"The other aspects of the Prodigal Son/Child - at Home/Seychelles they ought to know yet.We have lost the comment we made at Facebook 18/9/15 - we had thank those who have been following our situation and the 1979 song of Celine Dion and Barbara Streisand they published, ( among other artists over the years) We explained the mega mess we had landed in - Had lost the Emperor mobile home/Office, ex North West Holst, Societe General des Eaux, the Minuette/Princess Diana caravan and had landed/forced in London. Then PM Blair coming to office - then issues we/I ought to use that SIROP program and drive/land that a European announcement is made about the construction of the Europe - Africa Tunnel, those who were using the person of Princess Diana and Al Fayad - that terrible accident. Much more import we had hit the dirt all those in London who knew/were aware. For those two leading artists who/to come forward and write this song - over the course of past 15 years had contributed to their work from high Interdisciplinary Management prospective. We were also approaching the Millennium, our contribution and impute - those who ought to know better. Including the Vatican. President Clinton had let us down terribly/gone back on his promise to help us migrate to France.. Many others involved. It was over the approaching Millennium they had wanted us in London - not France those terrible French Illuminati who just love to forget everything. "
"It is nice/pleasant to note that others have been following our thoughts and their knowledge of events, issues and then workings. This is then 1997, the very tragic and terrible events of Princess Diana - The motives - over the years from a high Interdisciplinary prospective contribute to both their work. Then PM Blair just coming to Office, we/my person was in a very terrible mess we had lost the emperor and Minuette/Princess Diana Caravan in Caple le Fern. President Clinton had let us down terrible/ we had hit the bottom/dirt yet again. Those in London insisting we/I use that SIROP program to get those involved to announce the construction o f the Europe - Africa Tunnel project. Using then Princess Diana and the Al Fayad. We were not amused and the Millennium approaching - those who know and have all the details of our involvement in contributing to this global event for a high Interdisciplinary Management prospective."
We addressed the event of my Uncle passing away in Seychelles - St Louis, previous Wednesday 3/9/15, the burial on Thursday and my being informed this Sunday 13/9/2015 after/over Window XP virus conversation. That Family is very extended, meaning make up many families, children, cousins and relatives.
Why have we come back - to one of the daughter's, I was very close/fond as children and later in Europe/Seychelles, the other daughter how helped us when we came in exile from France/Austria - over the years. Indeed to our twin cousins and Joseph who gave a good part of his life in Opposition, Seychelles and in exile.
That Village of St Louis which derive its name from Louis the 14th also know as St Louis, as children though we were taught basic history we had to research, study and find out for ourselves. Its inhabitants prior to Independence - the families, they made up the bastion of Church of England, the Adventists. Some of the important families such as the Delhomme, the Morel, the Dechermond, the Sauvage, the Parcou, the Stravens, the Adeline, the Barbier, the Sabadin, the Mangroo, the Tall, the Le Fevbre, the Louange, the Mein, the Roullion, the Bedier, the Diadoo, the Calais, the Pointe, the Dailleur, the Loiseau, the Rivier/Delpech, the Tirant, the Camille, the Conteaure family, the Chang Lam, the Durup, the Julie, the Gill, the Ah Wan, the Nowles, the Gonthier, the Alley, the Rene and others. The Mancham, the Stevenson - , the Mascarenas, the Poponeau, the Bonnelam, beside the merchants families.What about Bernard's Parent and John the famous singer family.
Among those families - those from the Adventist were always frowned upon, their respective belief and practice, custom and values. Being one of those children we would term this/it religious persecution and exclusion today and past. To this day the stigma stays in-spite of the large Adventist church at St Louis and the former Stevenson/Morel/Delhomme building become their asset and why they acquired it/everybody choose to forget. Certainly not the SDA General Conference intervention and not the Founding Fathers of the SDA in USA to be polite. The dogged and personal engagement, conviction and Opposition approach/stand, of its member to the, then One Party System in Seychelles and the price they had to pay.
We have been brought on faith and we have acquired extensive Religious experience, knowledge and battling. We have worked interfaith topics across the world without out having to put it on the big bell or loud haler. We/ I take my personal faith/religious experience very seriously and deeply. I had said a particularly difficult and long prayer, done some chores given certain personal constraints this Sunday morning- then the message that my Uncle had passed away. There are some very deep issues related to the election result of the Labour Party.
To further stress the why's - Uncle Teddy was a great Carpenter by Seychelles and Adventist standard. He helped build the Old Victoria church, he helped build that old SDA Primary School at Bel Eau. He went on to improve his knowledge and technique in East Africa. He was a pillar of that Church - "may be our Muslim brothers can explain better" - when such a person die/nobody trained to take his place and role - the collateral fallout. In Creole Seychelleois how/what they say.
