SIROP combine exile/refugee Program

SIROP combine exile/refugee Program
When will the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugees get Justice

Sunday, 27 November 2016

France’s Republicans choose François Fillon to battle Marine Le Pen for the presidency

France’s Republicans choose François Fillon to battle Marine Le Pen for the presidency

Former prime minister takes 67% of the vote to complete a stunning upset

Thatcher admirer Fillon wins French conservative presidential ticket

Francois Fillon greets supporters after results of run-off are known, on 27 November 2016

France presidential race: Fillon wins conservative candidacy

We are encountering certain personal conflicts with the newly elected candidate for the Center Right - this began about one hour ago when I decided to review unpublished past issues relating to my person, then President Chirac leaving office - his tenure of office and that SIROP program in many aspects influencing many aspects of France economy, politic, Finance , Society and Europe, External politic  - relation with the USA, China and Russia -with Sarkozy victory and coming to office he inherited a vast amount of those information quasi files and working of that Program -  a bit like President J A Michel he concocted  a few political economic lines in reality that SIROP program was at the core workings of France - it had been the cause of the German Reunification and German new Economic motor, all those in France and Europe then aware.  Beside that program was responsible in events leading to President Sarkozy relation with his new Italian Lady Friend.

This said, France, Europe and the world had a reasonable dynamic and Financial motor - the corruption, massive abuse of what we have term Satanic rave/rage driving the market, the finance products and the big baking institutions - those who prefer to term it corruption, we come from  a different background and the France people is easy when somebody comport like a chamber pot you tell that person you are comporting like a chamber pot.  Then PM Fillon France PM was very aware of the capacity of that SIROP program in EU overall, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, East Europe, Britain, the USA, Russia and the rest of the world. In particular then PM Blair government and Chancellor and the SIROP program. Lending to the so call rapprochement between France and Britain and  comparable to today's   economic and political   relation between France and Britain.

Now everybody in Europe, France, Russia and the USA knew how president F Mitterrand and Chirac had supported that SIROP program had been engaged and committed - vast linking thematic to their government, from economy, politic, society, international politic, Europe relation, Russia relation, China and Africa - the Arab world. ( In Seychelles as long as President FA Rene was in Office how things were done  and when President JA Michel arrived his invention, distortions and cover up and the discovery of the Blue Economy to disguise and mask that SIROP program functionality and earlier dynamic and role in developing the new economic and development aspects of that Seychelles, President F Mitterrand was well aware, President Chirac and Sarkozy and PM Fllion)

Again the reason for me to write this thread - Because as exile/refugees,  how we were being treated, robbed, utterly abused,  we took to writing and informing - the high authorities of France, at First then President Mitterrand, his PM and other officials, after Chirac and his PM and Officials and Sarkozy and his PM and officials, beside the many EU instance,  the Court, the Commissioner and the president  and MEP, the many in USA from the Bush to the current Obama and the many high workings and institutions of the USA, the UN many Secretary General too - beside other global high responsible like the Vatican, African Union.

A very very crucial aspects of what substitute the so call crises of 2007/8 global financial melt down - in France, the role of France in Europe vis a vis the EU working and we in the Indian ocean, the Francophone  and the Commonwealth workings and its institutions. The postures and terrible attitude of those from the Commonwealth towards this program and the many why we addressed all of these in many letters, email and communication to France above mentioned.  President Sarkozy to shut my person and those pro that program adopted his very aggressive corrupted and dishonest stance and lobby of the European and International Terrorist Legislation - we have explained what they were up to - they wanted the control and monopoly of that,  then unwritten program - to rob, strip off and the manipulate and their media, which every way they wanted  and they use that Anti Terror Legislation to shut my person  and more or less bury that SIROP program and the Propaganda.

The USA Intelligence serve would have most correspondence - I warned and warned that,  that SIROP program had  very dangerous mechanism when called to apply be it positive an negative what the impacts would be  - citing past melt downs in Europe and the world.  Certain mechanism was applied to counteract the mega Market manipulation and economic super con and the whole thing when into melt down - PM Fillon was in Office. Why are we saying this the media failed to detect and explain the phenomena of the Fillon election and the manner, mechanism which catapulted his from  10 percent to wining the first round,  he knew and was very aware of that SIROP mechanism and capacity in many instance and - here we will not enter into to many details - the French media and and many of its institutions are utterly corrupted and bloody useless - how they invent their information and spread them. The French people via the TV and paper are conned and they accept them.

We had trusted and hoped that former PM Alain Jupee,  who had also know a  very great deal of those incidents and issue would have pointed them at the presidential candidate election - of the terrible corrupted system then in place in the world involving the USA, Europe high parties and France condoning and taking part.  When it came to the general election how we used the mechanism build in that program to keep President Sarkozy for getting elected a second Term and PM Fillon knew of these  and must have been aware. Once he was out of office in several emails and letters informed other of the situation/terrible relation which existed between that SIROP program, those who supported and worked with and President Sarkozy and hinting so of the reasons. Even if the French press are not always on their toes,  they do some time pick some things up and what get written  and flowed up.

