SIROP combine exile/refugee Program

SIROP combine exile/refugee Program
When will the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugees get Justice

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Sacos Trades for First Day as Seychelles Exchange Opens

Tonight we had wanted to dig up some of the old London City connections we had been with indirect contact leading to the so call Big Bang then 1986 and then agenda if and when we changed Seychelles - the military option had been sorted out, a Stock Exchange those who could/would be willing to help, become involved in London and elsewhere. .

For all those Senior MP of Sir James Manchan and new politicians today in Seychelles you just did not get anywhere close to formulating or attempting to put together any idea which would impact any country in Africa of the Indian Ocean  without those that need to know - know.

We had been working, involved in European, USA, South Africa, Australia, Then USSR, COMECON and China, Latin America Market, Big financial workings for some 8 years and had had the opportunity to make many experiments - again not what we may attribute to children - but very adults.  This included then  Lady Thatcher person.

When we write we contributed to saving/ finding solution to Britain Bankrupt economic system - we had been involved and among the need/requirement, necessity  to look at the aspect of its market working , Banking workings and not only make recommendation - have the ability to drive through or help make them work - the recommendation. We had the capacity and ability.  ( Sir James Goldsmith was very much  involved)

Important to say how we formulated/had the captivity to formulate  Market and Big Banking innovative ideas/workings which would be churned over by the like of Dr Prof M Hoffman, very many others, Prof Von Hayak and then get to Lady Thatcher officials - the leaks , spillage in instance and outcome - the media.  With Mrs Thatcher the relation was we had some good ideas and help implement them through we were/was her special friend - if and when we disagreed or opted/promoted for a different solution against those of her officials , government and many other we were/was her worse enemy. She threaten to have us locked-up or much worse.  We had the resilience and one required resilience working with such issues and Officials, personalities and size of Institutions.

We will be linking some of the articles to/for those interested - particularity, the very idea behind  the linkage of the many regional Stock exchange into a central one and the mega IT Trouble.  ( To put it simply like those who hijack that SIROP program and we had written that program our warning to everybody and the outcome - and a number important aspect of that Big Bang and the new super IT system we had worked, been involved in formulating  and managing them from an Interdisciplinary High management prospective.  The notion when you have a person who concept a major part of a system workings and those go along and put it in place and then decided to implement other ideas or their aspects and many other controversial issues - the management mechanism, dynamic, discipline will clash and the inability to manage it cause major situations.

To this day a very great deal behind the Big Bang and the New IT  System involved not properly/adequately told to the greater public - hence when former Chancellor Nigel Lawson say it was because the way the 1986 Big Bang was implemented - the impact on the 2007 global meltdown is partly correct but a great deal of grey area unexplained and - this is the ;problem and gravity. Similarly the explanation of then Chancellor Gordon Brown.  We  will not enter the greater EU and USA implications - that have never been written about.

Much of the issues we were working on then, the COMECON Market and banking system change, that of the USSR and how they would be integrated in the London Market and Big financial workings have never been addressed.  The issues of Germany Reunification and France Economic workings their ;Its impact on London and the global Market, Banking workings.

From the brief issues above those interested may glimpse why the White House, then Lady Thatcher, those in France, Germany, Italy Russia, south African judge our person capable to put in  place an adequate economic system and working for any eventual Seychelles change.  The vast majority of Seychellois did not were not aware of my capabilities and abilities - Mr Guy Morel, Mr Mario Ricci, President FA Rene and they used it for their own ends/gains.

By the way for those interested again - in the workings of High Interdisciplinary Management  disciplines one/we were required to discuss, share, debate the given thematic and how the modulation use to achieve this.

Whilst many or most in Sechelles Seychelles will be out somewhere celebrating  the opening of the Stock Exchange - doing whatever the like best - our background in Coral Strand Hotel - their disco then and La Gigolette. We want to take a brief moment to address the issues of the Big Bang, then lady Thatcher government, then Professor Von Hayak, the Dr Prof Micheal Hoffman, the chancellor Nigel Lawson and the MP Gordon Brown.

In the circle and circuit of High Interdisciplinary Management workings - information shared, discussed and decimated and those/those who break the rule and adopt a highly corrupted benchmark - once they have acquired certain or given information or worked with, they sell, make massive profits and better their person.

Even with its dismal only one Stock listed on the Seychelles Stock Exchange in  Seychelles, there is not one Mauritian  - with its highly efficient Stock Exchange and other new Market who can come forwards and say they have contributed to help change Britain economic situation, work  with the many PM and their respective governments  and the results or for that matter the EU and the USA.