Where some of the acquaintance from our community and other communities - given their respect for an Uncle they respect would have gone and got drunk, with some friends, done something daft, take drugs in instance, other action to rid oneself of the feelings and flood of emotion. We decided to go in the fields - again some harvest issues this year, - they have just spread manure and it is a healthy smell. We spent some time thinking of this special Uncle - why is he special, he had lived and worked in East Africa, his many children, the Family wife from Glacis my second girl friend, Nella Mein - Conrad, her brother came for there. The great story like those 28 ghosts in England - those who practice Black/white magic, witch craft/para science in then Seychelles - we as children. I was very close to the eldest and he had all the features of Mr Gerrard Hoareau as a young person and our many journeys to then Governors Residence late at night/ the Mathieu Family position, ( The Mogador article we have posted) we went fishing at the Small Pier together and learn to swim there, also Long Pier fishing. We attended the Mont Flurie Secondary school, then Mrs Geva Rene and Mr Stenley Durup. He had not passe away ( Was not allowed by the family to attend his funeral) - the strange incident of the drowning of then Governor John Thorpe and Mr Boulle. We attended the Bel Eau Adventist school together and in spite of my fondness for Orette Appave, she like him a lot more - he was handsome. Much more important we learnt to ride bicycle together. My Uncle Mr Levy Ah Wan worked for the government then and they gave him or helped him to acquire a new Bicycle. After church, the Old Church next to what became later Chez Jumeau Supermarket, the Michel Buildings pushing our uncle bicycle up the hill to St Louis - without his knowledge we would get as far the Denousse/ex La Canbise/then James A Michel Family, Mr Marimba Immigration, other families, the Telfer, ride down to where later Inspector Legras family lived, the Gill family/Mr Augustin shop and up again each a couple of times. There was one particular bend where we cross to go to school, the Underwood family - my cousin had discussed his technique and I thought I could improve on that - I lost control of the Releigh black ladies bicycle and landed in the shop/fortunately not the very steep part that would have been a fall of some 15/20 feet. The bicycle was a write off and my Father had to pay the bill/replace it. "So much for Saturday and our Church". What we ought not to do and not do on a Saturday as children.
Having lived and worked in East Africa - he had his view of Judge E J Stiven, those who had lived and worked in East Africa and the Family discussion for permission that I accept Judge EJ Stiven offer.
He took a linking to my First wife the youngest sister of Pastor Caleb Bru's wife. He had been one of those who was pushing us/me to become a Priest or the such/family wish. Took to keeping an eye on us/my person, moral and lecture as we say in Seychelles how we ought to behave. Deciding whom we should become acquainted and marry in the Church ( Another amusing/not so amusing incident - was then 6/7 old and had stolen my Mum shoe and we had been climbing on this pile of blasted rock to build their house/the big Jackfruit Tree, and pretended this was a Church and landed on my head and the deep hole and to this day have this scar in the middle of my head of course it bled. This is the way we learnt about the greater secrets of life/workings. We had a great lady in the Village madame Barreau she lived under Trois Frere and took to sitting on top of the Wall high and piping what she had in her basket on Sunday after market/she practice Voodoo and witchcraft.
In the Village those Families who worked on the Islands and the Illois debacles then.
In that field - full of nice smelling very fresh manure took some time to think of him. Twice when we had been Home, he had uttered/confronted us with our faith/belief, asked questions - much more important had called my person "the Prodigal Son/child". This is not amusing among the Adventist and those who practice/know the issues, the stigma it carries. As great Uncle how he must have mulled and talked with other members of the Family, acquaintance and the village. I took it very seriously how ever vexed. The same of many in the Adventist Church.
We now address the world, all those who have and had great Uncle if you cared anything, their respective views. You cannot sit down and tell a very pious Adventist Uncle your life story, a Catholic or Church or England or other belief yes. They just refuse to listen and understand - there are no room for discussion and arguments/debates. Yet the Village of St Louis what they have gotten to know of my person over the past 36 years and more in Europe. Much more important that SIROP program from the Adventist prospective, the changing of the One party System and the Fall of the Communist World. The UK Adventist Conference, France - they say, stress their prayers are more effective than any religious denominations. Their Christian values in better that most other Christian Values. They also purport/say/stress, emphasis, they have a much better knowledge of the Bible/Scripture than other Christian denominations. Why then do/does such an Uncle label/call "my person the Prodigal Son/Child" citing Biblical passages/quotes.