Further reason for me to write this article - we have had since 2012 a good deal of the core workings publish from the Seychelles and Indian ocean aspect - because we do not have the resource call the the UN or EU or African Union help us present that program differently. This said former PM Alain Jupee, former PM Fillon  and their supporters and advisers must have come across the written aspects of that program - how it help rebuild Europe busted system and working and the five year budget debacle of EU and how the two combine program/project is driving France Economy and finance for the reason we have written above, Germany those from East Europe who know, the BRICS, and US economy. President elect Donald Trump well aware too.

None of those two candidates choose to explain or mumble or even attempt to crap their voters and electorate over the publish program/platform, they choose other methods and just pretended it did not exist this is when we are tempted to use the powerful mechanism build in that program to regulate and bring the attention  of the world/global community of the dishonesty and corruption and then what the so call media and experts write and argue.

We have written about the three recent UN mega efforts to combat the exile/refugees of the world and that of EU in Vienna how it is importantly linked to that program  and the need for France having stated the many above role and links with that program conception and the Indian ocean and Africa should work and help put in place the due dynamic and parameters - instead.

We mentioned that the initial reason for us to write this article was the attitude and harassment we are receiving for  the Fillon Camp  - we do not like it. We have taken a lot of time to Address the European Court and the international Court and the Human rights Court - if we have to go down that road we will do it - those Lawyers in France who worked our case for political asylum for 5 years- the vast amount of information we did not share with them because we respect France and its high institutions, respect those who run and preside over its affairs to comport in a different and more appropriate manner . In good French had we to write some of the real muck - very many in  France would be in big difficulty and they would hate my person for the rest of our life. We have also offered to addressed the French High Judiciary/Justice over the above countless times.

Mr Jean Mari Lepen  and his Daughter is only to aware of the contents of what we have written here and even more. Because we had involved the FN in some of the debacle and it is impossible to write and put into place such a  global project and the like of ~FN not know most of the workings and debacles associated.

The question - as the French Presidential progress, the situation in Europe and the US, Russia, the Middle East,  is that how candidate Fillon is gong to work and comport - stripping massive amount of information from that program,  wrap them differently and camouflage them and tell the French citizens and electorate this is his vision - the best vision for France. It does snot work that way- it is immoral, very wrong and dishonest and represent utter corrupted practices.

What is very concerning after events the past two years in France  and the spate of Terror attack and in spite of writing and sharing why this attack took place and the laws in place the military and police issues  - that we should just ignore  and allow events to go on as if nothing have/has happened.

Nicolas Sarkozy — Wikipédia

Note - 28/11/16

In the late Sunday debate on France Economy and future role in Europe and the world, Africa - the topic of the Airbus cockpit - the argument that France was not currently in the cockpit, Germany was alone - chancellor Merkle. 

On the Euro debate those who judge presidential candidate Fillon had offered/presented very little about his presidency and the Euro - the European Central bank working. 

From the Camp of the US President  elect, he indicated his grave concern after reading the contents/made aware of what we had published - beside he was made bankrupt with the mega global financial corruption which led/caused the 2007 world financial and economic crash/melt down and a possible third world war.  Time and time have stressed - that SIROP program function in the political and monetary argument of then development for setting in place the ECU/later the Euro - then Mrs Thatcher/British position - over the past 27 years those who have know and how the respective issues were managed, the European Central Bank and the Commission - in part the mega banking and Financial abuses/corruption - cover-ups.  In Italy at the time PM Andreotti working issues with that SIROP program and his government - officials.  Then Silvio Berlosconi and later as PM. With these mechanism in place, our impute to  decide where the EBC should be sited/office and some of the very senior appointment - on record. 

For the past two years not just the economic situation in Italy and again the current Italian PM briefed on that SIROP program functionality in past major Italian economic workings under then PM Berlosconi and his government inability to grasp how this worked and we lending our support and impute in spite of very unhappy outcome.  At the Commission those aware.  

Leave aside the political mess of Italy - with that global meltdown, the expansion of the Italian Banks to East Europe via Austria/Vienna - the scandal of the collapse  again what we wrote to the Board of the bank, the President of Austria, the chancellor and the media the workings of that SIROP build into the financial workings  and those who knowingly had abused, manipulated  and the utter mess this had caused and the Irish NAMA involvement and debacles.  The situation is heading towards a major situation for the Euro. Come next Sunday referendum in Italy - if/should PM Renzi loose this referendum the outcome for Italy to exit the Euro club.  We want to stress - now that former EU Parliament president,  Martin Shultz is returning to normal politic and eventually the Chancellor post, what he know.  In our last night late article on Presidential candidate Fillon had not stressed the fact that his government and then President Sarkozy knew of the SIROP impact on Italy major financial and banking workings - the market.  Beside the bloody mess in the USA some 59 leading bank went bust, in Japan the Oldest Bank, the Vatican  Bank almost went bust  and the major Austrian/East Europe/Italy and Ireland banking syndicate went bust -now Italy eventual pullout of the Euro Club  and this Candidate Fillon to head France and its major role in Europe Future.  How is he going to do this and manage this.  I trust those at the Commission who monitor our workings and communication  will point this extended note on last night topic.  In the pre election US debacle, we had shared with Presidential candidate Donald Trump - how under then President Ronald Reagan,  we had reworked and deployed a complete new and modern global financial workings and functionality and the need if he was elected to radically reworked and revamped the global financial system and workings. Beside in US those who equally know and have know of our very powerful Italian workings connection with that SIROP program.

