SIROP combine exile/refugee Program

SIROP combine exile/refugee Program
When will the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugees get Justice

Monday 12 April 2021

SBC | LIVE - TRNUC SESSION - HEARING 137 - 12.04.2021 (Part One) HRH Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh rest in Chapel Royal


Mr Weston Wirtz stated he was in England Hounslow 1988 and met Mr/Minister David Joubert and they had drinks together and what were talked and discussed. The Truth Commission,  the detail information of those group who had supported Minister Joubert had wanted to mount a coup, to apply extra pressure on FA Rene for changes then, not the first time the exiles  had from different position applied pressures, incidents and outcomes  -those who have testify before the Commission and the photo and the recordings. Minister Joubert knew about that SIROP program, we had share,  exchanges  information  and objective - he had been supportive of the concept - either to cause distraction or gain limelight that he was doing something, when the change came to take political mileage,  credit, better their position when we return home, get financial mean to restart and rebuild their interests in Seychelles and those  who had not been allowed in that SIROP program working the elite of the SNM/MPR then,  Mr Frichot and Mr Gabriel Hoareau and Mr Edmond Camille and the Straven family knowledge. 

In 1988, that SIROP program had been presented to President FA Rene, the party,  SPDF, The Russian from Gorbachev and the Generals knew of that program concept those from East Europe then, The USA intelligence, Pentagon and FBI, Senate then. The issues of Minister Ogilvy Berlouis and the Army, the issues of the OAU and the western and communist camp of the OAU, the mega then South African politic in Britain, Europe and that SIROP program.  In Mauritius then government and Madagascar and in Comore colonel Bob //Dennard and the south African military technician supporting that SIROP program , the Contract on my head if/should  that Program fails, was a con.  The USA, Britain, Israeli intelligence, Soviet,  China and India,  Australia then. Dr Ferrari, the Munich conference and again Minister David Joubert position, knowledge and supporting me against those who had wanted to take over that program Sir James Mancham and his people. The Meeting of the Alliance, Dutch government in Hounslow in the porto cabin and Mrs Kathleen Pillay, the Hooper and Horner and Monthy family position role and the election and vote my sister voting against me and Mr Lewis Betsey position. 

Very important events in Northern Ireland, Irish politicians linked  to that SIROP program and the Irish community in Brent who knew what was going on,  the Britain special police knowledge. The NGO and Voluntary Service in London and many other refugees communities linked to that program, the Solidarnos movement in London and Poland and those movement in East Europe still underground. The Labour party, the Trade Union. 

In London the House of Commons, the Lords and some of the issues politic and debate being leveraged, snergized by that SIROP program development, real politic, how British politic and legislation were debated, then  what got publish by the media, the same at the UN, the Commonwealth and the Francophone  and the CARRICOM and the OAU. 

Those getting unhappy this morning,  the royals institutions and establishment of Europe supporting that SIROP program the why, the former East Europe Kings and queen,  their people involvement in that program,  the Austrian Dr Hapsburg Pan Europe and the many 'Embassy in London very aware of what was going on. Those we had gone to talk with and address our situation, Vatican office in London, Scotland office in London. 

Vatican had become fully involved in the debacles and the catholic church in Seychelles,  the Adventist and  church of England. Some of the Illuminati Templar institutions supporting that program. Then Mr Giovanni Mario Ricci important role. Mitterrand and the French Masonic institution,  very unique role the Italians, the like of President Gadhafi, the Saddam Hussain knowledge of that program and involvement,  the Jordanian and the Saudi and the Lebanese. 

Prince Phillip  as the Queen husband and his unique position  as Husband ad his children and the Army and the  Navy, Indian Ocean then NATO - like Australia,  Canada,  how British politic get made is done and then we one is not allowed to write and talk about it . Mr Wirtz has talked a great deal, he ought no have talked of the in depth way the British and the institutions and system work . You sometime find a Seychellois idiot in the pub  - he is not just drinking a beer, he has learn many things from the pub community,  among them how the people in England get use and abused do take part and working issues and instance then every body deny,  say it never happened. They call this democratic values and system. 