Since we last spoke - he had been told why I had come to Seychelles in 2009. Beside our prayers and thoughts. I had promised I would be back in 2010 and did not make it the mega fall out with President FA Rene - the 13 attempts to meet to trash our our manure/garbage/cabbages. Then global economic meltdown, then early debacle of BRICS.
Upon my return to London what I/we undertook, explaining the world the situation. In 2012 the setting up of that SIROP portal. To date the many political parties and breakaways all those who have come forward and and talked and pointed to the very corrupted system in place. Much more important former Minister Pat Pillay and former Minister Testa - the first he knows reasonably well and the Family, the second is Family. What about Mr Christopher Gill mega protests and many troubles with the system and Government - he is Family too. Just down the road the person of Mr Wavel Wankalawan and he knew his father very well too. I just wish he was available for me/us to ask him what he make of my learning of his passing away, the Sunday/first Day of the election debacle of the new Labour Leader - what we have address about Seven Sisters Road/Islington, our lawyer Hopkin, Murrey, Beskin, Judge Ben Chataway and the Clooney family. The many Greek acquaintance and the North London Seychellois Community. Europe mega refugees/exile crises and Boarder control reintroduces by Germany and others. Having lived and worked in East Africa the Europe - Africa high speed railway link we addressed. Seychelles own project. What about the issues of Mortlake, the Bridge and Putney where Sir James Mancham used to live this Sunday - then 1989.
We have address the topic of my sisters' historic visit this 2015, all the sisters were together in Sechelles and some of the children and grand children. The highly toxic/poisonous family relation - in term of Adventist belief, faith, values and life. Time and time we/I stress had requested they form a circle and pray form my person whilst they were there - the debacle/topic of Prof Vadim his offer after 15 years to collaborate in Seychelles. My personal challenges, those who rely on prayers as one get/become older and you /one do not have the same health, energy and ability to pray - what then and what happens. This challenges to all Christian and other belief.
To the children, cousins and close related, Adventist church and the Village of St Louis our apology should/if you get offended reading this article and motives for publishing/sharing it with the world.

We have been too engross in the topic, the stigma, life glaring eyes of the Prodigal Son. It is an unhealthy frame of mind and lend to very negative thoughts process - the consequences.
In Seychelles this morning the SDA Community/church ought to have been rejoicing the Bru family, Johnson, Arnachallum family - beside the Edmond/Didon/Ah Wan/Louange Grand mama side, have a new addition in Canada - however challenging for the little fellow. We have all rallied and prayed. (The Police Station foundation stone at Anse aux Pins)
In Holland the very tragic and painful news, a member of the leading family who have/had been involved in our National politic and European politic/Affairs. Like/as every community in Europe it is not the Embassy and Consul who make the community it is the Families and individuals. This Family played a unique role in our exile/refugee politic and Netherlands - Seychelles relation including the mega Phase lll Reclamation Project all the associated topics. It relate, touches and concernthe person of Mr Claude Savy.
He was a very colorful person, dynamic in Seychelles pre Independence, the Family lived close to the Old SDA Church and we got our fair teasing from him - later we became good friend. The Frichot Family. His Family married into our Family the Edmond/Didon etc., the arrival of the babies and the four vibrant boys which would go on to carry their ancestral names and values.
He was an excellent footballer his passion and friendly to all those who knew him. However political events and development which tore and split every families in Seychelles, the advent of Independence politic the new Airport construction and Harbour. He had also worked under Chief Prison superintendent Mr Felix Hoareau who also fled his country with his family in exile to Wales. He migrated/took exile and became another Prodigal son/child my late uncle Mr Teddy Ah Wan and many other would conclude.
He was married and had two daughters and the great time our community had when the family was intact - Grand Ma, Savy de St Maurice in Holland then - the Dutch Royal families and personalities participating. He believed and supported that SIROP program.
The terrible news was broken to us just/on the day they laid the foundation stone for the Anse aux Pins police station, that he had passed away one month ago. It is unhappy that our community was not made aware and informed stressing his important role in our Dutch/Netherlands community affairs - those who would have wished to attend the church Service and last adieu with the availability of Facebook and other possibilities - we all have to travel that road it is those fellow travelers who have to keep an eye on each other and the manner they do this. Those who would have like to come and share the burden and pain. The many who knew him in old Sechelles Seychelles, the Catholic church Youth wing.
In Europe, Australia, Canada and USA those who know "the term of watering holes" pubs, restaurants and local place of eat and likewise in Seychelles specially the Pirate Arms, the Tobruk club, Seychelles club and many others. ( In Islington he has an old friend an avert footballer and famous Mr Sandoo - he will be grieved at loosing him given his many inquiry about his well being over the past 15 years in London.)