We urge/ask everybody - refer and research our many blogs and forums all those alive then,  the core foundation, block building, root of today's Russia high corporate workings - at the time then President Yeltsin, just like the thematic of what economic direction Russia was to take - their old Soviet High corporate workings - it was decided to apply the core of Italian high corporate root/block working - this may require certain scientific impute and explanation - this is very vital,  so many discipline have been develop to work modern economy development - the impacting principal and many new complexities which developed and came about and the results and  outcome - hence,  the US Italian community role and function and now suddenly everybody forget - where do they think Russia is today and how does it function in high corporate management functionality - in current Italy those who chose to overlook and forget will pay a  very dear price/hefty price. 

The Seychelles Bankrupt linked 2008/9

EZB-Chef Draghi will Konjunktur weiter kräftig stützen

Italy referendum latest: EIGHT banks could FALL if Renzi loses referendum - shock warning | City & Business | Finance

Note -29/11/16

Late yesterday afternoon, the farmer and tractor decided to plough the fields they had spread the massive pile of Britexit manure - they had been piling since Spring 2015, they worked very late until early morning and the vibration of the engine. Whilst ploughing the many important issue and thematic which came our/were worked in the soil.

Brazilian football team Chapecoense on plane that crashed in Colombia – latest

Scottish councils facing £553million funding crisis, report warns

The City of London Corporation has granted planning permission for what will be the second tallest building in Western Europe after the Shard.

BT ordered to spin off Openreach over competition concerns

We have some 35 year of working high Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary workings what influenced and impacted the three above topics. Beside other topics we have not added here. Then they write how EU Works and the UN. The global media garbage.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Amidst all the global media storm resulting from the US election outcome - President Elect Donald Trump

Yesterday global media coverage was not not a storm more likes hurricane over the US Presidential outcome  - we decided to address a few very private comments. Much more important the picture we posted of Paris, Europe, the USA, USSR, COMEON, China,  the Warsaw  Pact nations, NATO, South Africa, the OAU and the Gulf Region,   Namely the USA Embassy Paris, Summer 1986 - events major decision which would affect and impact the whole global workings, History and global economic and financial working a we ha know. (We did not have the Internet yet and the Communication we have today and yet)

Then President Mitterrand, PM, Cabinet, Senate, Military, Intelligence  - France high Institutions l'ENA  and in our case the Grand Moulin de Paris - Reunion connections.

This is a project we have contributed from the information and archive prospective not hundred percent accurate - Wikipedia - will add a link of the year 1986. 

Yesterday 9/11/16 was the 27th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the many version and our SIROP version - what we have empathized in that historic program, the US economy how for cutting down on Nuclear weapon development,  that money would be spend/invested  - beside/as well as the important benefits the USA would get form a change USSR, COMECON economy and Financial system - the US media yesterday failed to report and mentioned this given that President Elect Donald Trump endevournment to underpin President Ronald Reagan Legacies/era. 

In 1988/9 - had had enough of chasing real slugs, then creepy things, Vienna was to far away, so too Monaco - we did not have the $ million the aspiring ladies wished, with the help of SDA Pastor Laurent Fidelia endeavored to find a solution, then three Jewish synagogue we visited/attended and the Orthodox Church .  Then 87a Victoria Rd, Kilburn - Brent the bastion of London Irish Communities working. Beside the many and complex exile/refugees of then COMECON  nation in London, other countries and Nations and ours. Among the items in that flat, former Coach House, Garage and later refugee 1 bed flat was a copy of the book Mrs Nora Beloff/Epstine had written on Tito Flawed Legacy - at the time the very unique socialite System economy and government working they had in place - Seychelles President FA Rene preferred socialist version  and Romania. Beside the India Ocean, Europe, the COMECON  and USSR then had worked the issue from a High Interdisciplinary Management prospective and other economic thematic. Austria neutrality and special relations and working.  We have treed at the time USSR was facing great difficulty the options President Gorbachev had of developing an alternative socialist  economic system - the option was put to him - the will and money was not available. Two year later upon the death of President Tito what would ensue and transpire - the wanton and purposeful, systematic destruction of that country, economic and political system then how case of socialism and Communist value and system. Who were those who triggered this like the so call North Africa Spring mega debacle. After the Berlin Wall, the need to create and find a new role form NATO.  

Recently the many African Countries decision to pull  out of the International Criminal Court of Justice - we had played  and initiated this project linked to that SIROP program those who had abused certain power and mechanism excessively then their excuse and argument. They were never brought before that Court instead those they controlled and manipulated - upon the election result of the 45th USA President, the future first Lady of Yugoslav - Slovenia origin. Over the course of the next four year, those who will research and for many motives,  their research and publications and events. 

