation gone and the new generation. Like them our pain/horror is very far from over. The vast majority opposed Communism and One Party System."
Communiqué du Parti Pied Noir pour les élections municipales 2014
Le Parti Pied-Noir : une opportunité européenne
11 Novembre : Hollande lance un message «d’espérance»
87a Victoria Rd - Kilburn, Brent 1985/6 - 1991
It is not right/proper we just write 87a Victoria Rd etc., those who will get carried by ideas where this will end/lend. Having stated that those from the USA, London, Germany - beside the Commonwealth and UN involvement to take that SIROP program from my person/Leadership, late 1988 and the coming to London of a very Pregnant daughter of my Viennese then close lady friend. The efforts to spurn me on inspite of the events in Munich, the Sechelles Seychelles Exile conference. ( How many have read some of the extracts, debacle in several books and never once bothered to mention to our person.) We had had very significat Jewish connections then, those of our Community who quarried it. We had also been attending two Synagogue - most often the Hampstead one - across the road the SDA Hampstead Church and then Pastor Laurent Fidelia. I/we decided to take the major set back to the Church community be they SDA or the Jewish Community and we took to praying about the whole situation beside numerous meetings with Embassies and NGO, certain news paper/Press to seek help and protest and the Irish Communities other exile bodies in London. We had also lost some close very private connection those who know the isues, those prominent ladies who turned their backs on our person. Late that years 1988 fate life changed thorugh pastor Fidelia and the SDA Hamstead church. We had found a female fried from Mauritius - the Community and Families were made aware . The SDA and the Jewish Community lent me their support and prayers. Mr Gabriel Hoareau importantly. In our community in Hounslow there had been talk of taking certain life for the betrayal and those who remembers the reality - it was not amusing. Beside the yearly function of the Community Half Way House and others. We knew J R Mancham would fail, Mr David Joubert, Dr Ferrari and Mr L Betsey/Ex Minister Uzice - indepth knowledge of our exile and militry issues which had failed and gone very wrong/pear shape, life lost/media fallout. Had began to develop/formulate other ideas - namely take the Program out of UK - to Austria or France or Germany.
Before Summer 1989 - we had attempted to have a child and it had failed - decided to get out of London living her in the place at 87a Victoria Rd with the SDA Community. Took the Train to Paris, then headed to Germany stopped at two places, then landed in West Berlin, where my brother had a place and was working for Prestcold. I/we had had meetings with a number of entities explaining what had happened and trying to find out what the situation was. With my Brother who was a supporter of SDP and his then wife, we had some very family/friendly strong exchange about everything and all those involved. We drowned some of the pain in a few large mug of German beers and public music - listened to music and went for long walks by the Berlin Wall and the beautiful Park, the lake and fish, took a lot of pictures and go to the local bar in the evening. I/we had also expected those High parties would also realize that they had mucked up badly and those they had hijacked that program and handed to were messing up importantly in many instances. From Berlin knew what was going on, the South African Service/Military, the Italian entities, the USA - most important the French their Intelligence, Illuminati and Military. We had aslo contact to the Israeli Service. It was decided my person could not stay in Berlin and visited my Brothers then wife Home in Nuremberg - walked the forest and did a lot of thinking , beside walking the Town. We then returned to Berlin. Having said we had attempted to seek political asylum in Strasbourg knew it would not work, decided to get in touch with my lady friend in Vienna and Family - they had go to know of my new relationship. This part is very important - had things worked would have dumped/ditched everything - in Vienna near the Chamber of Commerce/ Department for East Africa there is a pleasent Hotel facing the Park - and the famous Composer standing in the Park which we visited. We knew we were being shadowed by the Russian and others on behalf of Seychelles government. We tried to make contact with a number of High parties in Vienna including with Professor Dr Michael Hofmann - he had been closely informed of development, the view of Dr Kreisky and his Officials, the Austrian Illuminati, about the hijack of that SIROP program, those involved - time was running out - decided we had to return to London and 87a Victoria Rd - Kilburn - Brent.