In 1988 that SIROP program impact on the USA politic, the USSR, Europe, France , British, South Africa,  Australia,   the Arab nations and Africa,  did he observe any of that in the pub or the streets of London,  the Pan African congress issues and the nuance, the important buzz in then London and the collateral fallouts of the changes, in Africa and the Gulf region,  the media lies and distortions. 

What both Mr /Wirtz and Mr Ernesta failed to address the issue of the pub system in Britain and life in general,  how things get done and  the one is compel, threaten to deny they took place was involved,  the many instance the exile community with the British institution they intervened,  manipulated the mechanism and events and incidents took place in 'Seychelles as they did in other countries and they  deny it ever happened .  The whole purpose of that Truth Commission is to get at the bottom of /truth and for this they  are failing . 

We come back to the system  in UK -that SIROP program was like a giant cake in spite of we having initiated it,  the many big chunks and slices,  who got them and the why,  the big multinational, banks and politician in Britain and elsewhere we we get the small  slice,  the politic and dirty democracy at work,  then tell lies and deny this ever took place.  The construction industry and the long list, how they got driven and leveraged,  the big finance and market,  did Mr Wirtz observe those  - refusal to or his intellectual limit made it impossible. He has a great personality and have achieved much,  but he need to do more find out about that SIROP program,  what the issue were all about, why everybody  want to cover up at all cost it is not made public . 

The two of them,   - the core problematic for a politic change was the USA and Soviet Union,  capitalist and communist conflict not just Albert Rene and Mancham and those of us wishing to bring changes had to understanding or try very best to understand as much and what way we can influence  this that would in turn bring the due  wanted positive change,  for changing the situation,  the new politic for then Seychelles and the economy etc.,   Mr Wirtz failed to explain the state of Seychelles economy in 1986,  it was that SIROP program which created a massive leverage for the Seychelles economy with an economic program, package worth some 500 or 800 million dollar  in return for the return of multiparty and economic change,  the return of the exiles,  properties. He should have ask about those in Seychelles,  ought to have ask question,  inquire what happened and  why he has never done this. 

As Prince Phillip rest in the Chapel  Royal,  his ancestral Greek connection our Seychelles politic and regional politic, safe President FA Rene and his Greek politic , the very deep complex role of the royal family,  the Queens a head of the Commonwealth and Seychelles the Indian Ocean,  one is not supposed not criticize, mention,  say anything in public, the issue of the COI commission and the real fight to put in onto place nobody want to hear. Then we get the media lackies and others,  what they are paid, bribed, cajole to write and publish and highly educated personalities involved,  of the events in Seychelles and say the Commonwealth brought and cause multiparty to come about in Seychelles this is just lies and dishonest.

*** There are many who hold the view we ought to have had more written, documented protocol undertaking of FA Rene, His government, Party and others. It was the mechanism then 1986/87 in place to work such thematic and issues, as did many such changes and process in former East Europe, then 1086/87 onward, Africa, Latin america, North Africa, Asia. . The methods and manner the greater world works and many of the cross reference methods, possibilities in place available  to prove, verify that indeed this historic event, process took place. To those who insist - take a look at the EU Institutions and Britain over 30 years of Paper work and mountain of issues, conference, and Treaties negotiated until the Briteixt was initiated.  Today you ask very many British what the British relation, many highly important diplomatic issues, expertise and conclusion they will tell you it means nothing for /to us, we do not care cannot be bothered, do not want to know. It is up to bodies like the Truth Commission to shed light and help the nation, the  world understand what took place  - unlike Britexit that SIROP program is alive. The Seychelles have not exited the SIROP - NEOM program. In spite of the government of the day position,  Political stand.   Given this state, psychosis  the politicians who will use and abuse this to their advantages and claim, argue  this is Democracy at work

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