After the wanton destruction of that flat ex SIROP office and other in Kilburn - Brent we had acquired a Minuette four berth caravan - help/compliment of the Jewish community in Kent. With help again took this caravan from Ashford - Stanhope,  after a bitter Winter to Caple court country club, between Dover town and Folkestone.  Then Clinton had just come to Office, events in Calais, Bruxelle, London, the mega ECU/EURO debacle, Sir James Goldmith and the UKIP lot, other very powerful lobby in London. We had written to president Clinton explaining our situation,  specially after the Irish Peace Initiative the so call senator Mitchell involvement and our contribution and impute from that SIROP prospective  our greater EU workings - the Illuminati of Dover and Folketone and Paris. I decided yet again to purchase a copy of Nora Beloff, Tito flawed Legacy and nailed it on the wooded wall of that Minuette/ caravan renamed Prince Diana. Everybody saw it who visited me. Then raging Balkan Wars. The mega debacle of President Clinton granting the CIA a very special Budget of £21 billion to redevelop CIA working  and again the role and impact of that SIROP program. He had undertaken to help me move/migrate to Bruxelle or France and all those who knew was aware of this undertaking  it never materialized events - Seychelles Cold War very special relation /working with the Irish people, global communities. 

Putting aside the many important events between 1993 to 1997 in the USA Europe, Russia, Africa, China, Asia and the Indian Ocean. We found our self back in London everything had been yet again destroyed, stolen and we were homeless - found refuge in an Irish/Jewish hostel in Islington help of the Jewish Community. The vast majority of the NGO anger and disgust - the Prince Diana And Al Fayed events. Upon being rehoused help,  the young Lawyer Hopkin, Murrey, Beskin and today Judge Ben Chataway, Dauhaty Chamber  and Jewih Care,   decided yet again to purchase a copy of Nora Beloff, Tito Flawed legacy and this time made copy  and tacked them on the Kitchen Wall, they have been there since 1998 to this day. Reminding me constantly of past and event and the mega distortions, lies and cover ups. The three Catholic churches in Islington, the antique malls. 

Nora Beloff

We have addressed of the approach and decision of UN/UNHCR - the White House to put into place that mega UN program on Refugees, Migrant and Africa sustainable Development and that of the EU,  the conference in Vienna. Stating they have not done a review of that SIROP program instead they have studied and selected ongoing burning thematic - fallout from that program and seeking for solutions - the preferred option to review that program as is the international norm,  study the global situation and formulate a concept/working program for the next 10 years. 

Very important what we have been addressing President J A Michel government, events President Danny R Faure, the 6th national Assembly, Seychelles very special role in the India ocean and Africa. To develop required parameters, mechanism to work this program with the UN/UNHCR and EU Conference high recommendation. The Seychelles component. 

A very special foot note - last November 2015,  the lost/departure,  of one of Germany's most charismatic personality,  politician - his impute in that program and over the years when everybody ignored and gave up, he supported it Chancellor Helmut Schmidt - his vast many intellectual debate  - we have a challenge for him now with the coming to Office of President Donald Trump how he would have viewed it and how best to work ahead. 

Helmut Schmidt - Wikipedia

Amidst all the global media storm resulting from the US election outcome - President Elect Donald Trump

Yesterday global media coverage was not not a storm more likes hurricane over the US Presidential outcome  - we decided to address a few very private comments. Much more important the picture we posted of Paris, Europe, the USA, USSR, COMEON, China,  the Warsaw  Pact nations, NATO, South Africa, the OAU and the Gulf Region,   Namely the USA Embassy Paris, Summer 1986 - events major decision which would affect and impact the whole global workings, History and global economic and financial working as we have know. (We did not have the Internet yet and the Communication we have today and yet)

Then President Mitterrand, PM, Cabinet, Senate, Military, Intelligence  - France high Institutions l'ENA  and in our case the Grand Moulin de Paris - Reunion connections.

This is a project we have contributed from the information and archive prospective not hundred percent accurate - Wikipedia - will add a link of the year 1986. 

We have addressed certain major development surrounding Bill Gate and IBM Vienna 1978, particularly 1985, Lady Thatcher and her IT politic,  the impact of that SIROP program on IT and Operating system after 1986/7 and direct influence on OS to this date.  A number of unique events that year - my Austrian ex wife family connection issue - this went on until the late 90's - in then USA all those who knew, the CIA, the FBI other Services, the White House, State Department , the Kennedy Family. In 1987, that SIROP program became official the mega dynamic mechanism of the Program  creating economic synergy, the mega drive of USA economy and the Market, Construction, Leisure  Industry,   yet how the media presented and wrote about it.   This approach became worse leading to the First Gulf War and the real reason for three global melt down and the 2008 meltdown - the above picture is in 1987 at the White House. 

Yesterday 9/11/16 was the 27th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the many version and our SIROP version - what we have empathized in that historic program, the US economy how for cutting down on Nuclear weapon development,  that money would be spend/invested  - beside/as well as the important benefits the USA would get form a change USSR, COMECON economy and Financial system - the US media yesterday failed to report and mentioned this given that President Elect Donald Trump endevournment to underpin President Ronald Reagan Legacies/era. 