Upon our return those from the Conservative, the Masonic entities and others, the Irish community and the Seycheles community, the Many NGO's we contacted - those who had hijacked that program were making a proper mess. We could draw up a list of those who insisted we do everything to take back that program - and what took place. The Illuminati/Templar and the Catholic Church/Vatican involvement. Today PM Tony Blair would use the wording going ballistic - those who recall, there were many global fallouts, disasters and other very terrible isues as a results. Those who knew that that program synsegy/dynamic could be managed for highly positive and highly negative outcomes. Forget the British media muck the reality on the Streets of London, the many exile/refugee networks and NGO's and the fast developing worked, Africa and Indian Ocean situation. Some of the high mechanism being used and apply to trigger a given major political fallout and incidents and many have not been reported/recorded properly - events and incident surrounding the development in then USSR, West Germany high politic/media issues, France, Italy, the European Capital, those COMECON countries and then Yugoslavia. Those who works in the International Intelligence Services and trained to certain discipline and science - such imput have signatures and many of the incidents, events and developments had their signatures and imprints whatever the media wrote and those for political and propaganda reasons. The Local Irish community were importantly involved. Lady Thatcher had started some two years earlier to talk of Weapon of Mass destruction inferring to that SIROP program synergy/dynamic. The utter dishonesty of our Sechelles Seychelles exile/refugee and diaspora communities, they knew and were very aware of everything going on - still they shut-up and talked a lot of ..... this I/we knew would lend to their defeat and failure when we return and we knew we were going Home very soon. We trust someday some young peson would take the time to research into the mind set of the exile/refugee of Seycheles in London and write a proper book. From our part those who recall claiming and taking back that program form those who had Hijack it not just the Seychelles exile/refugee was not funny - hell did really break loose. The British intelligence record, the USA, Australian, South African and Israeli, India, Chines and Russians. Again the SDA Church and the Jewish Synagogue Community knew/had know fairly well what had taken place and our personal involvement. You do not stand or kneel to pray about a week events or discuss without those who were educated/trained to know what the issues and score were. Not to mentioned the many NGO's and other Grass Roots and Ethnic communities we had been in contacts/supporting us. For those reason when the decision came for those to return Home, we were told bluntly by some of our very close Executives we would pose a danger in any government coalition we could /would not be taken back Home - we had formulated the composition of a coalition or take over government, the names and Individuals. The so call el nihnio phenomena and other strange Phenomena had began to appear - what about the crop circles and those wild beast roaming England and a great deal more. - Earth quakes/ major environment accidents. The need to stress that a number of then Leading activist be they in Poland or their respective countries in former COMECON knew and were aware of our ability and capacity to influence and make serious imput into some of the developing events and situation. One day we may get the opportunity to come to this including the Vatican and the illuminati/masonic entities, along with the media.
Had we managed to stay in Austria, Germany or France that Summer/Autumn - the Berlin Wall most likely would not have come down and the changes in the USSR, former COMECON very very different. President F Mitterrand and his officials - Illuminati associates were very aware and so to the Italian - those in Vatican and those high parties from the white House then and the USA. Beside some of the more involved Royal families of Europe then, including the Hapsburg.
Beside some of the meetings with Vatican/the Holy Seat office in London/Wimbledon, the visit and meeting with the International Court in the Hague - Netherlands, officials - the many illegal role of those Parties in Britain/London, to discuss some of the issues of that Program. What we have addressed the European Court of Justice and the Human Rights Court. Had a Judicial review been allowed by the Royal Court of Justice London - the contents of our Plaint - seeking among other damages for £21 million - a very great deal of those issues would have had to come out/in public. Again the issues we have addressed the Judiciary in Mauritius, France and Sechelles Seychelles Judiciary - had the UN or EU or others helped bring about a National review of this Program - then most of the issues we have been addressing would have had to be addressed and included an eventual report. We have also shared and addressed the newly formed International Criminal Court. Not to forget what have addressed the African Union Court of Justice too.
The very many strange and bizarre development former President J R Mancham being made/appointed Head and representative of world/International Judiciary and Judges high responsibility so to say I/we have become untouchable cannot be made accountable. Like/as is the practice of many African and North African heads of State.
