SIROP combine exile/refugee Program

SIROP combine exile/refugee Program
When will the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugees get Justice

Monday, 8 April 2013

Margaret Thatcher, la femme qui a changé la Grande-Bretagne

Revolutionärin im Kostüm - Margaret Thatcher, la femme qui a changé la Grande-Bretagne 

Margaret Thatcher, première femme chef de gouvernement et figure majeure de la vie politique britannique, est décédée lundi matin. David Cameron annule une visite à Paris.Correspondant à Londres 

L'ancienne premier ministre britannique Margaret Thatcher est morte, lundi matin, à l'âge de 87 ans. «C'est avec une grande tristesse que Mark et Carol Thatcher annoncent que leur mère, la baronne Thatcher, est morte paisiblement ce matin, à la suite d'une attaque», a déclaré lord Tim Bell, son porte-parole et ami de longue date. 

C'est la statue du commandeur de la vie politique anglaise qui disparaît. Première et seule femme premier ministre, elle avait remporté trois élections générales, avait été le chef du gouvernement en poste le plus longtemps au XXe siècle, entre 1979 et 1990. Elle avait ensuite été poussée à la démission par une rébellion orchestrée par son ministre Michael Heseltine. Elle fut anoblie en 1992. Depuis, elle est restée la référence obligée du Parti conservateur. 

Sechelles Seychelles Forum coverage

1 comment: said...

This morning instead of going in a Church and pray we decided to watch RT.Com and the program about Berezovsky - the question we ask the world and everybody which is better the USSR, COMECON as it was then system or today's system, the massive lies, garbage and cover up everybody judge they have a/the legitimate right to publish and view to the world.

The Russian Intelligence Services is not what is used to be otherwise somebody would have come forward and put a few words in place - those who call him a Nuclear Reactor etc ... the faults of Western media from the USA, Britain, France, Germany and Italy.

He was not who he is rather pretend to be - those who controlled and had put him in that position and worked with him until his death/killing - one of the big challenge when this form of working is encountered and what they write afterwards. Specially the so call great experts and world media.

This said the debacle about that Song on BBC and the Witch is dead - the debacle and those form the Conservative camp who hold the view they are being disrespectful. The same commentator how presented her as some demi God. Had she not existed and the Atlantic alliance between President Ronald Reagan and her - the Communist system would not have changes, the Berlin Wall would not have fallen - what utter lies and garbage from BBC. The conviction and strength they utter such statements.

Do they know how President Ronald Reagan came to Office and Mrs Margaret Thatcher.

Those who did and were doing all the dirty works and they just took the credit and this is the great BBC. One is not supposed to write and talk about it.

This is why those who worked for a Wikipedia platform and still and in spite the manner those who have taken control and are taking control and what they are writing.

Those who are very angry, disappointed and put into place wiki-leak and still nobody listen - those so call historians and experts currently. Reinventing and rewriting everything.