In 1988/9 - had had enough of chasing real slugs, then creepy things, Vienna was to far away, so too Monaco - we did not have the $ million the aspiring ladies wished, with the help of SDA Pastor Laurent Fidelia endeavored to find a solution, then three Jewish synagogue we visited/attended and the Orthodox Church .  Then 87a Victoria Rd, Kilburn - Brent the bastion of London Irish Communities working. Beside the many and complex exile/refugees of then COMECON  nation in London, other countries and Nations and ours. Among the items in that flat, former Coach House, Garage and later refugee 1 bed flat was a copy of the book Mrs Nora Beloff/Epstine had written on Tito Flawed Legacy - at the time the very unique socialite System economy and government working they had in place - Seychelles President FA Rene preferred socialist version  and Romania. Beside the India Ocean, Europe, the COMECON  and USSR then had worked the issue from a High Interdisciplinary Management prospective and other economic thematic. Austria neutrality and special relations and working.  We have treed at the time USSR was facing great difficulty the options President Gorbachev had of developing an alternative socialist  economic system - the option was put to him - the will and money was not available. Two year later upon the death of President Tito what would ensue and transpire - the wanton and purposeful, systematic destruction of that country, economic and political system then how case of socialism and Communist value and system. Who were those who triggered this like the so call North Africa Spring mega debacle. After the Berlin Wall, the need to create and find a new role form NATO.  11/11/16 - We want to extend this paragraph - with two link former Slobodan Milošević and  Serbia and Montenegro  Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Wikipedia is a point of reference  - there very vast gap in the two article. We offered,  volunteered to attend/participate in the ICC Trial, they did not take our offer. The future White House occupant is of former Yugoslav decent and they have a Right to know a bit more what really took place - my person provided very important - what some term High Interdisciplinary Multidisciplinary management discipline in  his Office working until the end.  In Europe, the USA, Vatican those who knew - how it/we worked. We have indicated how this started - in the USA, Russia, China, Europe aware, understand what we are inferring - meaning. 

Recently the many African Countries decision to pull  out of the International Criminal Court of Justice - we had played  and initiated this project linked to that SIROP program those who had abused certain power and mechanism excessively then their excuse and argument. They were never brought before that Court instead those they controlled and manipulated - upon the election result of the 45th USA President, the future first Lady of Yugoslav - Slovenia origin. Over the course of the next four year, those who will research and for many motives,  their research and publications and events. 

After the wanton destruction of that flat ex SIROP office and other in Kilburn - Brent we had acquired a Minuette four berth caravan - help/compliment of the Jewish community in Kent. With help again took this caravan from Ashford - Stanhope,  after a bitter Winter to Caple court country club, between Dover town and Folkestone.  Then Clinton had just come to Office, events in Calais, Bruxelle, London, the mega ECU/EURO debacle, Sir James Goldmith and the UKIP lot, other very powerful lobby in London. We had written to president Clinton explaining our situation,  specially after the Irish Peace Initiative the so call senator Mitchell involvement and our contribution and impute from that SIROP prospective  our greater EU workings - the Illuminati of Dover and Folketone and Paris. I decided yet again to purchase a copy of Nora Beloff, Tito flawed Legacy and nailed it on the wooded wall of that Minuette/ caravan renamed Prince Diana. Everybody saw it who visited me. Then raging Balkan Wars. The mega debacle of President Clinton granting the CIA a very special Budget of £21 billion to redevelop CIA working  and again the role and impact of that SIROP program. He had undertaken to help me move/migrate to Bruxelle or France and all those who knew was aware of this undertaking  it never materialized events - Seychelles Cold War very special relation /working with the Irish people, global communities. 

Among one of the very big reason the UN, EU, African Union refuse to do a review of that SIROP program because it formed part of $ hundred Trillion global economic, 'financial  restructuring   and those who/involved controlled them -what will be discovered. There are some scant report out there, Wikileaks effort -in Seychelles the  situation nobody want to talk about the real incidents. ( Hence our involvement and effort to help set up the SFO.)

Putting aside the many important events between 1993 to 1997 in the USA Europe, Russia, Africa, China, Asia and the Indian Ocean. We found our self back in London everything had been yet again destroyed, stolen and we were homeless - found refuge in an Irish/Jewish hostel in Islington help of the Jewish Community. The vast majority of the NGO anger and disgust - the Prince Diana And Al Fayed events. Upon being rehoused help,  the young Lawyer Hopkin, Murrey, Beskin and today Judge Ben Chataway, Dauhaty Chamber  and Jewih Care,   decided yet again to purchase a copy of Nora Beloff, Tito Flawed legacy and this time made copy  and tacked them on the Kitchen Wall, they have been there since 1998 to this day. Reminding me constantly of past and event and the mega distortions, lies and cover ups. The three Catholic churches in Islington, the antique malls. 

Nora Beloff

We have addressed of the approach and decision of UN/UNHCR - the White House to put into place that mega UN program on Refugees, Migrant and Africa sustainable Development and that of the EU,  the conference in Vienna. Stating they have not done a review of that SIROP program instead they have studied and selected ongoing burning thematic - fallout from that program and seeking for solutions - the preferred option to review that program as is the international norm,  study the global situation and formulate a concept/working program for the next 10 years. 

Very important what we have been addressing President J A Michel government, events President Danny R Faure, the 6th national Assembly, Seychelles very special role in the India ocean and Africa. To develop required parameters, mechanism to work this program with the UN/UNHCR and EU Conference high recommendation. The Seychelles component. 

A very special foot note - last November 2015,  the lost/departure,  of one of Germany's most charismatic personality,  politician - his impute in that program and over the years when everybody ignored and gave up, he supported it Chancellor Helmut Schmidt - his vast many intellectual debate  - we have a challenge for him now with the coming to Office of President Donald Trump how he would have viewed it and how best to work ahead. 