It is not right/proper we just write 87a Victoria Rd etc., those who will get carried by ideas where this will end/lend. Having stated that those from the USA, London, Germany - beside the Commonwealth and UN involvement to take that SIROP program from my person/Leadership, late 1988 and the coming to London of a very Pregnant daughter of my Viennese then close lady friend. The efforts to spurn me on inspite of the events in Munich, the Sechelles Seychelles Exile conference. ( How many have read some of the extracts, debacle in several books and never once bothered to mention to our person.) We had had very significat Jewish connections then, those of our Community who quarried it. We had also been attending two Synagogue - most often the Hampstead one - across the road the SDA Hampstead Church and then Pastor Laurent Fidelia. I/we decided to take the major set back to the Church community be they SDA or the Jewish Community and we took to praying about the whole situation beside numerous meetings with Embassies and NGO, certain news paper/Press to seek help and protest and the Irish Communities other exile bodies in London. We had also lost some close very private connection those who know the isues, those prominent ladies who turned their backs on our person. Late that years 1988 fate life changed thorugh pastor Fidelia and the SDA Hamstead church. We had found a female fried from Mauritius - the Community and Families were made aware . The SDA and the Jewish Community lent me their support and prayers. Mr Gabriel Hoareau importantly. In our community in Hounslow there had been talk of taking certain life for the betrayal and those who remembers the reality - it was not amusing. Beside the yearly function of the Community Half Way House and others. We knew J R Mancham would fail, Mr David Joubert, Dr Ferrari and Mr L Betsey/Ex Minister Uzice - indepth knowledge of our exile and militry issues which had failed and gone very wrong/pear shape, life lost/media fallout. Had began to develop/formulate other ideas - namely take the Program out of UK - to Austria or France or Germany.
Before Summer 1989 - we had attempted to have a child and it had failed - decided to get out of London living her in the place at 87a Victoria Rd with the SDA Community. Took the Train to Paris, then headed to Germany stopped at two places, then landed in West Berlin, where my brother had a place and was working for Prestcold. I/we had had meetings with a number of entities explaining what had happened and trying to find out what the situation was. With my Brother who was a supporter of SDP and his then wife, we had some very family/friendly strong exchange about everything and all those involved. We drowned some of the pain in a few large mug of German beers and public music - listened to music and went for long walks by the Berlin Wall and the beautiful Park, the lake and fish, took a lot of pictures and go to the local bar in the evening. I/we had also expected those High parties would also realize that they had mucked up badly and those they had hijacked that program and handed to were messing up importantly in many instances. From Berlin knew what was going on, the South African Service/Military, the Italian entities, the USA - most important the French their Intelligence, Illuminati and Military. We had aslo contact to the Israeli Service. It was decided my person could not stay in Berlin and visited my Brothers then wife Home in Nuremberg - walked the forest and did a lot of thinking , beside walking the Town. We then returned to Berlin. Having said we had attempted to seek political asylum in Strasbourg knew it would not work, decided to get in touch with my lady friend in Vienna and Family - they had go to know of my new relationship. This part is very important - had things worked would have dumped/ditched everything - in Vienna near the Chamber of Commerce/ Department for East Africa there is a pleasent Hotel facing the Park - and the famous Composer standing in the Park which we visited. We knew we were being shadowed by the Russian and others on behalf of Seychelles government. We tried to make contact with a number of High parties in Vienna including with Professor Dr Michael Hofmann - he had been closely informed of development, the view of Dr Kreisky and his Officials, the Austrian Illuminati, about the hijack of that SIROP program, those involved - time was running out - decided we had to return to London and 87a Victoria Rd - Kilburn - Brent.