These are also notes which we took to Angers for safekeeping

The links below:

Big Bang (financial markets)

London's Big Bang in 1986 … The Beginning of the End

The jobbing system of the London Stock Exchange: an oral history

Deregulation of the market, known as “Big Bang”:

In spite of addressing the above issues on SIROP blog and Seychelles Today Facebook - the only party that choose to react were the SFO, Downing Str and the White House.

We addressed the mechanism which exist and is applicable to drive a given Market, exchange or group, regional and global by $ X Billions or XXX or this in % X, XX or points - by the same token then mechanism which exist and is applicable that can bring a given Market/exchange down when and why this is applied reverting/creating the opposite effects. 

Such instruments, discipline and mechanism is not to be handled with unforeseen and incalculable results/consequences. 

These mechanism, discipline and instruments was/were build in the so call Big Bang - 1986

We wish to underline we have had 30 years experience with those issues - in Sechelles Seychelles 12/8/13 the article about Arbitration which was held in Mauritius 2012 and this years events in Seychelles. we covered this on our community Blog and forum - this is the very same International Court of Justice we began to address not just the Seychelles exile/refugee issues - that SIROP program in 1991 - we visited them, The Seychelles Community issues workings in EU and Our works as an Interdisciplinary Management Executive, the many correspondences  President and Lady Obama are both lawyers - the many acquaintance in London from Kenya equally Lawyers, their respective views about our situation - the above situation we have described . The many leading Law firms in Britain and Europe involved - how helped us develop and put into place the many aspects and workings Plans of that SIROP program and other High Interdisciplinary issues. 

In Sechelles Seychelles in that Room all those Lawyers and Solicitors who pretend these issues just do not exist  - what kind of legal and justice system do we have in Seychelles. Mr Pesi Pardiwalla of Townmy and Lablache former Attorney General  Mr Phillippe Boulle and Maitre Daniel Belll we have addressed very many correspondences including President FA Rene Lawyer and Mr Christopher Gill  - Leader of SFP, Lawyer George and former SNP Mrs Anette George. Prewsident FA Rene, President Mancham, Judge Jacques Hodoul former MP and Minister , Political Party Leader, Judge Francis McGregor. Former Judge CJ Souyave, Judge Sauzier, Lawyer Mr Ramnijk Valabjhi, Notary R Nageon Deletemp. Notary Morel Du Boiel.  Other Leading Seychellois Exile Lawyers and Judges involved and supported develop that SIROP program. 

We just trust those of you serious/concern about the greater accountability, Financial and market workings of the world will read what we have commented here. Do not wait and rely on those form Seychelles to comment and state your views/position. 

If the attitude of the USA, British, French other European and world politicians is anything to go by their approach - those in Seychelles currently.

Arbitration’s benefits,limitations discussed

3 comments: said...

In spite of addressing the above issues on SIROP blog and Seychelles Today Facebook - the only party that choose to react were the SFO, Downing Str and the White House.

We addressed the mechanism which exist and is applicable to drive a given Market, exchange or group, regional and global by $ X Billions or XXX or this in % X, XX or points - by the same token then mechanism which exist and is applicable that can bring a given Market/exchange down when and why this is applied reverting/creating the opposite effects.

Such instruments, discipline and mechanism is not to be handled with unforeseen and incalculable results/consequences.

These mechanism, discipline and instruments was/were build in the so call Big Bang - 1986

We wish to underline we have had 30 years experience with those issues - in Sechelles Seychelles 12/8/13 the article about Arbitration which was held in Mauritius 2012 and this years events in Seychelles.

We just trust those of you serious/concern about the greater accountability, Financial and market workings of the world will read what we have commented here. Do not wait and rely on those form Seychelles to comment and state your views/position.

If the attitude of the USA, British, French other European and world politicians is anything to go by their approach - those in Seychelles currently. said...

Given the tone we have set in addressing that - the start up of the Seychelles Stock Exchange - those involved from Ghana and Nigeria.

Very few of the Seychelles public ever read and had the chance to study the report which had cost Rs 500.000 of Tax payers money, under president FA Rene government to put into place a Seychelles Stock Exchange 1997 there about.

We were importantly involved then and the need to show/point a very concrete approach when we work with Africa expertise - that former Head of Kenya Airways we had helped to get the Job /Replace Mr Savy - he almost bankrupt Air Seychelles within six months of his being on the Job. We had to become involved and those who know and monitor the issues and the appointment of a Gulf Region CEO.

Among one of the terrible development with that fire which gutted Nairobi International Air Port - the looting and stealing which took place by the Police and other officials - the same apply with our Banking and this Stock Exchange start up.

This point and here we address our Mauritian Families, friends and associates - had it been an other nation involved in helping to start that Stock Exchange - it would have been a very different Start. said...

Regulatory Sechelles Seychelles Forum