Helmut Schmidt - Wikipedia

This Friday morning those in Europe and France monitoring our work, in Seychelles they are terrible, what we term very disjointed  approach , one moment we are there, in  - we function, next we are none existence and was never there.  Event in the USA the Presidential -those aware of the last communication from the French Consulate general in London to my person. We appreciate the important effort and help EU is giving to the people of Seychelles and the Region - however, there are many gaps, we have stated how that portal working impact EU and Britain, working and the Britexit debacle. Our effort to rebuild that portal - Seychelles government are /were only interested to abuse us, manipulate our working for their advantage and their diplomatic workings.  Had we been able to undertake what we started in Summer the consequence. There is a great deal in the above blog we have left out - EU would not been in the mess they are today - yet/respecting their massive resources,  how a minute entity can have such important impact. We have never sold Manure - we are going to add the link of the East European Seychelles EU Connection platform and very important the NING platform we had put into place to work whole array of topic and EU would not have been in the mess it is today - NING the Italian original CEO  and why the name. The many high parties can still do and save many aspect of disintegrating system of EU,  help us rebuild this portal  and make it work not just Seychelles government and it diplomacy - we are the people of Seychelles in Europe as such our Rights as stated and enshrined in EU Charter and Constitutions - Laws and Legislation.  Please read what we wrote some 9/10 years ago. 

East European Sechelles - Seychelles EU community Page

In 2004/5 we were in Seychelles, the Boss of Barclay Bank  on the same flight and they closing the Seychelles Branch   - the agreement we had reached particularly our Heraldic workings, we returned to London, our Lawyer in London and Seychelles ( President FA Rene Lawyer Mr F Bonte, Judge Jacque Hodoul, Lawyer Pardiwalla, Towmey, Lablach, Lawyer Phillip Boulle, Lawyer Daniel Belle, my/our Aunt Lawyer Premier building and Dr Peter Larose/ Seychelles newly appointed Minister of Finance and etc., Lawyer Laura Valabjhi ) - all those who went back on their words - we had gone to talk with an expert in London, with an antique table at least 50' long -the mega Earthquake and Tsunami $150 billion in economic destruction, 250,000 lives lost.  beside other events  - this one
Having addressed the topic of the USA  Embassy in Paris 1986, forget the French Masonic lodge, the picture we posted champ Elysee - it should have importantly brought major reaction from the US high parties - we are not going to be rude - we ask/request the world and the thousand of leading world officials to do some very serious thinking.

Melania and Donald Trump’s Million Dollar Wedding

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Presidential candidate Donald Trump challenge to Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton if she has got the stamina

2016 US Presidential Election Debate Video 1-Trump: levy taxes to prevent wealth from leaving US

We sat until 4 am and watched the US Presidential debate - the challenge Presidential  candidate Donald Trump  threw at Presidential  candidate Hilary Clinton.  You do not have the stamina

The Challenge we/I throw at my person  this morning after watching the 6th National Assembly swearing in historic events.  I addressed politely on my Facebook midnight British time about my old SDA school not a picture and the video image and topic I posted - stating my Family had wanted me to study at the SDA Bugema college Uganda - something happened instead after I took exile with my Austrian wife and son  went  on to become an Interdisciplinary management Executive  - with some 35 years experience and knowledge.

The Time is 10.39 am  UK time had been listening to the Radio from Seychelles  and trying to pick the wave/buzz and vibes. The many topic coming up - in particular the untold/unwritten contributions of very of our exiles/refugees not jut the setting up of our first national assembly  and they having to flee in exile/force and their children and properties and work.   The bitter and mega battle we/they choose not to write about among the Norman of the Indian Ocean, Britain and France and the world - many prion and justice system would collapse and many would have to be sent to jail or executed. Yet it has been part of the fight and struggle.

In this morning address by Hon speaker Pat Pillay then emphasis on eradication and the challenge we face with corruption how he have striven to combat and counter this - from his prospective.

Likewise Hon Wavel Wankalawan on setting new political agenda and new Committee to debate and work out the killing, death and past evil deeds.

Followed by the reading from the book of David and followed by the respective prayers of the Church Leader in that Seychelles. The contents of their prayer.

We have also been having an issue with Internet connection and my view those who think God gave them only a mind and brain function to note and be aware what is going  on in their respective environment - yet when they are very ill and need help and then their comportment.  This little incident bring me to think/ponder deeper about event in that Seychelles this  morning.  By the way refer to the contents of Clinton and Trump debate. What were said bluntly and in Seychelles if that was/were said those who would jump on Trois Frere in rage or anger.

In that Seychelles today you do not have only the WWW/Internet and the amount of information and knowledge at the disposition of every and any Seychelles person/citizens.  The scripture and wisdom recommend let other praise you for your work and fame be modest that way you cannot be blamed, defamed.  Yet we have to speak out I played a very vital and crucial role that the WWW was created in 1987 albeit what the media and so call experts - there exist world science to prove and disproves this - beside the Forensic Police Department of Seychelles.  The Justice Department have by now a Forensic Department, other bodies in Seychelles -

Having worked and contributed to vast issue of government, changes and process in and across Europe and the world including the USA, Russia, China  and some of the terrible government understand the mindset and issue which impulse make other say and address the topics they do. In that Seychelles you are not special or different.