Upon our return those from the Conservative, the Masonic entities and others, the Irish community and the Seycheles community, the Many NGO's we contacted - those who had hijacked that program were making a proper mess. We could draw up a list of those who insisted we do everything to take back that program - and what took place. The Illuminati/Templar and the Catholic Church/Vatican involvement. Today PM Tony Blair would use the wording going ballistic - those who recall, there were many global fallouts, disasters and other very terrible isues as a results. Those who knew that that program synsegy/dynamic could be managed for highly positive and highly negative outcomes. Forget the British media muck the reality on the Streets of London, the many exile/refugee networks and NGO's and the fast developing worked, Africa and Indian Ocean situation. Some of the high mechanism being used and apply to trigger a given major political fallout and incidents and many have not been reported/recorded properly - events and incident surrounding the development in then USSR, West Germany high politic/media issues, France, Italy, the European Capital, those COMECON countries and then Yugoslavia. Those who works in the International Intelligence Services and trained to certain discipline and science - such imput have signatures and many of the incidents, events and developments had their signatures and imprints whatever the media wrote and those for political and propaganda reasons. The Local Irish community were importantly involved. Lady Thatcher had started some two years earlier to talk of Weapon of Mass destruction inferring to that SIROP program synergy/dynamic. The utter dishonesty of our Sechelles Seychelles exile/refugee and diaspora communities, they knew and were very aware of everything going on - still they shut-up and talked a lot of ..... this I/we knew would lend to their defeat and failure when we return and we knew we were going Home very soon. We trust someday some young peson would take the time to research into the mind set of the exile/refugee of Seycheles in London and write a proper book. From our part those who recall claiming and taking back that program form those who had Hijack it not just the Seychelles exile/refugee was not funny - hell did really break loose. The British intelligence record, the USA, Australian, South African and Israeli, India, Chines and Russians. Again the SDA Church and the Jewish Synagogue Community knew/had know fairly well what had taken place and our personal involvement. You do not stand or kneel to pray about a week events or discuss without those who were educated/trained to know what the issues and score were. Not to mentioned the many NGO's and other Grass Roots and Ethnic communities we had been in contacts/supporting us. For those reason when the decision came for those to return Home, we were told bluntly by some of our very close Executives we would pose a danger in any government coalition we could /would not be taken back Home - we had formulated the composition of a coalition or take over government, the names and Individuals. The so call el nihnio phenomena and other strange Phenomena had began to appear - what about the crop circles and those wild beast roaming England and a great deal more. - Earth quakes/ major environment accidents. The need to stress that a number of then Leading activist be they in Poland or their respective countries in former COMECON knew and were aware of our ability and capacity to influence and make serious imput into some of the developing events and situation. One day we may get the opportunity to come to this including the Vatican and the illuminati/masonic entities, along with the media.
Had we managed to stay in Austria, Germany or France that Summer/Autumn - the Berlin Wall most likely would not have come down and the changes in the USSR, former COMECON very very different. President F Mitterrand and his officials - Illuminati associates were very aware and so to the Italian - those in Vatican and those high parties from the white House then and the USA. Beside some of the more involved Royal families of Europe then, including the Hapsburg.
Beside some of the meetings with Vatican/the Holy Seat office in London/Wimbledon, the visit and meeting with the International Court in the Hague - Netherlands, officials - the many illegal role of those Parties in Britain/London, to discuss some of the issues of that Program. What we have addressed the European Court of Justice and the Human Rights Court. Had a Judicial review been allowed by the Royal Court of Justice London - the contents of our Plaint - seeking among other damages for £21 million - a very great deal of those issues would have had to come out/in public. Again the issues we have addressed the Judiciary in Mauritius, France and Sechelles Seychelles Judiciary - had the UN or EU or others helped bring about a National review of this Program - then most of the issues we have been addressing would have had to be addressed and included an eventual report. We have also shared and addressed the newly formed International Criminal Court. Not to forget what have addressed the African Union Court of Justice too.
The very many strange and bizarre development former President J R Mancham being made/appointed Head and representative of world/International Judiciary and Judges high responsibility so to say I/we have become untouchable cannot be made accountable. Like/as is the practice of many African and North African heads of State.
Mancham on multiple European mission - Sechelles Seychelles Nation
Comment - We had wanted to use the comment box it would not accept excess words so we will add it here.
Having addressed the above Berlin Wall historic issues - Sechelles Seychelles and Germany used to enjoy a much better workings/economic /diplomatic relation driven by the SIROP program issues, the Unification, the Treuhand/Privatization.
