The Casablanca—Tangier high-speed rail line, an LGV that hosts the TGV, is the first high-speed rail line in Morocco, and also the first of it's kind in Africa. This was decided in November 2007 by the national government after a roadmap outlined in 2005 by Morocco's rail company ONCF. Wikipedia

Wikipedia Source
Before we continue with this blog the need to refer visitors, readers, officials and others that without events of 1986/87 in Europe, France, Britain, USSR, the COMECON, the Gulf region and North Africa leading to the presentation of that SIROP program all those who contributed and input including the Royal person of King Hassan II of Morocco, his relation with the USA then Cold War, in office President Ronald Reagan we had to refer those developments and ideas intended projects, a Friend for former first President Sir James Mancham - how we went about lobbying those in Africa who would be supportive of that program and its implementation, the person of President FA Rene aware his military, diplomatic and political associates, across Africa, Europe North Africa, the Gulf Region and elsewhere and those from then OAU and Arab League aware. We had natured a positive link to France and North Africa Community and the Pied Noire. In the process of implementing that program the changes not just in the USSR, East Europe , those North /African Nation , the Gulf Region among them and the important economic impacts/changes that would take place. Will add extract form Wikipedia . It does not cover those issues however for whatever reason. Just as it had been judge important to build a link between France and Britain, initially $4.5 billion, we are not going to use high university language here. The processes that had been envisaged and what has been published and not. The marked difference between Africa and Europe /Spain, those who had judge this very utopia, but possible, the impact on Africa, Morocco and Spain the big politic and where the money would come from. The government of President F Mitterrand and his officials, one could not address such a topic if those in Powers did not know were not informed or aware. In France the very /TGV development, Projects and President Mitterrand, in Spain the King, his government and across Europe, beside the EU plan for major revamping of the Train and Transport system politic on the back of those changes in our case the SIROP program and associated development . Job creating and Economic infrastructure development . The Markets in then 1986/87 in Europe.
Note -"Mitterrand continued to promote the new technologies initiated by his predecessor Valéry Giscard d'Estaing: the TGV high speed train and the Minitel, a pre-World Wide Web interactive network similar to the web.[54] The Minitel and the Paris-Lyon TGV line were inaugurated only a few weeks after the election 1981. In addition, Government grants and loans for capital investment for modernisation were significantly increased.[55]"
( There are several proven scientific approach to reporting, the method Wikipedia reports and write a good deal get
left out, the many impacting issues, thematic, synergy, dynamics in the case of the TGV development )
Note -"Mitterrand continued to promote the new technologies initiated by his predecessor Valéry Giscard d'Estaing: the TGV high speed train and the Minitel, a pre-World Wide Web interactive network similar to the web.[54] The Minitel and the Paris-Lyon TGV line were inaugurated only a few weeks after the election 1981. In addition, Government grants and loans for capital investment for modernisation were significantly increased.[55]"
( There are several proven scientific approach to reporting, the method Wikipedia reports and write a good deal get
left out, the many impacting issues, thematic, synergy, dynamics in the case of the TGV development )
François Mitterrand - Wikipedia
Development of the TGV
"The political origins of the project arise from the Common Hispanic-Moroccan Declaration of Fez, of 16 June 1979, and signed by the kings of Spain and Morocco.[11] One consequence of the Declaration was the creation in 1981 of SECEGSA, the Spanish government-funded corporation whose job is to "study" and "promote" the crossing.[12]"

Between East and West: The Cold War's legacy in Africa - Al Jazeera
The Soviet Union and the Horn of Africa during the Cold War: between ...
"In the Cold War era, Hassan II allied Morocco with the West generally, and with the United States in particular. There were close and continuing ties between Hassan II's government and the CIA, who helped to reorganize Morocco's security forces in 1960.[7] Hassan served as a back channel between the Arab world and Israel, facilitating early negotiations between them. This was made possible due to the presence in Israel of a large Moroccan Jewish community."
30 May 2018 - First put forward in 1869, a 38km-long tunnel crossing would link Spain and Moroccothrough the Strait of Gibraltar from Tarifa to Tangier and ...
Spain and Morocco plan tunnel link | World news | The Guardian
14 Dec 2003 - Plans for a rail tunnel between Africa and Europe have taken a step forward with the agreement by Spain and Morocco on a programme of ...
In 1997, then Conservative government of John Major, those from Harrods, in Spain, London, Morocco and Paris endeavoring to get the Market to react/respond as had been done with the Euro Tunnel - what ensued. Our Warning having impute in that Project and then being forced/compel to return to London. Staying at Hibury hotel, at the back the Mc Alpine construction Group Head office. The Al Fayad/Kashoggi, had known a great deal about that SIROP program and those associated with Harrods, knowledge whilst we had lived in Kilburn Brent 1986/87 -1991 and later Caple Le Fern between Dover and Folkestone our attempts to get away from UK. The Mitterrand government knowledge the EU Courts and UNHCR and the French Embassy in London and very may others, South Africa. The US Embassy.

PM Blair New Labour the decision to move the International Station for Waterloo to Kings Cross that SIROP program , Kings Cross Basin development, this impacted some of the Morocco/Spain project topics and other similar projects elsewhere.
Berlin Hauptbahnhof rebuilding
We spent some time Reading and watching the video of the Inauguration of African first TGV in Morocco those who will not be too happy with our post early this Saturday,Sabbath. ( To remind them and others the family had wanted/wishes we become a priest instead we became what is know as an Interdisciplinary management Executive.
How many remembers the year 2006/7 in Britain PM Blair government and the economic dynamic and that of Europe and in office in France president Sarkozy and his Med Basin Economic program, those in Britain for the European Union who dislike , did not approve of it, their comments and views. . At the time time the topic of building linking African with that long talk about Tunnel, as in Britain and France . The issue of the Al Fayad and Princess Diana .
In Seychelles those who had been promoting the concept of a light Railway the outcome. Sir James Mancham person.
More important the dynamic and synergy of that SIROP program before the 2008 global economic crash what this program meant for Europe, Africa, Russia, America, Latin America, Asia. In Mauritius last year the announcement they were going to build their light Railway project, the first phase to be ready in 2019.
A great deal have happened in North #Africa, the King of Morocco and his government perseverance and finally this project - to note that of south Africa and Kenya, similar project in West Africa.
Would it not not have been good/nice if somebody from Morocco could remember us and even if it is just one single ripe date it will go a long way to say thank you/. We are going to add a song the children of the Delhomme and Morel Family, must remember very well - Richard Anthony: "J`entend siffler le train"