Given that former Minister Pat Pillay refused to mention any of it - I stress the debacle of the corruption and that SIROP program and the global melt down  and my pleading with this in the USA and Europe that they do something about this situation in Seychelles - President J A Michel is still alive and VP Danny Faure and President F A Rene - the pressure and our Police, Army and Intelligence those pressures caused that those and in particular former minister Pat Pillay took the action he did and the very important involvement of the former first lady Natalie.

In Latin America, Asia., Arab world and Africa, China and Russia they all have unique/special discipline and functionality which work with their so call respective democratic national issues.  Again Seychelles is not unique.  In intense those who are dishonest they use and apply to be polite Illuminati disciplines and deny and comport as if they know better than everybody before them.

I have know the Pillay family reasonably well beside the st Louis Family/church of England link. Say what you want nobody,  for all the grandiose talk share with people or individual you have little or no connections - you need to know with whom and those you are dealing with and so to the Pillay Family.  When we,  my generation stand and look back at the value of those grandparent who guided and led us in instance and the comportment of their children in instance they are not pleasing - we are not happy.  Relation you do  not and cannot build and destroy them overnight - specially their grandparents were farmers and planters.

This Morning historic event has left a great deal unsaid, many individuals who have done great deeds and good for that Opposition, their names and deeds not mention and we are talking of History - whose History.

Among one of the great battle we fought with that SIROP program to have a University  and how the manner President J A Michel took these on board - the Opposition is, were supposed,  their mandate do better so they promised and talked at their respective rally.  A few year those who would have complained on the few who have University education  can understand,  appreciate and dialogue analyse  - what about now.

In writing these,  thought we are doing so in a very difficult environment and the current political and social situation in Britain, not just for my person all of our Diaspora and exiles community as such it influence and impact our thoughts and ideas and approach. Again former Minter Pat Pillay ought to know this reasonably well, his relatives in  UK.

The greater world, regional and the Churches and global institutions  are watching us with all their cynicism - this morning historic event was a miss opportunity after 40 years of battle to mention how bitter that battle have been and the struggle - those who talk of reconciliation and forgiveness.  Without good health you cannot stand and do things, likewise resources and wealth you exclude and obstruct and deny me those I am supposed to forgive you.   As a young person remembers one of my mega challenge and Christian education and Judge E J Stiven his Scott back ground and education  friend of many great intellectual and great personalities, Christianity is a pimple on the A... of progress.  I took some of his advice and became and Interdisciplinary management Executive.  We have learnt to look at the vast christian rich values, education and functionality as well as great science and past civilization of the world and use the acquired knowledge to help and contribute to the world and society.

We would like to conclude without that SIROP program their would not have been a multiparty return and a Phase lll Reclamation project and without that Reclamation no National Assembly or space for the Chinese to gift and build the National Assembly building,   those today who stood to represent and swear  to serve the citizens and nation of Seychelles and its Institutions and interest. You would be standing in the sea,  swim or drown or use a boat or pontoon to say afloat.  For all the God faith and prayer I cannot see one of you standing on water/sea  and address our nation.

We take this opportunity to wish former president F A Rene well - in the norm, benchmark and best practice of High Interdisciplinary management discipline. Because with out him that  SIROP program would never have exited - by the way please not some earlier contents I  shared,  had the Justice and court to acquaint themselves of our complex Seychelles working issue they would have to build new jail facilities and execute very many individual for high crimes.  The Chinese and Russian government, their officials well aware of what we are writing here in real working of things and real  politic and economic working of Nation.

In addressing these,  the thought of a Dr Tony D'offay,  if he was alive or Judge Souyave if he was alive  and the Delhomme Family and many others - we have had a good education but we refuse to jettison the value of my great aunts and uncles,  they took tobacco snuff - in the USA, Russia, Germany,  France,  Italy  and rest of the world what this mean - we helped to manufacture them too.  Those who have a problem with our approach and manner of communication with our brothers and sisters in Seychelles take their bone and issue /argument to our great aunt and uncles who raised and is constantly by our side daily not you. Our ancestor had a saying that mountain have sex - yes mountain have sex/copulate  and we are trained and have some 35 years of experience,  knowledge in these fields and much more. You African best train psychiatric their reaction and yet in their countries their black craft an many other discipline and we have had to learn and acquire sufficient knowledge and capacity to impute and work with the African nations,  their leaders, institutions and interests again the past 35 years, India, China  and the Arab world.

Just like presidential candidate Donald Trump threw at Presidential candidate Clinton,  she does not have the stamina - you in that Seychelles do not know  what unholy four letter word we/I have to deal with and have been dealing across the world the past 35 years including the Arab world, Asia, Africa  and the Vatican.  Not to exclude the many international institutions.

“Thank you for your trust in me”- President Michel announces he will step down on October 16th

“Thank you for your trust in me”- President Michel announces he will step down on October 16th

We had not read or been informed of this historic development at the time of writing the above. 

In view of the mega UN summit on refuge and migrant, that of EU, including Vienna last  gathering - we had pressured outgoing President J A Michel to put into place legislation enabling the setting up of a Two tier Parliament which many countries have today - some progress were made. He set up instead new structures for the local government and that special committee - we knew it would not work, that was before the Presidential in 2015. Now that events have overtaken his government and the ruling party - a wise legacy would have been to commit his departing government to this project  - there in lay the safety of the nation, stability and securing his work. The political and social dynamic would have been much better - Mr Chritopher Gill support this concept, the officials of the British Seychelles parties have indicated they will support, what about Mrs Amsbury and ex minister Pat Pillay people. 