The reason we had advocated that that initial Exile/refugee conference was/were made somewhere in Germany because of the working approach of the German people then Opposition Leader Mr Gerard Hoareau as against Britain the situation. They also held a very different overall view of our issues and situation in the Indian Ocean and regional workings.
Between 1981/2 when we became entangle/embroiled in the EU Project those leading personalities in Germany who were involved and knew the issues the style and benchmark we had to develop and this caused/led to confrontation with then Conservative government and lady Thatcher's people and other British entities. More so when we had decided to put into place that SIROP program - the very many economic, business, Europe and African, Gulf Region issues we worked with those high personalities and politicians we have build some working connections and it was a very important factor behind that SIROP program and the process, be they with South Africa, Seychelles issues, Mauritius - BIOT issues, our Russian, East Europe Connections, Yugoslavia and China their point of view and approach.
From a European prospective the very many highly important issues we have taken part in and contributed to/lend a helping hand. For instance Chancellor Schroder many help - the building of those Tanker Fleet and other issues in return. Our communities in Germany is best place to address them yet. What about the highly political issues of that Berlin Wall - Germany Reunification and France position in Europe and the world - then President F Mitterrand, we had to work very hard given we had put our head in the noose as they say - the political/diplomatic issues we worked and high corporate and European issues among then the Seat of the European Central Bank - Then German High Authorities and France is best place to address them - however what their respective media write. The Goodwill we the exile/refugees and diaspora have build with Germany and Europe cannot be underestimated - they are very very important.
We had expected from a European prospective, our contribution in the redevelopment of the Berlin Main Train Station - to make/commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall - the Ice Train Project would have arrived at St Pancreas/Kings cross and those form the Conservative Coalition who prevented and blocked this. - Yet.
We had in several instance addressed Chancellor Merkle for help to enable us to locate part of our Exile/that SIROP program in East Germany and the FECAS-ECSVS workings had this been done/achieved - the Seychelles German relation would have been vastly different today and their Economic situation very different; those who know our capacity to drive very big entities and business using modestly small amount of energy/synergy.
We have noted the Agreement for the Bundestag to build special relation with the Seychelles National Assembly some two weeks ago and we addressed them on our Forum - when it come to the rock bottom the German prefer serious Working relation not politic. Meaning what can we contribute and what they can help/give us in return.
We were reminded bluntly by President F Mitterrand of many challenging and problematic French /German issues and specially our Alsace/Lorraine important connection - it took many very bold and challenging initiative to build the current Indian Ocean workings, be they the COI, those in Germany who helped with the COI core issues as against the British and he USA, the RIM Association and the future BRICS workings alternative IMF/World Bank. In Sechelles Seychelles we need and require new dynamic and set of working discipline - this is best available from the German, their political and economic position in EU and the world/Russia and China - not the Arab world.
We have not had the opportunity to talk/discuss directly with some of the personalities we have had contacts and working relation - if/when we ask the question their respective view of then 1987 and today, instead of those Seychelles exile/refugee Families returning to build their country we have near 25,000 foreigners, nationalities, with the Arab/Gulf Nations - world, controlling the Economic important aspect of the nation - we had envisage such development but not the high percentage. Beside a unique Exile/refugee and Diaspora community from the Indian ocean our French roots and British quite distinct from the Seychelles government working sand their diplomatic representatives, how we have worked with past German Heads of State and their political entities and Corporate. The Treaties of Rome and Maastricht issues and debacles. The need to redefined these. Unless a serious program is put into place to encourage some of the exile/refugee to return this is not about to happen. Hence we have to plan and develop new set of strategy, objective in the future.
The best working experience and relation was acquired under then President F Mitterrand/era - he knew a very great deal and most of our highly important workings and contributions we shared and requested is views and impute. There was no going behind anybody's back. When he did not like, he let us/it be know very bluntly and with every consequences.
First German ICE train into St.Pancras, Eurostar competition ...
Yesterday 8/11/2014 the extended documentary over the First and Second world war afternoon and late Evening.