The Old Savy/Murrey Families in Sechelles Seychelles Pre independence, Mrs Murrey his sister worked for the Education and when to all the schools and taught physical exercise training and managed sport/athlete events including the SDA Bel Eau school. Mr Tobby Murrey, the family.
We address his family and his young nephews, when your uncles and Aunts explain/bring you by to understand the working of our people ancestors it is not to be taken lightly - there are reasons now that this high responsibilities befall on you. Those who will be watching your perform and how you mange this high responsibilities. All those who have given percentage and part of their precious life for our cause and struggle. The thank you they get in the end or what get attributed to them.
We want to take this opportunity 70th UN Assembly, to convey to the Savy de St Maurice, the Murrey families our deep sympathy and Community Europe wide condolence and those across the world who will surely joins us in sharing your grief, sorrows and pain, anguish.
To the SDA/Adventist Church in Sechelles Seychelles this Sabbath morning trust you will practice your belief and what you preach.

The Prodigal Son

Lalyans ICCS Meeting Part 2 - former Minister William Herminie
Former Minister William Herminie was a good friend of Mr Noelin Lewis Didon - then Director/CEO of Premier Services.
It is important to note having added his speech that we find him making the interview at Seselwa Annou Koze 19/9/2015, the contents and subject he covered. He is currently practicing law.
Former Minister William Herminie was a good friend of Mr Noelin Lewis Didon - then Director/CEO of Premier Services.
It is important to note having added his speech that we find him making the interview at Seselwa Annou Koze 19/9/2015, the contents and subject he covered. He is currently practicing law.
Within the context of my Uncle Mr Teddy Ah Wan " L'enfant Prodigue/the Prodigal son" debacles - the former Minister who have held three Portfolio explain the reason for his departure. What he omitted with due respect to them lawyers in that Sechelles Seychelles - he took over the mantle of Minister Guy Sinon - he was his protégée. He had been one of then President FA Rene Minister to oppose that SIROP program. The many battle President FA Rene was involved with him and his supporters/the faction he controlled in then Seychelles government and then SPPF.
<"Having said that he was a Protégée of Minister Sinon then President F A Rene right or left hand - he ought to give very deep thought to his statement - In London 1996/7, the decision what would be his fate. Then Conservative government of PM John Major. What we wrote and addressed to everybody that that SIROP program was being controlled by London and their objectives. Had we been in France with that Program what would have been his fate. We were forced back in London 1997 - as a Black leading politicians in Seychelles his acquaintance in Africa - how African politicians view London and when they say London is intervening and controlling a situation or program they take it very seriously. What really happened to President JA Michel and the Lehman Brothers - London was controlling vast many issues of that SIROP program and Seychelles politic - leading to the current fate of President JA Michel and the Seychellois people. Ex Minister Hernine have gone out of his way to find a solution, the solution will be found when that SIROP program is removed/taken away form London as a leading black politicians trust he will listen - if he cannot /refuse ask his Black brothers in London - the many Black Africa politicians, not the West Indian. Since the coming to office of the Conservative Coalition and now alone what have really been happening and it is bound to get worse. Our Creole politicians - they are a very strange and difficult to understand at best, specially our Oppositions some 15 years have pleaded help us get that program on the continent and it would cost almost near nothing and the fate of our nation and people. Had we addressed this to Black African Politician they would have done something.
In his historic interview he does not address given that he was very close to President FA Rene and reasonable powerful ( In a number of instance he had wish to have the post of VP with the would be President JA Michel government like Minister Belmont )- what compelled President FA Rene to step down - the decision had been taken when he was given notice. If/should he want to play a meaningful role in bringing in a new government he need to explain what really happened. He needs to explain in greater details why then Vice President J A Michel had to take Office and why he was/would be excluded form the government. He has been to economical/sparsam in his public broadcast. ">
We appreciated his statement - that we all have to ceded Power/pass it on to a younger person and that it need/require to be done in a well managed process. The Nation/people Respecting the important work/building the previous Office bearer had done.
Given events and developments have decided to add another very old SDA much love parable that of the 10 virgins. Given that we now know the Seychellois Nation is going to have a Presidential election within the next 90 days/announcement. "May we add those who have tarried and now old and had been wise virgin too, what of them beside the new young virgins/Maiden" (The Bois de Rose Hypermarket which should have been Carrefour) We ask to be excused by those who disagree with the Moron teachings.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins Wikipedia