Prior to the 6th National Assembly the mood and political situation - the former speaker hold a very impressive back ground knowledge on a number of Nations two Tier Parliament working - he himself was being challenged by this topic and project whilst in Office - would not a wise decision to task him  with formulating the parameters and requirements for a start  and supported by the former Deputy speaker they have Right as Seychellois too instead of letting their knowledge go to wast. 

Patrick Herminie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Morning after the swearing in of the 6th National Assembly ad the negative buzz/vibes, we were receiving during the night. 

We can/could understand the position of the previous Assembly - they were dictated a line of policy/politic to adopt toward that historic SIROP program and they did, the speaker and deputy and may others. Their oppressive, exclusion and terrible Benchmark. 

During his Term of Office former Minister Pat Pillay  and the three supporting Ministers making his breakaway wing of the Party, they knew and must have known a very great deal about that SIROP program - again Party political politic, policy prevented them form taking a respective stand/position - what we wrote above.  In spite of it being the core cause of the break away,  they all refused to discuss and mentioned to the media, TV, Radio - the rally's leading to the Presidential and the Rally's leading to the national Assembly election.  Yet the people and citizens knew Seychelles is small.  What had they wanted to achieve. No political entity would form such a coalition/fusion  and not talk with one of the principal high party of that program in this case Mr Philippe Boule and some of the returning exile-refugees of Seychelles.  

Within and part/parcel of the speaker responsibility is to come to term, understand the many complex debacle of that SIROP program, other major political issue and challenge of the day - this fall upon his desk now and table and his Deputy. If he refuse to look into these the public/nation have a Right to demand his Resignation. He would be adopting a double standard. 

In the case of Hon Wavel Wankalawan as Leader of Opposition - the three previous time in Office and responsibilities, the communication and his refusal to acknowledge and explain to his Party and Executive the issue. Again one can argue because they were a minority not allowed to raised the issue in the Assembly - he is in coalition. His party reason/argument for getting rid of the SPPF/PL Assembly, their corrupted and double standards. 

As for Hon Decomarmond his duty given the allegation/accusation of corruption and abuse thrown at his Ruling Party now question the double standard being adopted by the new speaker and his Office and the Leader of the opposition.  The EU high Office, the UN, African Union, the Arab league, the  COI, the RIM Association, the BRICS, the Francophone and the Commonwealth watching.  

Note - the last bit of our thought - those who talk of them little Seychelles  and yet the publish - part publish content of that Program - the terrible mess the Italian Banks, Austrian and German have landed  linked to that program - in Seychelles ex Minister Pat Pillay and President J A Michel can make life difficult for us in Europe and rest of the world we can make them eat very humble pie with that program - our arguments the so call corruption scandal - the stink is far far bigger and they know it  and their attitude.  In Europe and the USA dealing with this kind of topic, politician mess up they land in the dustbin.  The current situation is linked to  many of the Banking issue - in the old Seychelles with $10 million those who could have toppled the government, with £/$ billion and Trillion at stake the fate of that small country and it people - the Arab nation know otherwise. They are watching us and some parties in Africa. Among the reason we had spent time in Berlin and Vienna and Netherlands working the issue of the last Presidential election in Seychelles. In Europe continent those who know,  well aware of what we are talking about and yet in the Seychelles.


Sixth National Assembly sworn in

With due respect and very deep concern for those two US citizen who lost their life - we address Mr Lewis Betsey above my comment event of 1996/7 the supper mess with our community in Europe, in London then the insult and lampoon by the many ethnic communities and the Irish communities at our performance, the world economic woes and Seychelles - we had just contributed to the RIM association issue - we mention this to explain the science. We worked the 2015 Presidential in Berlin - the Chinese government, the German Intelligence service. Had we more time would have taken contact with some of the parties if/had their been a Presidential change - the complete revamping restructuring of our national economy to Europe an the world working - BRICS. For a long time those from the Deutsche bank in London we have been in contact well aware of the many leverage and unreported dynamic by the media and experts working the big finance and market . some of the elite German politician aware and the EU Central Bank Head aware - I had expected a different reaction from those parties in Germany after the announcement of President JA Michel resignation, the three UN mega meeting was of little help - time is not going to wait. Mr Betsy will you accompany my person to Berlin - be witness to some of the meeting I will undertake take note and publish them, with due discretion - including meeting with the officials of the Deutsche Bank - this one of Germany leading Financial institution linked at the core of that SIROP program. If you are a person of your word and the issues at stake - that Seychelles Tanker fleet was a small memento and they had expected us to come back in respectable and serious way. As they say in German are we all going to do our trouser full. These are thematic way beyond the understanding of Minister Pat Pillay, Hon Wavel and our former Central Bank Chief - President FA Rene is aware, President J A Michel, them Arab from UAE and Qatar in the Know and well aware.    


    Seychelles tops list of most indebted nations          

 This is our 6th National Assembly after 40 years Birthday cake 29/9/16 - that portal project software provider Sainsbury and my birthday cake. We could imitate our grand son smash the cake up.